5 chats you don't want to miss from Educause
This year at Educause, Erick Jenkins, East Carolina University student and Pearson Campus Ambassador, and Jenn Rosenthal, community manager at Pearson, went behind the scenes to learn about what was top of mind for contributors to the best thinking in higher education IT.
Erick and Jenn spoke with digital learning advocates about the latest and greatest in digital learning and what exactly that means for students, educators, and institutions.
Together, they demystified Inclusive Access, discussed the importance of 21st century skills, engaged with cognitive tutor extraordinaire – IBM Watson, and dove into the world of AR and mixed reality.
Catch their interviews below and let us know what roles you see technology playing in the future (near or far) of education in the comments section.
Erick and Jenn talk with Jeff Erhlich, Director of Special Projects at Park University about what exactly Inclusive Access is (hint: it’s more than eText) and the benefits it brings to students, educators, and institutions.
What is Direct Digital Access?
We are sitting down to chat with Jeff Ehrlich, Park University Director of Special Projects, about Direct Digital Access. #edu17
Posted by Pearson on Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Jenn chats with Leah Jewell, Pearson’s Head of Career Development and Employability, about the Career Success Program and the importance of developing strong personal and social capabilities.
Chatting with Leah Jewell, Pearson's Head of Employability, about the Career Success Program.
Posted by Pearson on Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Erick gets a taste of how artificial intelligence can help students power through to success. Pearson’s Kaitlyn Banaszynski and Amy Wetzel introduce Erick to Watson – the cognitive tutor.
East Carolina University student & Pearson intern, Erick Jenkins, is chatting with Pearson colleagues & IBM Watson experts, Kaitlyn & Amy.
Posted by Pearson on Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Jenn and Erick examine virtual patient Dave through HoloPatient using Microsoft HoloLens and chat with Mark Christian, Pearson’s Global Director of Immersive Learning about how Pearson is using AR/VR to enhance learning.
Hololens & Immersive Learning Innovations
We are so excited to try out the HoloLens – an example of Pearson immersive technology – and chat with Pearson's Global Director of Immersive Learning, Mark Christian.
Posted by Pearson on Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Erick sits down with Jenn and talks about how technology has played a role in his college experience.
Student Perspective: Educational Technology
We are live at EDUCAUSE 2017 with Pearson intern and East Carolina University student, Erick, talking about how technology has played a role in his college experience! #EDU17
Posted by Pearson on Wednesday, November 1, 2017