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  • Katherine Sherwood Rawls, PhD, Professor of Biological Sciences, Florida State College at Jacksonville

    A Complete Lab Experience: Integrating Microbiology Techniques in Virtual Labs for Comprehensive Learning

    By Katie Rawls

    Nestled within Mastering Microbiology, Pearson Interactive Labs for Microbiology, or PILM, is an online suite of microbiology laboratory simulations designed to give students a complete, immersive virtual lab experience. Designed by faculty, like me, who primarily teach Microbiology to allied health students, we sought to transform the way students learn microbiology lab techniques and concepts by providing: 

    • A comprehensive, student-focused design 

    • An engaging, active learning platform 

    • Adaptive and accessible exercises 

    The resulting learning platform engages students with clinically relevant case studies, interactive content, and adaptive learning pathways, guiding them through comprehensive laboratory modules with feedback and critical thinking questions.  

    Development: How PILM came to be 

    Accuracy, scope of learning, and student appeal were essential in the design and function of PILM. The simulations underwent an iterative process to accurately capture laboratory concepts and techniques. As one of the initial authors, my design and development approach helped lay the foundation for additional simulations.  

    1. I identified key learning objectives as well as misconceptions, learning gaps, and experimental errors that I most commonly see in my in-person microbiology laboratory courses. The clinical hook was developed early during the design process as it was interwoven throughout the experiment and post-lab analysis sections of the simulation.  
    2. Working closely with a developmental editor, I created an initial draft that was reviewed internally and then sent to an editorial review board consisting of instructors from various colleges that represent both Pearson and non-Pearson users. These instructors provided feedback, focusing primarily on content fidelity.  
    3. After additional rounds of editing (both in-house and through our review board), I then collaborated with our design and production teams. I worked with the animation team to ensure authentic action during the simulation, the arthouse to ensure that our visual elements are pertinent and accurate, and visual designers who helped to provide visually engaging screens.  
    4. I integrated student feedback on the visual appeal and usability of the initial builds.  
    5. The lab was revised until I achieved a realistic, student-centered laboratory experience.  

    Unlike other laboratory simulations that focus on a single technique or concept, PILM embraces a multi-faceted approach, recognizing that microbiological techniques are interconnected and must be used together for experimental success. For example, in the Endospore Stain module, students perform a smear preparation from a solid culture. The smear preparation technique requires a thorough knowledge of aseptic techniques, including culture transfer. During this process, students are asked about the significance of heat-fixation, a concept covered in the Smear Preparation and Simple Staining module. While the primary focus of the Endospore Stain module is endospore staining, students must still remember how to correctly prepare a smear and understand why each step is critical, reinforcing the interconnectedness of important concepts and techniques. Thus, students receive a comprehensive learning experience, comparable to the interconnectedness of an in-person lab. 

    Active learning combined with career relevance 

    When I abruptly transitioned to online-only instruction due to pandemic lockdowns, I scrambled to find virtual laboratory simulations that could replace in-class laboratory exercises. The selection was limited and consisted of “cookbook” laboratory modules, where the student is given step-by-step instruction on how to complete the lab but does not have the ability to make mistakes or pause for reflection. While most students could follow these recipes to perform various microbiological tasks, few could discuss the relevance of the learned techniques or critically analyze various result outcomes. Thus, my goal with PILM was to design an active learning platform where students had to critically think through the scientific process, rather than mindlessly click through the simulation.  

    Learning science research studies have demonstrated the significance of introducing clinically relevant case studies before teaching laboratory skills and techniques. Case study-based labs allow students to see the relevance of their learned techniques while encouraging higher-order thought by incorporating critical thinking. Each laboratory module begins with a clinical hook to boost interest and engagement, offering career-based instruction.  

    Many of my microbiology students, particularly non-traditional undergraduates with multiple responsibilities, often cite limited study time as a barrier to learning. Active learning exercises help these students quickly grasp and master critical concepts. In the PILM platform, students actively learn by performing experiments, identifying common misconceptions, drawing conclusions from data, and answering critical thinking questions. During the Experiment section within the simulations, students encounter speed bumps, or pauses, where they reflect on newly learned skills, fostering a scientific mindset. This approach makes PILM an engaging, career-relevant, and efficient tool for mastering essential laboratory techniques. 

    A versatile tool for the evolving STEM classroom 

    The shift from physical classrooms to virtual learning environments has raised questions among educators about the feasibility of effectively teaching laboratory skills online. PILM addresses these concerns by offering a STEM learning solution that delivers technique-based laboratory instruction through an online platform. Using realistic animation and adaptive learning pathways, students can make and learn from mistakes in a way that is both efficient and engaging. When students make experimental errors within PILM, they receive immediate feedback for just-in-time remediation or delayed feedback at key steps, allowing them to visualize the consequences of their errors. I designed these critical feedback and reflective opportunities at moments where I have seen my students make mistakes in lab. For example, when teaching a Gram stain lab, I have seen students make mistakes during both smear preparation as well as the decolorization step. During the Gram stain simulation, students are given immediate feedback if they improperly heat-fix their specimen to the slide. Decolorization errors provide delayed feedback, as students follow distinct results outcome pathways based on the extent of decolorization and must use critical thinking skills to determine the cause of the unexpected result. I believe that critically evaluating an improperly stained specimen is just as important as completing the staining process correctly. This experiential learning approach ensures a comprehensive and authentic understanding of microbiology labs while addressing technical challenges that may arise during experimentation. 

    As a supplemental tool for face-to-face and hybrid learning modalities, PILM’s virtual labs can:  

    • be assigned before or after in-person labs to reinforce key course objectives, enabling students to preview techniques and grasp their clinical relevance, 

    • offer students a unique opportunity to learn techniques that may not be feasible in an in-person setting due to safety, budgetary, or time constraints, 

    • allow students to work with clinical samples typically off-limits in undergraduate labs, gaining the chance to perform career-relevant work.  

    This adaptability makes PILM a versatile tool for both the evolving STEM classroom and the digital-age learner. 


    Ready to incorporate PILM into your laboratory science curricula? Preview our amazing suite of innovative labs
  • How to use Technology to Help Students Master Complex Biological Concepts

    By Dr. James P. Lodolce

    One of the biggest challenges that I face in the classroom is helping my students make connections between the material I’m currently teaching, and concepts taught earlier in the course (or even in previous classes). As much as I would like to point out precisely how various concepts relate to one another, I simply don’t have the time to do this with any level of depth or detail. Instead, I often find myself saying things like “remember when we talked about DNA packaging?” or “this should remind you of when we discussed RNA transcription”. While it would be great to be able to present those connections in more detail, I am instead forced to leave it up to the student to work on making those connections independently.

    For years, I would introduce RNA transcription by casually stating that this process has a lot of similarities and differences when compared to DNA replication. However, when I would test my students on their ability to recognize those connections, they would struggle to do so. I then started to do a discussion exercise where I’d ask for students to give me a similarity or a difference between the two molecular pathways. With each one, I would use figures to emphasize each point. This takes about 15 minutes to complete, and it really has helped my students to not only understand these individual processes better, but also sharpens their ability to make connections between other concepts. It made me wonder if there might be an easier and more effective way to help students with this important skill.

    How do we “Make Connections” in Cell and Molecular Biology?

    When co-author Jeff Hardin and I sat down to discuss our priorities for the revisions of our textbook, Becker’s World of the Cell, we kept coming back to this idea of helping students make connections. We already had “Concept Check” questions in each chapter to test understanding of the material being presented, so we came up with the idea of strategically placing multiple “Make Connections” questions in each chapter as well. Our goal with these questions was to tie a concept in the current chapter back to one discussed earlier in the text. To help the student answer the question, each also contains a callback to a specific figure or section found previously in the book. Our vision is that when a student gets to one of these questions, they will pause and think critically about the connection being raised. For example, there is a question in Chapter 20 (see below) that asks the student to think about how a hairpin that includes the Shine-Delagarno sequence (a concept introduced in the current chapter) might affect the translation process (described in the previous chapter). The call-back listed in the question should prompt the student to look back at Figure 19-15 to help formulate their answer. 

  • Factory with cars being build my machines

    Human geography and the changing auto industry

    By Dr. James Rubenstein

    Human geography is the scientific study of where people and activities are found across Earth’s surface and the reasons why they are found there. A prominent feature on Earth’s surface is the presence of around 1.5 billion motor vehicles; around 85 million new motor vehicles are produced and sold annually worldwide. Around three-fourths of motor vehicles are produced and sold in only three regions of the world: Europe, North America, and China. The rest of the world accounts for around three-fourths of the global population but only around one-fourth of global vehicle production and sales.

  • Guy with a telescope looking up at the moon.

    Get Ready for the 2023 & 2024 U.S. Solar Eclipses!

    By Jeffrey Bennett

    No matter what your field of study, you probably remember the excitement of the 2017 total solar eclipse, which was the first in the US in nearly four decades. Tens of millions of people traveled to the path of totality, and the rest of the country saw a partial solar eclipse. Now we are approaching an even more exciting, back-to-back pair of US eclipses (shown on the map above):

    • Saturday, Oct. 14, 2023: The “warm-up” event: An annular solar eclipse, in which the Moon will not quite fully block the Sun (so that the Moon will be surrounded by a ring, or annulus, of sunlight).
    • Monday, April 8, 2024: The big event: A total solar eclipse following a path from Mexico up through Texas and toward the northeast. More than 30 million people live within the path of totality, and nearly half the U.S. population resides within a about a 5-hour drive of the path.

    Both eclipses will provide a great opportunity for educators everywhere — and in all disciplines — to take advantage of the excitement to promote education and outreach. The “all disciplines” comes about because eclipses are truly interdisciplinary events. For example, besides the obvious connection to astronomy, eclipses involve mathematics and statistics (in modeling how they occur and doing the necessary calculations to predict and understand them), social sciences and history (in considering the many impacts that eclipses have had on human civilization), the arts (prose, poetry, music, painting), and much more.

    This means that it is time to start planning for how you will take advantage of this great opportunity. For those of you teaching at the college level, consider taking the following four steps:

    1. Be sure you know where you are located relative to the eclipse paths. You can do this using the free app “Totality by Big Kid Science”, which you can download from the iOS or Android app stores. Based on your location, decide whether you will plan to stay put or travel to the eclipse paths.
    2. Also use the app to find the local time for each of the eclipses, and critically important: Because the total eclipse is on a Monday (April 8, 2024), ask your college to ensure that all students, faculty, and employees can be outside throughout the local eclipse. (The annular eclipse on 10/14/23 is a Saturday, so it should pose less of an issue.)
    3. Plan campus events for the eclipses. Most people find it more fun to watch the eclipse as part of a large group, plus this means you can have speakers to help explain what is happening (and how to watch safely) and to make interdisciplinary connections. You should also have your astronomy department (or anyone else with the necessary equipment) set up telescopes with solar filters for solar viewing.
      Note: It is very important to emphasize safe viewing of the eclipse; it will be very helpful if your campus can provide eclipse glasses for the event, but be sure you get the glasses only from a vendor that has been approved by the American Astronomical Society (see the “approved vendor list”).
    4. Look for outreach opportunities to ensure that the educational potential of the eclipses will be realized throughout your local community. For example, you might create a temporary “eclipse outreach club” that will give college students an opportunity to share their understanding and enthusiasm with local schools.

    Want to learn more? If you are teaching astronomy, be sure to see our updated section on eclipses in Chapter 2 of the new, 10th edition of The Cosmic Perspective.

  • Student working at a laptop computer

    Using Mastering Microbiology to Empower Student Learning

    By Warner B. Bair III, Ph.D.

    Mastering Microbiology is the online Learning Management System that accompanies the textbook Microbiology: An Introduction. Mastering Microbiology is packed full of instructor friendly resources that aid in student learning and understanding. These resources give students 24/7 access to learning opportunities, allowing them to take ownership of their learning. The Mastering Microbiology resources range from providing students with important background knowledge, to adaptive study tools, to clinical based applications of Microbiology. The resources in Mastering Microbiology are pedagogically focused to provide clear explanations of complex concepts and to engage learners in the material by providing practical applications of microbiology concepts.

    The Mastering Microbiology resources available for Microbiology: An Introduction include:

    In The Clinic Videos: These videos bring to life the scenarios of the “In the Clinic” features that open every chapter. The videos introduce a microbial disease and ask questions linking microbiology concepts to disease pathology. This helps students transfer their knowledge of microbiology to clinically relevant settings.

    Pedagogy – The “In the Clinic” Videos are designed to take concepts found in the disease chapters towards the end of the book and move them forward in the class, introducing disease pathology in concert with the microbiology that explains the how and why behind the pathology. This connection between microbiology and disease pathology occurs in a clinical setting highlighting how microbiology understanding can be transferred to patient care. These real-world examples engage learners and help students develop critical thinking skills.

    How to Assign – These assignments can be assigned after class to allow students to apply the new information they have learned. These assignments can also be used in class to provide active learning and/or peer to peer learning in class. An instructor can show the first part of the video and ask students to hypothesize answers to the questions. This will provide a scaffold for student learning while the instructor lectures over the content. Later on, the class can come back to the videos to see content application and spark classroom discussion. In an online setting, instructors can assign these after chapter reading assignments to apply and assess knowledge students have gained.

    MicroBoosters: MicroBoosters are a suite of brief video tutorials that cover key background concepts students may need to review or relearn prior to diving into more complex microbiology content.

    Pedagogy – Complex microbiology concepts often build from prior knowledge based in biology and chemistry. In a one semester Microbiology class, instructors are pressed for time to cover all of the microbiology concepts in detail, and they may not have time to cover all the background material as well. The MicroBooster video tutorials allow students to learn and review key background knowledge, ensuring they come to class prepared.

    How to Assign – MicroBoosters can be assigned before class to give students the background knowledge they need for lecture topics. Assigning Microboosters before class allows the instructor to review student grades prior to class to determine if students know the needed background information for the lecture. In an online setting, Microboosters can be used either as a warmup before chapter content is assigned, or at the start of the class in a background introduction module.

    Interactive Microbiology: Interactive Microbiology is a dynamic suite of interactive tutorials and animations that teach key microbiology concepts. Students actively engage with each topic and learn by manipulating variables, predicting outcomes, and answering assessment questions.

    Pedagogy – Interactive Microbiology takes a scaffolding approach to presenting complex materials. This concept allows different microbiology concepts to build on one another, helping students to understand the answers to questions and mimic the type of thought process that would occur clinically. Each module starts with a case study to provide students with a real-world hook that increases interest and engagement. The activities use state-of-the-art animations to bring cell biology concepts to life and ask questions that allow students to own their learning and connect microbiology concepts to clinical applications. Interactive Microbiology helps to bridge the core concepts of microbiology like morphology, genetics, and metabolism, with the more advanced concepts of microbiology like pathology, immunology, and pharmacology in a realistic manner that makes the learning genuine.

    How to Assign – Interactive Microbiology assignments can be assigned as post-lecture material, reinforcing and providing application for lecture content. These assignments can also be used to introduce upcoming lecture concepts, helping students connect basic knowledge with more advanced concepts.

    Micro Lab Explorations: Micro Lab Explorations are branching style lab activities that use a Choose Your Own Adventure™ approach to teach lab techniques and concepts. These decision-tree style lab exercises present a clinically based scenario that walks students through the process of using microbiology lab knowledge to solve clinical problems.

    Pedagogy – Decision-tree style lab exercises are designed to increase student ownership and interactivity in online environments, by allowing students to engage in the narrative of the lesson. Students are not just passively watching content, but rather directing the path of the content, answering questions, and learning from their mistakes in a low-stakes environment. These activities also help students develop critical thinking skills by linking microbiology concepts and lab techniques with clinical applications.

    How to Assign – Because Micro Lab Explorations contain videos on how to perform certain lab techniques, they are perfect to assign as pre-labs prior to in-person or virtual labs. Students will not only see the proper way to perform lab techniques but will also learn about the concepts behind the lab and how these lab techniques are used to aid in clinical diagnosis.

    Interactive Labs: Interactive Labs for Microbiology is a suite of online microbiology lab simulations. These interactive labs allow students to perform lab techniques virtually, while receiving guided feedback.

  • Illustration of human torso showing musculature and internal organs with a focus on the heart, lungs, and major vessels.

    PAL 4.0: Your virtual accomplice in enhanced A&P learning

    By Ruth Heisler

    Practice Anatomy Lab, or PAL 4.0, is a virtual anatomy lab study and practice tool created by faculty (like me) who teach Anatomy and A&P courses to undergraduates at 2-year & 4-year institutions. It is included within Mastering A&P at no extra cost. Conveniently located in the Study Area, it provides students with 24/7 lab access to the most widely used lab specimens and is inclusive of the most common materials used to teach gross anatomy: human cadavers, anatomical models, histology, cat, and fetal pig. What makes PAL 4.0 a secret weapon in your students’ learning journey is the intentional and helpful extras that promote active learning and encourage students to practice using tools such as:

    • Built-in audio pronunciations. For students and faculty alike! Latin and Greek-based anatomical terms aren’t easy. Make sure you are saying them correctly.
    • Muscle Origin, Insertion, Action animations. These focused animations make it easier to visualize where muscles are attached to the bone, and what the action looks like.
    • Flashcards. Customizable and a student favorite!
    • Practice quizzes. Multiple-choice format. The instructor bank has hundreds of different questions if you want to create a practice or for-credit quiz.
    • Practice lab practicals. Fill-in-the-blank format. The instructor bank has hundreds of different questions if you want to create a practice or for-credit practical.
    • 3D Interactive Models. Students can rotate 360°, remove structures, select to see names, and view side-by-side model/cadaver images for comparison. Each of the 30 models is a tour through a system (or part of a system) and allows students to explore and manipulate.
    • Instructor resources. Looking for an image from PAL that is fully labeled? Want to be able to edit those labels and move the leader lines? Show one of the animations in your lecture? Or maybe you just want an image of a single structure highlighted? Downloadable instructor resource files have all of this and more in editable PowerPoints, making it easy to incorporate into a lecture presentation, create a worksheet, or add to one of your LMS assignments.

    PAL 4.0 nudges students to take control of their own learning by implementing more effective learning strategies that activate different areas of the brain. And we know that utilizing different parts of the brain is an important part of the learning process.
    Intrigued by what it has to offer but overwhelmed by trying to figure out how to incorporate it into your course? Here are some suggestions. (Pro tip: pick just one to start with to see how it works for your class and your style of teaching.)

    Integrate images into your lectures and assignments. Screen shots and editable labeled images are available for every image and highlighted structure by downloading the PAL 4.0 instructor resource files. You can use these images in a multitude of ways: add to your lecture presentation, create a worksheet, or include as part of a quiz or assignment in your course LMS.

    Create and assign pre- or post-lab quizzes in Mastering A&P. Mastering A&P has an extensive test bank that includes hundreds of multiple-choice quiz questions, all of which feature an image from PAL. These questions can easily be selected to create a quiz within Mastering A&P. Assigning the quiz and syncing the grade is easy to do through your LMS.

    Create and assign lab practicals in Mastering A&P, for practice or credit. Students love the opportunity to practice. Mastering A&P has an extensive test bank that includes hundreds of fill-in-the-blank questions, all of which feature an image from PAL. These questions can easily be selected to create a practical within Mastering A&P. This can be created as a practice assignment or assigned for a grade. Syncing graded assignments with your LMS gradebook is easy to do!

    The jigsaw method: encourage students to teach each other. This is a favorite of mine. Students are broken into two or three groups, and each group is assigned a portion of the structures from the weekly lesson to learn before they come to lab. They do this using PAL 4.0. Using the test bank that already exists in Mastering, a short pre-lab quiz can be created to hold them accountable. Once they are in lab, they are paired with someone from the other group and must teach each other the material. As we all know, having to teach someone else is a powerful way to learn!

    Use the interactive 3D models in class. Why show static, 2D images in lecture when you can use a 3D model? I love the way these models can be easily rotated, structures can be removed, and relationships of structures can be better demonstrated. Students can access these 3D models in PAL to review and study. Each model is a series of 3D images that can be manipulated and take you on a tour through a body system or portion of a body system. You really should check these out.

    Use Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Action animations in your lecture or recitation. I will confess to occasionally accessing these animations when I have a hard time explaining an action to a student. Whether you use plastic models, human cadavers, or cats in your lab, it can be extremely hard to see where exactly the muscle originates from and/or where it inserts. These animations isolate a single muscle so all of this is easy to visualize, and then shows and narrates the movement. There are also a series of videos specific to the major synovial joints that demonstrate the muscles involved in movement at that specific joint.

    Impromptu “how to pronounce” breaks during lecture or lab. I frequently use this feature to settle arguments as to the “right way” to pronounce a specific structure. Whether it is a colleague or a student that isn’t quite sure, it is easy to click on the name of a structure in PAL and hear the pronunciation. These pronunciations were all carefully vetted by my eloquent co-author Dr. Nora Hebert.

    Make up assignments or provide extra credit. The last few years have taught us to expect the unexpected. PAL 4.0 can help. If a student has an excused absence or if a weather closure (or pandemic) cancels lab, assigning students to review structures in PAL combined with a quiz or lab practical created in Mastering A&P can replace the missed work.

    Beef up your online course. Prior to COVID, I would have told you it wasn’t possible to successfully teach an anatomy course in an online format. Well, I proved myself wrong. We are fortunate to have resources that make it possible for students to have virtual access to resources that support their learning in an online environment. PAL 4.0 is a perfect tool for helping students learn anatomy and, paired with the assessment tools available in Mastering A&P, provides the perfect partner to your online course.

    Independent & supplemental learning. A favorite feature of students is the ability to create their own flashcards. Additionally, faculty can create a customized list of structures for students to review in PAL 4.0, and then create questions in Mastering around this list.

    There are so many ways PAL 4.0 can be incorporated into your course to better support students’ learning. Have you thought of other ways to use PAL 4.0? We would love to hear about it!

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    Social justice in the physical science classroom

    By Amy Byron

    “Ugh, when am I ever going to use this?” As an educator, how many times have you heard that question? We are living in a time of change. Changes in education, policy, standards and culture are just a few that we’re all struggling through. I enjoy incorporating current news in my lectures and weaving in my students’ everyday life experiences with what I teach. How can we, as educators, help students make new schema and fit it together with their current world view?

    It seems now, more than in the past, these news items carry more weight. If you haven’t taken a close look at your curricular choices lately, it’s worth a revisit.

    Personally, I don’t care if my students become chemistry majors. What I do care about is creating students who have a wider world view and can approach problems with a critical mind to make the world a better place. Before tackling social justice topics in the classroom, however, I need to ensure the proper foundation is in place.

    The foundation

    I haven’t seen any state or university standards with social justice topics embedded in them, especially for the physical sciences. This means I’m going to have to pick and choose which topics are relevant to my curriculum, and which are appropriate for discussion in my classroom. Before you get started looking at topics, ask yourself these questions:

    1. Which topics do I feel comfortable serving as an impartial moderator?
    2. Do I personally have enough background information on this topic to serve as an arbiter of truth?
    3. Discussion of some topics inevitably leads to frank discussions of topics like privilege, poverty, and inequity. Am I comfortable discussing this with students?

    In addition to choosing the right topics for my students, I also need to create a safe learning environment, so my students feel free to discuss a topic from multiple angles without the fear of retribution or judgement. They need to know that their thoughts are valued. Consider the following:

    • When discussing famous scientists (or authors, or explorers, or…) is there only one narrative being presented? In science, the books seem to be dominated by old white men. I enjoy discussing why that is, and who the underrepresented are.
    • Ask students questions with no correct answer and let them discuss various viewpoints. For example, why do we learn about the history of the atom? How much radiation exposure is acceptable to the average human?

    If you think of a question organically while lecturing, pose it to the class. Let them work out the different sides of the issue and take a stand on which they feel is best. As an instructor, I see my role as asking follow-up and probing questions to challenge my students and move dialogue forward.

    Finding a topic

    We can’t cover everything, so we need to find topics which lend themselves well to subjects already covered in our curriculum. Here are a few examples I’ve used in the past with my chemistry classes:

    Flint Water Crisis

    • Solubility
    • Oxidation/reduction
    • Heavy metal toxicity
    • Remediation

    Testing for Banned Substances in Sports

    • Chemical reactions
    • False positive rates and their impact on the lives of athletes
    • Natural vs. unnatural levels of normally occurring chemicals in the body and who sets the benchmark for what is deemed “illegal”

    5G Safety

    • Electromagnetic spectrum
    • Wave characteristics
    • Energy
    • How cell phones work

    Nuclear Byproducts at Bikini Atoll, Fukushima, and Chernobyl

    • Nuclear fission
    • Decay products
    • Half-life
    • Dosage
    • Environmental concerns

    Microplastics in the Ocean

    • Decomposition
    • Remediation
    • Separation of matter

    Clean Water and Sanitation Issues

    • Separation of matter
    • Decomposition
    • Chemical testing
    • Engineering and materials design

    Your vision

    How do you envision leading your students through the analysis of a multifaceted topic? There are many ways to do this as there are topics. Here are a few I personally enjoy:

    Group Discussion or Socratic Seminar

    Having students prepare ahead of time is critical for an engaging discussion. I generally have my students write out their ideas and thoughts as a homework assignment prior to the discussion so that they have a position developed which is supported in fact.

    Mock Trial

    Have student take different roles based on their opinions and desires. Have the different sides to the argument present, and ultimately the jurors (other classmates) will make a decision on who made the most compelling case.

    Snowball Discussion

    Students will form groups in pairs and discuss the issue. After a set amount of time, the pairs will form groups of four and discuss again. After some time, the groups of four will combine into groups of eight and so on until the entire class is one big group.

    Writing Prompt

    Most Learning Management Systems have a feature that allows for a question to be asked, without students viewing other student responses until they submit. I like this type of framing because limiting student exposure to other ideas will ensure that what they write is truly their position, without the sway of other ideas.

    Laboratory Exercise

    For some of the topics I mentioned earlier, students can move their ideas into the laboratory to develop cost-efficient ways to solve real-world problems. For example, students can design a field test for water quality, creation of drainage covers that allow for efficient cleaning and reduction of pollution from run-off, or design methods to turn human waste into fertilizer.

    Wrap things up in a bow

    Once you are done exploring an issue, there should be some sort of resolution. That does not mean that a side needs to be taken, or that something needs to be called “right” or “wrong.” Students inherently always want to know the answer to a question.

    “How many covalent bonds are there in one water molecule?”

    But some questions don’t have a concrete or finite answer.

    “What does the atom look like?”

    It’s those questions that are much more difficult. We have a good approximation, but no definite answer. The same can be said of social justice issues. Encourage your students to look at issues from all sides and do their best to understand the perspectives of others. When there are no correct answers, my best hope for my students is to base their conclusions on concrete data and to take the lead in making the world a better place for all.