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    The Impact of Mastering at Clemson University: A Spotlight on Professor John Cummings

    By Kristin Marang

    John Cummings is a senior lecturer in the Department of Biological Science at Clemson University. He’s an award-winning educator who has furthered the use of innovative technology at Clemson. He also gets shout-outs from Clemson students on TigerNet message boards. According to one commentor, “John Cummings for Anatomy and Physiology is pretty awesome.”

    John currently teaches Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II, and a lot of the nursing students in his classes go on to take the MCAT. Many of those students report back to John that the work they did in his A&P class had a positive impact on their MCAT scores.

    “I know from unsolicited note cards and emails that I’m getting from students,” John explains, “that their highest portion on the MCAT was the bio because of what happened in Anatomy and that they’re feeling really positive. And that’s because of the foundation that’s there. What we’re teaching them to do is be independent learners.”

    Improving student performance

    John was an early adopter of Pearson’s Mastering® A&P digital learning platform and has a vivid memory of the first time his Pearson sales rep did a Mastering demo for him. “I was on board immediately,” he recalls, “because it saved me from having to do a lot of the stuff that I had been doing in putting together my own things, [with the] automatic grading and all of that sort of stuff. It’s one of those things that can really sell itself.”

    From that first demo, John says that Mastering appealed to him “because it’s conveniently accessible.” He felt it would add elements to his courses, benefiting him and his students. “If it doesn’t do something for my students,” he adds, “I'm not going to maintain it in my class.”

    John kept a critical eye on progress as he implemented Mastering into his courses at Clemson, and the impact was obvious from the first semester. “There was a tremendous improvement in student performance that first year,” he explains.

    Instructors are able to see how much time a student spends on a question in Mastering, an insight that John feels gives him a sense of which students are truly answering a question versus letting a quick Google search find the answer for them. “Initially, when I first adopted it,” he recalls, “the people who significantly worked through the Mastering assignments saw about a seven percent increase in performance on examinations.”

  • Four college students sitting together in a library and having a friendly conversation.

    How to write and teach with diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in mind

    By Judi Nath

    As a publishing company, Pearson has made a commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). In fact, these values are so important that the opening pages of their digital and print texts make it clear by stating, “Pearson is dedicated to creating bias-free content that reflects the diversity, depth, and breadth of all learners’ lived experiences.” As you read that statement, what thoughts or images come to mind? As an intellectual exercise, what do you think this means for authors who produce content and for professors who teach the content?

    Let me share my lived experience as a textbook author and teaching professor. Although diversity, equity, and inclusion are hot-button topics across the social/political/educational landscape, as a science writer and teacher, the collective subject has always been at the fore of anatomy and physiology education. Accessibility has also been front-and-center not only in writing, but also in the classroom. Before getting too far along in this blog, let’s begin by defining some terms to be sure we’re approaching the topic from the same framework. Then, I’ll provide specific examples of each within the context of textbook writing.


    As biologists, we know that biodiversity is the variety and variability of life on Earth. Biodiversity is measured at the genetic, species, and ecosystem levels. In terms of our every-day lives, diversity is measured in many of the same ways; however, without an underlying understanding of biology, its meaning gets lost in the so-called culture wars. When we look at a group of people, our genetics make us different and yet the same because we all belong to the same human species. Along with our genetic traits, where we reside, environmental factors, and who is represented within individual and group populations contributes to our range of differing biological, sexual, social, ethnic, cultural, physical, and personal states of being.

    To illustrate diversity in textbooks, it’s easy to use our own students as guides. This means that when drawing figures or inserting photos, we make concerted efforts to represent people across the human spectrum. That spectrum is rich with various physical characteristics, chronological ages, and representations of people on the planet. This is markedly obvious by reading the 1000+ pages of text; plus, students are repeatedly reminded with each chapter opener page, enticing them to also read the Learning Outcomes.


    Equity is the quality of being fair, just, and impartial. It means respecting others as humans and making a commitment toward righting wrongs and allowing all to share in the available resources.

    Showing equity in textbooks is a little more nuanced because it is not a “pointable” touchstone on a page. Rather, it occurs in such areas as textbook pricing and availability. With textbook subscription services and textbook rental options, more students can attain important learning resources. And, students are able to contact the author directly through social media.


    Inclusion means that everyone has a “seat at the table,” individuals feel represented, and each person can participate fully, which includes having a role in decision-making processes. In textbooks we can achieve this when writing by making sure that our language and imagery consider all humans. We do this by ensuring that we are sensitive to the history and daily lived experiences of our readership and students. For example, give thought to these two sentences:

    When you cross your leg, you are using the sartorius muscle.

    When you look through a microscope, you will see muscle striations.

    If we really are committed to DEI and accessibility, we must think about people who are unable to cross their legs due to paralysis or who cannot see because of blindness. To that end, such sentences were revised to the following:

    The sartorius muscle enables a person to cross their legs.

    When viewing skeletal muscle slides through a microscope, the stripes are known as striations.


    Accessibility involves giving everyone equal access to educational materials and academic spaces without compromising their learning. Educators have been fully aware of course accommodations, which are in place for students who require individualized learning plans. We provide alternative ways to achieve course requirements. Many of these reasonable accommodations are mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. In writing the latest edition of Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, particular attention was given to color palettes, leader lines, fonts, and text flow on the page and on the screen. Moreover, we were constantly cognizant of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to ensure that our digital content was accessible to individuals with various disabilities.

    To make figures easier to understand for visually-impaired individuals and to provide greater clarity on the page, background colors have been removed in many figures, such as Figures 2-23, 19-11, 23-20, and 24-11. Moreover, shapes, such as triangles or squares, and letters were also added to colorized circles in process figures. This makes it easier to identify processes by something other than round, colorized objects. Figure 24-14 is a good example in which active transport is represented by a black triangle within a blue circle, and countertransport is represented by a black square within a pink circle. Within Figure 26-9, water arrows are marked with the letter “W.” The letter “A” within a yellow circle represents aldosterone-regulated pumps in Figure 26-13. Figure 26-12 maintains the transport key from Figure 24-14 and adds a black circle within a green circle to represent cotransport. These keys are consistent throughout the text.

    As I write, more than 30 anti-DEI bills were introduced across the United States. Such legislation is aimed at limiting, eliminating, or prohibiting DEI programs and resources on college campuses. Yet, as a professor and textbook author, I know that being aware of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility leads to better teaching, informed writing, and an enhanced educational experience. While biology is the study of life, the study of anatomy and physiology places our shared humanity into the context of science. And, that includes topics of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.

  • Illustration of human torso showing musculature and internal organs with a focus on the heart, lungs, and major vessels.

    PAL 4.0: Your virtual accomplice in enhanced A&P learning

    By Ruth Heisler

    Practice Anatomy Lab, or PAL 4.0, is a virtual anatomy lab study and practice tool created by faculty (like me) who teach Anatomy and A&P courses to undergraduates at 2-year & 4-year institutions. It is included within Mastering A&P at no extra cost. Conveniently located in the Study Area, it provides students with 24/7 lab access to the most widely used lab specimens and is inclusive of the most common materials used to teach gross anatomy: human cadavers, anatomical models, histology, cat, and fetal pig. What makes PAL 4.0 a secret weapon in your students’ learning journey is the intentional and helpful extras that promote active learning and encourage students to practice using tools such as:

    • Built-in audio pronunciations. For students and faculty alike! Latin and Greek-based anatomical terms aren’t easy. Make sure you are saying them correctly.
    • Muscle Origin, Insertion, Action animations. These focused animations make it easier to visualize where muscles are attached to the bone, and what the action looks like.
    • Flashcards. Customizable and a student favorite!
    • Practice quizzes. Multiple-choice format. The instructor bank has hundreds of different questions if you want to create a practice or for-credit quiz.
    • Practice lab practicals. Fill-in-the-blank format. The instructor bank has hundreds of different questions if you want to create a practice or for-credit practical.
    • 3D Interactive Models. Students can rotate 360°, remove structures, select to see names, and view side-by-side model/cadaver images for comparison. Each of the 30 models is a tour through a system (or part of a system) and allows students to explore and manipulate.
    • Instructor resources. Looking for an image from PAL that is fully labeled? Want to be able to edit those labels and move the leader lines? Show one of the animations in your lecture? Or maybe you just want an image of a single structure highlighted? Downloadable instructor resource files have all of this and more in editable PowerPoints, making it easy to incorporate into a lecture presentation, create a worksheet, or add to one of your LMS assignments.

    PAL 4.0 nudges students to take control of their own learning by implementing more effective learning strategies that activate different areas of the brain. And we know that utilizing different parts of the brain is an important part of the learning process.
    Intrigued by what it has to offer but overwhelmed by trying to figure out how to incorporate it into your course? Here are some suggestions. (Pro tip: pick just one to start with to see how it works for your class and your style of teaching.)

    Integrate images into your lectures and assignments. Screen shots and editable labeled images are available for every image and highlighted structure by downloading the PAL 4.0 instructor resource files. You can use these images in a multitude of ways: add to your lecture presentation, create a worksheet, or include as part of a quiz or assignment in your course LMS.

    Create and assign pre- or post-lab quizzes in Mastering A&P. Mastering A&P has an extensive test bank that includes hundreds of multiple-choice quiz questions, all of which feature an image from PAL. These questions can easily be selected to create a quiz within Mastering A&P. Assigning the quiz and syncing the grade is easy to do through your LMS.

    Create and assign lab practicals in Mastering A&P, for practice or credit. Students love the opportunity to practice. Mastering A&P has an extensive test bank that includes hundreds of fill-in-the-blank questions, all of which feature an image from PAL. These questions can easily be selected to create a practical within Mastering A&P. This can be created as a practice assignment or assigned for a grade. Syncing graded assignments with your LMS gradebook is easy to do!

    The jigsaw method: encourage students to teach each other. This is a favorite of mine. Students are broken into two or three groups, and each group is assigned a portion of the structures from the weekly lesson to learn before they come to lab. They do this using PAL 4.0. Using the test bank that already exists in Mastering, a short pre-lab quiz can be created to hold them accountable. Once they are in lab, they are paired with someone from the other group and must teach each other the material. As we all know, having to teach someone else is a powerful way to learn!

    Use the interactive 3D models in class. Why show static, 2D images in lecture when you can use a 3D model? I love the way these models can be easily rotated, structures can be removed, and relationships of structures can be better demonstrated. Students can access these 3D models in PAL to review and study. Each model is a series of 3D images that can be manipulated and take you on a tour through a body system or portion of a body system. You really should check these out.

    Use Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Action animations in your lecture or recitation. I will confess to occasionally accessing these animations when I have a hard time explaining an action to a student. Whether you use plastic models, human cadavers, or cats in your lab, it can be extremely hard to see where exactly the muscle originates from and/or where it inserts. These animations isolate a single muscle so all of this is easy to visualize, and then shows and narrates the movement. There are also a series of videos specific to the major synovial joints that demonstrate the muscles involved in movement at that specific joint.

    Impromptu “how to pronounce” breaks during lecture or lab. I frequently use this feature to settle arguments as to the “right way” to pronounce a specific structure. Whether it is a colleague or a student that isn’t quite sure, it is easy to click on the name of a structure in PAL and hear the pronunciation. These pronunciations were all carefully vetted by my eloquent co-author Dr. Nora Hebert.

    Make up assignments or provide extra credit. The last few years have taught us to expect the unexpected. PAL 4.0 can help. If a student has an excused absence or if a weather closure (or pandemic) cancels lab, assigning students to review structures in PAL combined with a quiz or lab practical created in Mastering A&P can replace the missed work.

    Beef up your online course. Prior to COVID, I would have told you it wasn’t possible to successfully teach an anatomy course in an online format. Well, I proved myself wrong. We are fortunate to have resources that make it possible for students to have virtual access to resources that support their learning in an online environment. PAL 4.0 is a perfect tool for helping students learn anatomy and, paired with the assessment tools available in Mastering A&P, provides the perfect partner to your online course.

    Independent & supplemental learning. A favorite feature of students is the ability to create their own flashcards. Additionally, faculty can create a customized list of structures for students to review in PAL 4.0, and then create questions in Mastering around this list.

    There are so many ways PAL 4.0 can be incorporated into your course to better support students’ learning. Have you thought of other ways to use PAL 4.0? We would love to hear about it!

  • woman sitting on a couch with her laptop and book taking notes, a boy sat on the couch with a pad in his hands

    Terry’s story: A timely teacher-student connection

    By Terry Austin

    Understanding that your students are more than just a grade is one thing; going the extra step to show them you care about them as people is another entirely.

    Dr. Terry Austin has been an instructor at Temple College in Temple, Texas for more than 15 years, during which time he’s championed the use of digital learning platforms in his biology and A&P classes.

    Terry found out just how important these resources can be for him and students — and for a reason you might not expect.

    Warning signs

    During his Anatomy & Physiology class, Terry noticed something odd about one of his student’s Early Alerts reports within the Mastering® A&P platform.

    Crista had been doing well. Really well. Her first exam score was in the mid-90s and all her work in the course was great. His dashboard showed her solidly in the green or “low-risk” category. But that unexpectedly changed.

    “All of a sudden, kind of out of nowhere, she seemed to fall off a cliff,” said Terry. “She fell pretty quickly into the yellow (medium-risk) and even red (high-risk) category, and it felt like there must be something else going on.”

    Normally, you’d expect a noticeable drop in grade to trigger an alert, but this was something different.

    “Her Mastering grade didn’t really drop at all, but Early Alerts noticed something going on. That’s what really triggered me to want to reach out. It felt like talking to her was probably the best idea.”

    The human connection

    Crista was a little shocked to receive Terry’s call.

    “Her reaction when I first reached out was a little bit of a startle. I don’t think she was expecting to get a phone call from her professor,” said Terry. “She was almost in tears when I answered — she was really concerned.”

    After reassuring her that her grade was just fine, he explained that there was an alert in Mastering telling him that something might be amiss.

    He soon found out what that was.

    Crista and her husband had been in the hospital the previous weekend with their son, who had broken his arm. A surgery and complications had kept her there for several days. Her husband had brought her laptop to the hospital, and she tried to keep up with her coursework while sitting anxiously beside her son’s bed.

    It also became clear why the system had created an alert for Crista.

    "She was distracted,” said Terry. "Her correct on first try score dropped, the attempts it took her to get the correct answers rose, but her grade stayed solid.”

    That’s what triggered an “aha” moment for Terry.

    “If I was looking at nothing but her grade, I never would’ve known anything was going on. The ability to see the need to make an outreach really was empowering.”

    Crista’s reaction to his reaching out to make a connection with her as a person — not just a student — drove that feeling home, and also made her see Terry as something more than just a teacher. It went beyond just gratitude.

    "It really did seem like a gushing appreciation that somebody seemed to care enough to make sure she was OK.”

    With great power...

    Terry now likens his experience to a popular comic book trope.

    “For me, it did feel like that super power moment. I got that ability to see into a troubled moment in her life, I got the chance to reach out, and I guess — maybe more importantly — I took that chance.”

    Not only was he able to reassure Crista that her grade was all right, but he was able to reassure himself that she was all right.

    “Her grades were fine — I knew she was OK as a student — but I also knew looking at that shift from green to yellow — something had caused that to happen. It felt really nice being able to reach out and know that she was OK.”

    Terry says that this experience did truly change the way he looks at his students.

    “It’s a reminder for me that my students are far more than just their grades. It was an insight and really an awakening that there’s more going on with my students than just that grade in the moment. It’s a reminder that there’s a person behind that grade, it’s not just a number.”

    He finds that this technology is like having a window to peek through; to have an idea whether everything is all right, or whether he might need to reach out again.

    As for that feeling of having a super power?

    “It's one of those moments that kind of comes with great responsibility. And it would be nice to think instructors don’t ignore the opportunity being handed to them.”

    Learn more about the Early Alerts technology in this story.