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  • Revel’s virtual simulations foster engagement in asynchronous courses

    By Mandy Gonzales

    At the University of Houston, teaching fellow Jelisa Boykin is using Revel® to create a meaningful and interactive learning experience for her asynchronous courses. Revel’s features, including its unique and interactive assignments and its intuitive interface, facilitate the structuring of a successful class and make it Boykin’s go-to platform. 


    Arguably the most compelling feature of Revel for Boykin is MyVirtualLife, which provides students with an immersive simulation of actual life experiences. For example, MyVirtualChild is a child-raising simulation that provides students with invaluable insight into how different parenting choices can impact a child’s development. This helps students conceptualize how the theories they learn in the classroom apply to real-life situations.  

    “MyVirtualChild and MyVirtualLife are really connected to a real-life application that I feel is much better than assigning papers,” says Boykin. “You really have to live this out and see the effects and consequences of what happens to your child as they experience things you choose.”   

    The content provided in MyVirtualLife is not only accurate and relevant, it is taught in a manner that is more immersive and impactful than traditional means of instruction. This creates an unparalleled learning experience, wherein the student is able to absorb the material through application, rather than just memorization. 

    Performance Dashboard 

    Boykin also mentions Revel’s Performance Dashboard as one of the best features for teaching. The dashboard enables Boykin to easily assess individual students’ performances. Using this feature, Boykin is able to zero-in on struggling students and provide personalized support to each one. 

    “It lets me cover my bases that, as an instructor, I’ve done my due diligence of reaching out,” she says. “I just never want a student to fail when I see them struggling.”   

    The Revel Dashboard also tracks the engagement levels of each class. Boykin finds this particularly useful when evaluating the success of her asynchronous courses, which can often feel less engaging due to their virtual nature. When using Revel, Boykin finds that she is able to surpass these limitations and maintain an interactive learning environment. 

    “That’s a big piece of why I use Revel – to give students that interactive component compared to them just getting another textbook and having them read chapters and writing papers about it,” she says.   

    Intuitive Interface 

    Additionally, Boykin praises Revel for its easy-to-navigate interface. After becoming pregnant and giving birth to twins, Boykin describes being able to manage both her newborns and her students because she uses Revel. 

    “With its ease and flexibility, you can literally do it while handling newborns! I feel like it’s pretty intuitive. It’s not cumbersome to navigate. Even if I make mistakes, they’re easy to fix.”  

    Overall, Boykin views Revel as an invaluable asset as she journeys toward becoming a professor. It is a platform that helps her ensure her students’ success by offering an engaging and immersive learning experience and allowing her to keep track of each student’s individual performance. Revel is not only building a path towards her students’ success, but also helping to pave the way for Boykin’s success as a professor.