Reconnecting to Routines after a Break

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Ariana Santiago Ramos
A tablet and a laptop open on a student desk with a view of campus out the window.

Like for most students, the transitions between breaks and school have been anything but fun for me. Somehow three hour-long classes seemed to last days during those weeks in which I was still getting used to school. Over time, and with lots of trial and error, I feel as though I have perfected the art of the back-to school-transition. Especially after Spring Break, which barely feels like a break at all, I make sure to follow a specific routine to get back into my “grind-set” (grind mindset).

Getting a Head Start

Arguably the most important part of effectively transitioning back into school after a break is preparing before it even starts. Spring break is short, and it goes by fast, so by a day or so to do nothing helps you come back rested. Additionally, you can use this time to reflect on the semester so far: on what you’d like to continue or stop doing, on moments and people that you appreciated, and anything else you deem notable.

Sleep Schedule

The next step is to re-establish a sleep schedule that works with my class schedule. For example, if my first class is at 9 am, and I know it takes me about an hour and a half to get ready in the morning. I start waking up at around 7am and go to bed around 11pm to get the amount of sleep I want. By jumping right back into the habit I had before break limits the shock of a sudden transition once classes reconvene.

Keeping an Agenda

Ahead of my first back in class, I review any assignments for classes in the upcoming week. In my physical agenda (although many students also do this either on an online calendar or spreadsheet), I mark the date of all my tests and assignments whose due date is already posted, as well as reminders to study for those tests. This not only saves me time in the future but also saves me the stress of forgetting an upcoming assignment or being unaware of certain class expectations.

Go With the Flow

The final, but arguably the most crucial part of my routine, is to not take myself too seriously. Along with the stress of what remains of the current semester comes the joy of knowing that there are countless new opportunities coming your way. Classes are hard and getting back into a routine can be even harder, but trust that you are more than capable of overcoming anything that comes your way.

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