4 Ways College Students Can Handle Stress
Within our time in college every student will face stress in some way. It is inevitable and there is no way to completely avoid it so the best thing we can do is manage it. Otherwise, it will snowball into a bigger issue and can lead to other mental illnesses like depression. There are so many ways to manage stress, and it will be different from person to person. Here is what works best for me and why I believe they are the best ways.
My personal favorite way to manage stress is by doing some sort of physical activity. Now you may be thinking that is not for me however there are so many types of physical activity. It can be something as simple as going for a short walk or to something more intense like lifting weights. This is a great way to clear your mind, and you can take as much time as you need. There are also a lot of studies out there that show the benefits of getting exercise and how it helps with stress. I personally feel so much better after I get some sort of exercise in and always feel the stress lifted off me which is why this is my favorite way to manage stress.
Another stress reliever is spending time with friends. When I am with my friends it is hard to be in a bad mood and worry about my problems. This helps me escape my stress for a bit and clear my mind. It can also be an outlet to talk about any issues and get some advice. Or if you are in the same boat as them it can be a good way to vent about it and take your anger out. Your friends should always be there for you and be willing to help out when needed.
Another stress management technique you can use is planning ahead. As simple as it sounds it is an effective way to control your stress. For instance, when I have an exam or a project coming up, I always try to break it up into multiple days. By doing this I am keeping my workload manageable and not putting too much on my plate. My work will be much better as well because I can put more effort into smaller sections rather than having to spend all my effort on the full thing. It is great for visual people because when you see your schedule outlined it is usually not as bad as you make it seem. Especially for me because I overestimate my work and by planning ahead it is typically not as bad as I anticipate it will be.
Finally, find your hobby. Whenever I am doing an activity I enjoy, all my issues go away. For instance, I love to golf and from the time I am on the course to the time I get off I am not worried about anything. It is also a great way to spend time outside and get some sun light. Taking an hour our out of your day to do something you love helps tremendously and can help you refocus. If you do not have a go to hobby, I highly recommend you find one.
Everyone is different so not everything is going to work for everyone, but I hope this helps in some sort of way. It is important to remember that everything is going to work out. Utilize your favorite stress management techniques and don’t get too caught up in any issue.
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