Why You Should Be Crying

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Sierra Lawrence
A potato with a drawn-on eyes and mouth to make it look like it’s crying.

You really should be crying more! No, seriously! Crying is so advantageous for the stressful life of a college student.

Not only is crying a natural response to external and internal stimuli, but it also does some interesting things to help the human body. Before we go into how crying helps you, let’s first look into its composition.

Tears are not only made from water, but they also contain proteins, mucus, electrolytes, and various oils. Some of the proteins contained in tears include lysozyme, lactoferrin, lipocalin, and IgA. These all serve different roles in helping the body. Lysozyme and lactoferrin are antibacterial and IgA is an immunoglobulin which helps boost the defense of the immune system. When you cry you also release various hormones which differ depending on the type of tears.

There are tears such as basal tears that help keep your eyes moist and protect them from debris and things in the air. Another type are reflex tears which are triggered by irritants. There are also tears that stem from emotions and that is where a lot of the variation in the hormonal composition of tears is seen.

Crying releases hormones such as oxytocin which promotes bonding and reduces stress, and endorphins which can ease both physical and emotional pain. Crying even flushes toxins and cortisol out of the body. Crying also activates the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), which promotes rest and digestion.

To cry is to be human – it’s normal, natural, and so beneficial.

Most people have the totally wrong perception of tears and believe they hold no significance besides emotional instability, but crying can benefit you in so many aspects. So, the next time you feel the urge to cry, go ahead, your body deserves it.

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