Three Things I Wish I Knew My Freshman Year

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Arnold Taylor
An instructor helping three college students in a computer lab.

As I enter my senior year, I reflect on my college experience and think about what I wish I had known coming into college. There are three major things I wish I knew coming into college as a freshman: the importance of time management, reaching out for help when needed, and getting involved.

Time Management

Time management is a huge part of being successful in college. Being able to navigate between not only classes but balancing a social life on top of responsibilities can be hard. Creating a schedule that helps you stay on time and still allows for social interactions is important. Engaging in different clubs also helps to stay on top of responsibilities such as school while getting to meet new people along the way.

Help is Everywhere

As a freshman, it can be daunting to approach a professor however, they are humans too and, in most cases, more than willing to help. Although it can be frightening to approach professors, in most cases there are Teaching Assistants (TAs) and counselors who may also be able to help and answer any questions or problems you may encounter. TAs are the easiest way to help and answer because they are students just like you and have recently been in the same position.

Get Involved

Engage in your surroundings. College is more than just classes and books; it is about making connections and meeting new people. Joining clubs and volunteering are both great ways to expand your interests. Enjoyable experiences can be just as important as your grades in your classes.

As you begin your freshman year, I hope you will remember to manage your time well, ask for help, and use the resources around you to your advantage!

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