The Back-to-School Blues

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Peyton Maria
A college woman is smiling and sitting with her feet on a desk with her mobile phone in her hand.

Back-to-school, especially for a college student, can be an exciting time. You are seeing your friends again, and you are getting back to your “routine” at school or discovering your new one as a freshman. However, once the excitement wears off again, the saddest can start to set in. Whether it is homesickness or senioritis, being back in school can become more sad and less exciting as the months go on. As a student going into their senior year, here are a few tips I have to help you combat the back-to-school blues.

Tip for Every Day: Have a Morning/Nighttime Routine

I am truly speaking to myself as well as I encourage you to start having a routine when you wake up and when you go to bed. This is psychologically proven to make your day better. When you do something for yourself and have a routine, it helps get you going in the morning and wind down every night. Some recommendations I have for the morning are doing a skincare routine, showering, having coffee and reading a book, or even just writing a few things you are grateful for every morning. In the nighttime, you can do similar things that you didn’t do in the morning, like reading or showering, or even reflecting on your day by writing in a journal.

Tip for Every Week: Give Yourself a Weekend Treat

Although sweet treat trips can happen any time, it is important to give yourself a little reward for finishing the week. This could be a trip to the movies, getting your nails done, or something as little as getting ice cream with friends. The key is to make sure it isn’t the same thing every week. It helps encourage you and remind yourself of all the hard things you do every day, and how worthy you are of a reward for them occasionally, even if no one else is noticing your work.

Tip for Every Month: Plan Something Fun and Unique Once a Month

Having something to look forward to is one of the easiest ways to break the sadness or mundaneness of your everyday routine. Whether it’s a trip out of town with friends, a concert, or even just a staycation, it is important to have something “big” and fun to look forward to once a month. This helps for when things get hard, you can use your upcoming plans to encourage yourself to push through. Once the honeymoon phase of a new school year wears off, winter break can look years away. So, keep yourself encouraged by spicing up your life and rewarding yourself for doing the hard things. You can do hard things!

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