Say ‘Yes’ to an Enriched College Experience

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Maggie Schoof
A group of sorority women from Chi Omega.

Coming to college is a fresh start. It’s an opportunity to pursue your passions and explore your interests. You get to be the person you want to be and get away from all the things about hometown life that were holding you back. When I came to college, I adopted a mentality that has led me to make new friends, have exciting experiences, and encounter huge growth opportunities…all I did was say “yes”. I said “yes” when I was scared, I said “yes” when I didn't have a friend to go with, I said “yes” when I had no prior experience. Not everything I said “yes” to turned out wonderfully, but I had enough amazing “yes” moments that the other ones didn't matter.

One big “yes” that has changed my college experience was deciding to go through sorority recruitment. This decision came with so many fears, especially the fear that I didn't have enough connections. No one in Tennessee knew who I was so the conversations I had during recruitment would be the sole factor for a sorority to decide if they liked me or not. There was also the fear of rejection. I knew that there was a good chance that I would really like a house and they could drop me, and in all honesty that happened, a couple times even, but where I ended up in the end made it all worth it.

A co-ed group of college students on a sand volleyball court.

I found my sorority home but now I had a whole new set of opportunities and a whole new set of fears about them, but I said “yes”. I said “yes” to going to the first event all by myself because I didn't know anybody yet. I signed up for all the intramural sports even though I wasn't very good at them because I wanted to get involved. Through these experiences I met some of my best friends and through the many events I have attended I have grown so much and learned about leadership and sisterhood. If I had let my fears get the best of me, I would never be where I am today, and yes there were times that I was uncomfortable, but from discomfort there is growth.

I can talk in depth about the opportunities Greek life has brought me, but I think it's important to highlight the smaller “yesses” I've said that may not seem so important but made a big difference for me. First off, I chose to go to a college that was 13 hours from my hometown with only 2 other kids from my graduating class of over 700. I had faith in myself that I could go to a school where I knew nobody and find my people. I decided to go with the random roommate system. I was placed in a room with a girl I had never met who lived even farther from me. I had my doubts; I’d had the ideal image in my mind of best friend roommates who do everything together. But in the end my situation is even better than I could have imagined; I have an amazing roommate who does totally different things from me. We spend time apart pursuing our interests and then come together and share with each other, learning about things that we would have never explored. 

I didn’t even know where to begin in finding my own friend-group when I first arrived at school.  I was so scared, but I buried my anxieties and just started knocking on doors. I went to the room of a girl who I had seen moving in. After I met her and her roommate they introduced me to their other friends, and I met the people that I spend almost every day with. These are such small moments in time, but they have had such a beautiful butterfly effect on my life.

There are more examples of the success of this mindset than I can count but I hope you get my point. I am a testament to the fact that saying “yes” will get you much farther in life than “no” ever will. “No” is a big red stop sign that cuts you off from a possible opportunity. “Yes” is an opening. It gives you space to try and explore and learn and if you decide that the thing you said “yes” to previously isn't for you, then you move on to the next “yes”.

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