Dealing with Homesickness during Your First Year in College

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Anna Landrum
A silhouette of a row of beach houses at sunset.

Homesickness is something that most people will deal with during their college experience. Whether you are an hour or a thousand miles away from home, being homesick is normal. For a lot of young adults, college is the first time they move away from their parents and hometowns. Homesickness was something that I struggled with a lot in my first year of college. It took me a long time to adjust to my new life as an independent college student. Thankfully, as a sophomore I finally feel adjusted to college life without consistently feeling homesick. Here are a few tips and tricks to help deal with homesickness while at college.

Make Reminders of Home

When I am feeling homesick, I try to do things that remind me of home. I cook a family recipe or find a restaurant that makes similar meals. If there is a film that reminds you of home, have a cozy movie night. Also bringing items to college that have special meaning to you like photos of family and friends, childhood stuffed animals, or even a blanket from home can bring you comfort in moments when you miss home. Facetime your hometown friends and family when you can, and if you are busy having a simple text conversation can help you feel closer to the people you miss.

Make Your School Your New Home

Another way to help ease the feeling of homesickness is to put yourself out there, meet new people, and get involved on campus. Join a club. Colleges usually have an involvement fair at the start of a new semester and with many options; there will be a club that fits one of your interests! Try to meet new people. In class, chat with your classmates and introduce yourself to people. When you are in the dining hall, try to sit with a new person each time you go. This is a great way to make friends. One of my favorite ways to meet new people is by going to the gym. I love going to work-out classes and have made many friends by talking with the people also attending a workout.

Seek Professional Help

If you still can’t shake that homesick feeling and it becomes overwhelming, do not be afraid to reach out for help. Connect with a friend or family member and tell them about your feelings, or contact your university's counseling center. Appointments are free at most college counseling centers, and you can talk to a trained therapist.

Acknowledge your feelings of homesickness. You are going through a major change in your life and while it is an exciting transition, it can also be scary. Be patient with yourself and know that things get better!

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