Co-Ops/Internships - Honesty About the Benefits and Downsides

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Morgan Regier
A large group of college interns posing in a business library room.

When students are seniors in high school, their biggest worry is finding the best university to attend in the upcoming fall. For seniors in college, it’s about finding the right career after graduation. For juniors in college, their whole concern is finding a co-op/internship that will eventually help them find that job in the coming year.

Finding a co-op/internship was one of the most challenging tasks I had to accomplish in my junior year. I was constantly checking LinkedIn or Handshake for postings, attending conferences every month, and completing interview after interview. After finally landing one of the most prestigious internships in my major, I moved across the country for the summer and went on some of the wildest adventures.

While many talk about the positives of internships, such as valuable experiences and networking opportunities, few prepare you for the potential drawbacks. Personally, one of the biggest challenges was being placed in an office without other interns. Many people will be placed with other interns, it all depends on the company and if they’re willing to take on that responsibility, but for me, I was alone, on the other side of the country, away from friends and family. Despite the loneliness, I cherished the opportunity and learned immensely, though adjusting to not seeing my friends daily was tough.

Another aspect to consider is the role itself. As an intern, you're often in a learning phase rather than handling full responsibilities like regular employees. There were days of boredom and busy work, yet the hectic days taught me invaluable lessons. There are a few cons to co-ops/internships, but I wish that somebody had told me about potential disadvantages, so I was better prepared.

Internships are also some of the most rewarding experiences a college student can have. Not only do they offer extensive networking opportunities, but they allow you to gain insights into your desired career. My internship program was split into multiple parts, allowing me to experience different roles and companies within my major, broadening my experience further. However, not all internships offer such flexibility.

Overall, my experience was positive. I was able to develop my skills and gain real-life experience. I encourage pursuing internships but advise thorough research into the company culture and environment. Understanding what to expect ensures your experience is fulfilling and beneficial for your future career. You want your experience to be truly fulfilling and the best it can be for your future career. So, while working towards your internship goals, remember to embrace adventure and enjoy every moment—make the most of your summer!

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