Why You Should Major in Construction Science

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Jett Motley
Four construction management students at Texas A&M wearing hard hats and looking down into a concrete structure.

The construction industry is something that generations of my family have been involved in. From both sets of grandparents to my own parents, construction work is in my blood. A degree in Architecture is something many people know about and is considered a popular major here in Texas, but a degree in construction management is a lot less popular and acclaimed.

The first thing that needs to be known about the construction management industry is that there are currently less people entering the field than retiring from it. This is extremely important to point out because most construction companies are now requiring a Construction Management degree to fulfill this position. Because this is just now becoming a more popular degree, not many established workers in the industry will be able to take on this position. Here at Texas A&M, graduates with a construction science degree can plan on receiving on average 8 job offers the moment you walk across the graduating stage. This is because the demand for this position is so incredibly high in volume.

Although this degree can sound like an easy time, you are expected to put in the work. Taking classes like estimating, where you are expected to understand the entire construction processes of creating a building to price every screw, can be extremely difficult. You are required to fully grasp and comprehend blueprint drawing’s involving electrical, landscaping, architecture, and even plumbing. This degree requires you to be well rounded and understand the construction industry more than you would expect.

If you are thinking of majoring in structural engineering, business, or architecture, right now is a great time to look at construction management. You get an understanding of all these different sectors of study, as well as become specially trained with knowledge construction companies are desperate to find. 

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