Memories in Motion

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Jada Fulton
A computer graphic featuring small images symbolizing summer such as a camera, flowers, a map, and a cassette tape.

Whether summer break signifies the completion of your first year of college, your halfway mark, or your final stretch to the finish line, it is a time when life slows down, and you can realize how quickly your college years are truly flying by. Before you know it, you will walk the stage, gain the title of alumni and all these stories will become college memories. This means it is important to possess a safe space for all these memories to be stored, whether it is a scrapbook, keepsake box, photo album, or some form of art, your college memories will last through these forms of memorabilia.

Given the inevitable graduation, it's crucial to create a special place to hold onto these precious memories. Whether you choose to make a scrapbook filled with pictures and memories, gather significant mementos in a keepsake box, arrange a photo album showcasing the friendships you've formed and the challenges you've overcome, or use your artistic talents to create something unique that reflects your college experience, these tangible items will safeguard your most cherished moments. They'll remind you of the late nights spent studying, the spontaneous adventures, the deep friendships, and the personal growth that comes from perseverance.

I hold my memories in poetry. Each piece I write reminds me of the events occurring in my life at that moment. Taking it a step deeper, I can remember each feeling and who was around. This form of memorabilia allows me to see my personal growth through the development of my skills in poetry and spoken word. I plan to culminate all of my pieces throughout college very soon, and this will allow all my memories to be in one location.

As time moves forward, these tangible reminders will serve as steadfast connections to the past, offering comfort when you're feeling nostalgic and clarity during uncertain times. They'll stand as proof of your strength, your passions, and your unwavering determination through the ups and downs of college life.

So, as you rest and relax this summer beyond the familiar walls of college, remember to treasure and protect these tangible keepsakes of your college journey. They're not just reminders of the past; they're enduring legacies that will continue to motivate and guide you as you navigate the ever-changing path of life after graduation.

I hope that some of these tips were helpful, and I hope your college experience is everything you want it to be. Best of luck to you!

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