How I Found a “Hero” Within the Music of Mariah Carey

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Nathan Lobdell
A corner in the blog author’s room featuring posters and album covers by Mariah Carey.

Music is therapy for many people, and I am no different. According to a 2021 Harris Poll, “76% of Gen Z and Young Millennials listen to music” as a pastime. [1] And for the longest time I was a part of that other 24% who just didn’t listen to much music. Yeah, I’d hear the radio every now and then and the latest top 100s, but I never really was connected to any artist. That was until I found myself watching a Mariah Carey music video for her song titled “Emotions”. I clicked on it and was instantly amazed by her super wide range showcasing those 5 octaves. Little did I know the pipeline I was about to go down into her entire discography, and how much her music would impact me.

As I listened to her music more and more, I found myself relating to some of her lyrics in these beautiful songs. Around this time, I was struggling with a few personal things like self-acceptance of my sexuality and confidence, but Mariah ended up being that unspoken voice for me.

Here are some songs from Mariah Carey that help outline my journey and inspire me. Hopefully they will inspire you if you’re feeling out of place or stuck no matter the situation you are in:

1. “Outside”

Growing up I felt like any other kid, but deep down I knew that I didn’t quite fit in all the time, and this just became more apparent as I got older. I remember distinctly listening to this song “Outside” where she talks about feeling out of place in a divided world. I felt comforted by her voice and the message she was saying, and along with many of her other songs, they left a big positive impact on me. This song helped me address the way I was feeling to myself first and I was really connected to it.

2. “Shake It Off”

Along the way, it’s easy to have bumps in your way or negative comments thrown around. In school, other kids can be mean or not think before saying things. I remember rumors would go around and suddenly my sexuality was the latest gossip for some reason and needed to be confirmed or denied. This can put people into an uncomfortable situation, speaking from experience. I tried to maintain that “Shake It Off” mindset and not let other people’s words get to me. However, it is important that if you or someone you know is getting bullied to get help immediately and report the bullying.

3. “Anytime You Need a Friend”

It’s important to also remember that you’re never alone. I quickly realized this when I finally worked up the courage to come out to one of my best friends. I received lots of love and support and over time was able to confide in more and more people about it, and it got a little bit easier every time! It’s also important to realize that there are many other people out there going through similar situations. Seeing people online being so proud and open about their journey impacted me and made me feel less alone. Like Mariah said, “Just remember you’re not alone, and love will be there, to guide you home.”

4. “Hero”

For everyone, we all have a different “Hero”. For me on this journey, it would have to be my friends and family, for the biggest love and support, but also Mariah, for giving me an outlet to express myself and gather the strength to be true. This song “Hero” perfectly captures the long journey it’s been and is an anthem for love, hope, and courage.

Always remember, “that a hero lies in you.”

[1] Prunsky, A. (2021, October 28). The Next Generation and Music Discovery: Implications for Brands. The Harris Poll.

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