Hard Work Pays Off

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Maria Morabito
A lined notebook opened to a blank page, set on a desk in front of a laptop.

For most college students the transition from high school studies to college studies can be very difficult and hard to adjust to. There are many ways to learn how to study and succeed. During my freshman year at the University of Alabama, I felt very prepared to do well in school from my high school experience. As a current sophomore at the university, I have had to learn new ways to study since the difficulty of my classes has increased immensely. 

I am a nursing major and am delving further into my program now more than ever before. When I took a challenging anatomy course last semester, I sought help on how to navigate this class, because there was so much to learn in such a short amount of time. I found it necessary to devote the most time to this class while still putting in the most effort I could for my other classes. Here are the actions I found to be most helpful in succeeding.

Show up for every class session

The best tip and piece of advice I can give to any college student is to attend class no matter what, regardless of how easy the class may seem. I have learned that I am more successful in the future because of it, and it makes studying outside of class much easier. My notes are more organized because I write them in or before class. 

Take notes before, during, and after class

A good way to study for a hard class is to take notes before with the required reading and then solidify the information during class. This way you can incorporate extra details the professor might add during class. Even though this is very important, what a student does outside of class makes or breaks how a student does in a class. Being able to have a good work ethic and studying outside of class helps a student remember the information. That way when it is exam day, you are prepared to take the exam and pass it. 

Solidify your study skills

A good study habit to do well on a test is to find a good study environment. Go in a quiet room, without any distractions, and study the material. The way to solidify the information is to also take breaks when necessary. It is always best to refer to the detailed notes and the PowerPoints. Looking back at these are necessary to understand the information you have learned, and to best answer the questions on the test. It is also essential to never cram study in college. That will not be beneficial for the future, as it does not allow for you to fully understand the material.

In most academic situations in college, the work and effort you put into each class will pay off in the future. If you study for your classes, it'll show, even if not right away. You will never regret the amount of effort you put into a class in order to succeed.

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