Embracing Your Journey: Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Into Your Future

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Taylor Perline
A vet tech holds a grey and white kitten wrapped in a towel.

It takes a great deal of courage to finally take that step, make that phone call, or walk out that door. Many college students are studying in order to have successful careers once they graduate. Some may know exactly which direction they want to take, while others may only know a broader view of what they want their lives to look like. Regardless, it can be exceedingly difficult finding motivation to take risks and put ourselves into the situations we need to be in to turn our dreams into reality.

Few Opportunities

As a second-year undergraduate student that aspires to someday be accepted into vet school and obtain a degree in veterinary medicine, I know these emotions firsthand. Finding experience within my field was no easy feat. It seemed like no matter how many emails I sent or how many phone calls I made; nobody was looking for any assistance from a college student. In truth, I felt horribly behind my peers, who told of growing up on farms or having extensive animal experience since they were young. It made me begin to lose motivation and feel like I was never going to catch up.

Everyone’s Path is Different

It is essential to realize that everyone is on a unique path, and that progress happens at different paces. For me, that was this most recent summer. After what seemed like an endless number of back-and-forth calls, texts, and emails, I found myself gaining new experiences in my field that I never before dreamed of. For others, this may look like a new internship or shadowing opportunity. For me, I was able to begin working as a veterinary assistant at a local clinic, working as a volunteer/intern with farm animals, and shadowing a veterinarian that worked with horses. In these past months, I have learned more than I have in my entire life about my chosen field, and this has done nothing but encourage me to keep going and fight for what I believe in.

Don’t Let Your Attitude Define Your Magnitude

I would have never been able to gain this experience if I hadn’t been able to step out of the comfortable life that I was used to. Feeling anxious and behind in my career held me back but realizing that instead of viewing my lack of experience as a hinderance, I could embrace the learning process and approach each new experience with curiosity and enthusiasm.

Today, I am so grateful to myself for taking that step. I hope to encourage others that they have the ability to pursue whatever they wish to in life. It means taking on new challenges, networking with those in your field, and waking up every morning with the ambition to learn. Anything is possible!

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