10 ways I'm using technology to stay in touch with friends during quarantine
For the past few weeks, it seems as though things are changing by the hour and the news is hitting us with a new update every morning. With schools across the country moving classes online and college kids being forced to move home, we have had to find ways to stay both entertained and in touch. Through technology, I have been able to find a variety of ways to stay active and even grow closer to friends who are now five hours away. This is my list of 10 different ways to use technology and social media while stuck at home.
It’s my favorite way to listen to music and discover new artists, but now it’s also a unique way I’m staying in touch with friends. I have always adored making my own playlists and listening to ones that my friends have made. With all this new time on my hands, I’ve found a new way to create playlists. For those friends who have asked, I made playlists with songs that reminded me of them and with songs I knew they liked. It’s an awesome way to strengthen friendships and stay in touch with people far away.
Trivia Crack
On the subject of staying connected with people, some of my buds have discovered that you can connect your Facebook to Trivia Crack and play your friends. I’ve learned so much in geography and history while having fun. A little friendly competition while also growing in knowledge is a wonderful way to pass time while stuck at home.
Going off of that, for me personally, I am a horrible Facebook updater. I have gone months on end without adding a single photo. During my time at home, I have uploaded photos from the semester cut far too short so people I haven’t seen in a while can view what I’ve been up to in college. It only takes a few minutes to create a new album and add all the pictures that fit into it. Plus you can look back at all the fun times from the past few months.
Another form of social media I’ve had fun with recently is Instagram. All over the internet are fun brackets you can post on your story to let your followers vote on. I have seen everything from the best Taylor Swift song to the best Marvel movie. I’m currently in the middle of Nickelodeon vs. Disney Channel shows on my own story. Here’s to hoping Wizards of Waverly Place wins!
If you’ve had the app, you know just how much fun it is. You can add your friends and it notifies you whenever they’re on. If you’re free as well and in the mood to talk, then simply go on the app and start up a video call. You can do it with just one person or with multiple. Bonus: it even has games you can play in group chats.
All of these apps are fun, but none of them have helped me to prepare for my summer body. For the past week, I have practically been glued to YouTube. There are a plethora of accounts that post videos to help you get into shape. Two of my favorites recently have been Yoga with Adriene and The Fitness Marshall. Adriene helps my body to calm down and stretch out while The Fitness Marshall posts some hardcore dance videos that certainly make me break out in a sweat.
Just Dance
Yes, that’s right. The game sitting behind the TV collecting dust since 2014 has become my new best friend. I have had the best time challenging my sisters to find the champion dancer. With the right song, I can end up panting by the end. A less active, but more stressful game is MarioKart, another disc I pulled out from way back when. Since I’m supposed to stay off of the roads mostly, this has been a wonderful way to continue my driving skills while also begging not to be hit with another red shell.
Apple Watch
One fun way to stay fit with faraway friends is through an Apple Watch. If you have one, you are able to share your fitness tracking with friends. Through that, I have been able to see who is doing what exercise. Seeing my friends meet their daily goals is a cool way to keep my motivation up to stay active longer.
Game Pigeon
If you have it on your phone then you know how addictive it is. It’s an app on your phone that allows you to play archery and 8-ball with friends from all over. It’s been another exciting way for me to keep in touch with friends hundreds of miles away.
A Book Club
Recently, a few of my buddies and I have started a virtual book club, and we plan on reading a few chapters of a certain Narnia book each day. Each Sunday afternoon, we have a group call to discuss what we read. Thankfully, we found PDF copies of the book online, allowing for all of us to have easy and free access so we can all keep up.
These different ways of using social media and technology have made life at home buckets of fun while also allowing me to stay in touch with my hallmates and other friends. Doing even one of these fun activities is an awesome way to pass time and either get fit or stay entertained. I hope you enjoy my top 10 ways to use technology while stuck at home.
About the author

Mary Nielson Clinton
Mary Nielson Clinton is currently a sophomore at Mississippi State University studying Public Relations and Marketing and will graduate in May 2022. In her free time, she loves to spend time with friends, volunteer in the Starkville community, or get involved with her incredible campus. She is a big fan of her Australian Shepherd named Rusty and is a tour guide for MSU, amongst other things. She is honored to be a Pearson Campus Ambassador on her campus and has enjoyed every second of it.
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