Teacher Appreciation: My North Star

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Natalie Farran
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When considering a professor who inspired me, the one that really stood out to me taught my Anatomy and Physiology class, Dr. GK. He is the professor that has helped and supported me the most in my time at college. He has been there when I needed encouragement and I know he has been there for others as well.

His office door is always open to any of his students about questions they may have about class or life. Once I shared with him my dream of becoming a biology professor, but how I wasn’t sure because of how much I was struggling. He surprised me with his uplifting words saying that he struggled as well and he had to study a lot to get where he was now. He urged me to continue working hard and to think positive because it pays off. Those words were exactly what I needed to continue pushing forward.

Dr. GK is funny, honest, and always tries his best to help all of his students in and out of the classroom. Most of all he is friendly while being professional at the same time. I believe these are the qualities that all professors and teachers should possess and ones I want to implement in my future classroom. I want to be successful because I have a great role model whose footsteps I want to follow in. I believe that the right role can be like your North Star to guide you when you are lost and put you on the right track.


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