Technology Tools Enhance Education Online and On Campus

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Jennifer Brown
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Technology has proven to be a great tool in society. Can you imagine where we would be without it? This blog certainly would not be here! Technology not only impacts the way we communicate and exchange information, it also plays a big part in our education. Computers, tablets, cell phones and other electronic devices have perks for students. Whether you take courses online or on campus, here are some tips on how technology can enhance your education.

Taking online classes or modules

Online students and professors use technology for teaching, learning, and testing. Using online learning connects people together for a purpose. Students and professors can easily have access to course materials via computer, smartphone, or tablet. Instead of having students travel long distances to campus, the classroom comes right to the computer. Some professors even take the time to upload recordings of themselves lecturing. Plus, professors and their teaching assistants can respond to questions about material quickly via emails or discussion boards when using the online platform.


Online courses complete testing through a computer. For some courses, teachers may include a video monitor to watch students as they take their test. It’s important to know that even though you can take your test virtually anywhere, look for an ideal location.  Take your online exams in a place that is free of distraction, comfortable and familiar to you, and has strong internet connection.


In some of my courses, my instructors have included material widgets to help students practice key concepts. Basically, these are computerized games like hangman, crossword puzzles, or matching to help you practice and learn vocabulary and other concepts. Many students use phone apps or apps on websites to help study for tests. Quizlet is one of the most popular apps. I have also been in classes where students connect through GroupMe, an app for students to have an ongoing group chat. Most of my online classes have discussion threads where students ask questions and participate in assignments.


Many online courses and seated courses have online learning tools for you to complete homework in a fun and engaging way. For example, Pearson’s MyLabMath not only facilitates how you complete your homework, but also allows you to seek help when stuck on a tricky question. The “Help Me Solve This” button will open up a separate question similar to the one you are working on and walk you through the steps of solving it. Study tools like this are helpful in learning difficult concepts.

Technology is amazing to help students excel in academics! Whether it be for online classes, tests, studying, or homework – you can use technology to improve your learning.

Pearson Students –  How do you use technology for your academics?

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