The Importance of Girls' Education
In the United States, education is deemed a necessity. While it is often treated as a luxury, the general rule is that without education, one will not go very far in life. This holds true throughout the world. In many countries, however, boys are given precedence when education is available. This leaves their sisters illiterate, unskilled, and trapped in a world without choices. Here are five reasons why more attention should be given to girls’ education.
Increased Representation in Government.
In nearly every country around the world, women face underrepresentation in politics. While there have been plenty of attempts to increase women in government, these attempts will go nowhere if women and girls remain uneducated, unskilled, and illiterate. With proper training and empowerment, young girls will have the potential to break that glass ceiling.
Safer Sex, Later Marriages, and Less Children per Woman.
According to the World Bank, a girl who completes primary school is three times less likely to contract HIV. The United Nations Populations Fund states that a third of all girls in underdeveloped countries are married before the age of eighteen. However, in regions where girls are more likely to be educated, marriage is pushed off by four years. Additionally, it’s been suggested that increased participation in school decreases the average amount of children per family from seven to three. These statistics all show how access to education can greatly improve a girl’s future.
Higher Personal Incomes.
Without education and skills, women have no choice but to work in their homes. Schooling empowers women by developing their potential. According to UNESCO, a single year of school can increase a woman’s wages by 20%.
Higher GDP.
With higher income comes more spending and more production. Not only does this help the individuals, but the country benefits as well.
Lower Poverty.
When women are empowered and gain equal access to education, they gain choices and the potential to participate in government, businesses, and anything they desire. Through education, income increases and poverty falls.
Children are our world’s future, but our future will be bleak if half of the population is held back from reaching their potential. Increased access to education is necessary for the sustainability and improvement of all societies.
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About the author

Tulin Babbitt
Tulin Babbitt is a junior and the University of Maryland – College Park. She’s majoring in Social and Cultural History, and hopes to work in a museum after graduating. Tulin currently serves on the board of UMD’s She’s the First club, which raises awareness of the importance of girls’ education.
Tulin is a Pearson Student Insider. To learn more about the program and apply, click here.