Studying Abroad: Location Tips

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Kristopher Medina
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(part 1 of a 3 part series)

If you are even considering studying abroad, DO IT! Taking the leap of faith and stepping out of your home country, let alone state, can seem unimaginable but will be worth the experience. As fun as it may seem, you truly do a lot of learning while abroad. You will learn a tremendous amount about a new culture and even more about yourself. Since the whole process may seem daunting at times I just wanted to share some tips that I wish I had known before studying abroad.

Location, Location, Location

I studied abroad in The Hague, Netherlands. Ever heard of it? Neither had I!  After 5 months of studying abroad there, it became my home away from home and I still miss that little city to this day. The two biggest factors I had to consider were size of the city and weather. You will have the option to stay in some of the most famous cities in the world, like Barcelona or London, but you can still have a wonderful experience in a smaller town as well.

Big city vs. smaller town

There may be more activities in a bigger city but you can become more immersed in a smaller town. An area with fewer tourist attractions offers a more authentic culture and experience. There will still be plenty of things to do either way but you may have to look a bit harder when you are in a smaller town. Plus, you can plan shorter side trips to the bigger cities during your free time.

Weather matters

In Europe, traveling from country to country is relativity easy, so pick a climate that best suits you and you can still see other countries that have less appealing climates. Also, take into consideration that you will want to do a lot roaming around the city so you most likely will be exposed to the elements more than usual.

Remember that everyone has a different experience while studying abroad and all the information I have shared above is solely based off my experience. These tips may help you better plan your study abroad experience and enjoy every single second because the time will fly and before you know it, you might be back writing a blog and sharing your own tips on studying abroad! Look for the second part of this blog discussing tips for packing and technology usage when studying abroad!

Pearson Students, are you studying abroad in the upcoming semesters? Where are you headed and what are you most excited about? Share by commenting below!

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