Community College Helps

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Marissa Titus
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I am a nontraditional student for I was able to start preparing for college earlier. During my Junior and Senior year in high school, I was also enrolled at Daytona State College in Palm Coast, Florida. I decided to make this push to work hard so I could graduate early. This decision was due to my relationship with academics. When things got tough in life I would turn to academics to distract me. I’ve used this philosophy since my youth when my parents were going through a nasty divorce that never really got better years later. Daytona State College was much more than a stepping stone in my academic career. It set me up for my future academic success.

My favorite professor while I was a student at Daytona State College was Professor McGhee. In her classroom, a discussion was always welcomed. I never felt forced to talk in her class. However, every class I made sure I participated for it was well worth it at the end of the day. I had Professor McGhee for two English writing courses that were mandatory for an Associate’s degree. Professor McGhee’s classes were not full of students my age but she never thought less of me. She challenged me on the same level as everyone else in the class. Professor McGhee pushed me to better my writing so I would be ready for the university level.

I gained stronger study skills at Daytona State College. The tutoring lab was important during my time there. When I did not get a topic or was struggling the tutors helped me catch up. I learned to find places for productive study sessions. I liked studying outside and there were tables with umbrellas in quiet spots around campus.

Today I attend Flager College in Saint Augustine, Florida where I major in Criminology. When I take a step back and look at my community college years I am amazed. I owe many thanks to Daytona State College. If I had not attended that campus and worked hard I would not be on a path to graduate college early. But that is not the only goal I accomplished by attending community college. Daytona State College was a stepping stone to a continuing journey. When I first started at Daytona State College I felt like I had so many options but I had no purpose. I saw many of my friends going across the country already knowing their life’s mission. Daytona State College showed me that it is okay to not know where to start just focus on getting what you need to get done and keep on going. As of now, I can say I have never been more thrilled with the direction I am heading.


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