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  • Three-dimensional model of head and neck muscles with labels in Practice Anatomy Lab 4.0

    Dissecting Pearson’s Practice Anatomy Lab 4.0

    Micah Elpers

    Every student knows how hard it is to study for lab exams. You spend hours in lab making observations, doing experiments, collecting data, dissecting specimens, etc. just to leave and hope that you took enough photos and wrote down enough information to be useful later. These pictures are often blurry, and you can’t go back and look at your work to take better ones which makes it feel impossible to study for exams! This frustration is what makes Pearson’s PAL (Practice Anatomy Lab) 4.0 the perfect study tool for students! PAL 4.0 is a program composed of 3D models, diagrams, real life cadaver photos, flashcards, and so much more. It is designed to help students get the same experience online that they did in the lab. Now you don’t have to scour the internet looking for “sheep heart dissection” photos!

    PAL Learning Program 

    PAL 4.0 is designed to help students with challenging anatomical concepts. The program consists of all the body systems and provides students with various options for learning. These options include anatomical models, a manipulatable 3D model, cadaver photos, histology, and flashcards. All these different styles appeal to different learners! Some students may be wary of the cadaver photos so they can use the anatomical model instead. Some students are visual learners, and some are not. I love all the different formats; I always struggle trying to find diagrams that teach me what I want to know. PAL 4.0 allows me to study in ways I haven’t been able to before!

    Mastering 3D simulation

    In the PAL 4.0 mastering 3D simulation, you can interact with an anatomical model. The model can be manipulated and viewed from any angle. With the muscular system model, the muscles included in the group you’re studying are highlighted on the figure. If you click on a muscle, a textbox will appear and tell you the name, give you the pronunciation, allow you to hide the muscle, or isolate it. The isolation feature separates the muscle from the body and gives you a 3D image perspective of every angle of that muscle. This feature is incredibly useful because it demonstrates how the muscle looks on its own and how it fits with the body.

    See the real thing

    I always struggled in classes that didn’t have hands-on applications, like theoretical math, biology at a cellular level, etc. I always learn better when I can see what something looks like in real life. While seeing a cadaver can be shocking at first, being able to identify things you’re learning about, in real pictures, can change how you see them. A drawing of a deltoid muscle doesn’t show the detail that a picture of the real muscle can portray. The PAL 4.0 cadaver photos allow you to see the intricate details of the human muscular system. This has helped me with exams because I remember where those muscles are in my own body. 

    Who doesn’t like flashcards?

    I haven’t met a college student who doesn’t use flashcards for at least one of their classes; they are an easy way to learn definitions and simple topics. In anatomy, flashcards can be hard to use. How can I make flashcards for something I have to identify? Pearson’s PAL 4.0 provides students with excellent flashcards for every body system and specific region. Once you select a deck, you can choose to study them all or just some of the structures. PAL 4.0 then creates the personalized deck just for you. You’re then presented with an image of the structure you want to study; the other side of the flashcard has the definition. You can zoom in and out of the picture and pan it to get the full idea of the image. There is also an option to quiz yourself. A multiple-choice question will appear and ask you to identify the structure you saw. This amazing feature prepares you for any anatomy diagram a professor might throw at you.

    Between the flashcards, the cadaver images, and the 3D simulation, PAL 4.0 really has students’ success in mind. School can be incredibly overwhelming, especially when you don’t have the materials you need to succeed. Thankfully, Pearson consistently equips students with resources to minimize the stress of college.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 

  • A view from the beach with the sun about to rise so that the sky has just a little pink and blue.

    Managing Stress and Anxiety during Exam Season

    Maggie Parker

    During midterm and finals seasons, every student feels at least a little bit of stress due to looming projects, essays, and exams. However, stress is never helpful when it comes to performing your best on important assessments. Everyone has their own ways of dealing with stress, but we could all use some additional inspiration on how to keep calm during these stressful times. Here are the best ways to reduce stress while coping with exam season, and how to still make time for yourself even when you’re super busy.

    Plan Ahead

    I know, I know, pretty unhelpful for my number one tip for keeping calm during exam season to be something that requires forethought. But seriously, the best way to help yourself out for exam season is to stay on top of things from the second classes start. I like to map out all my assignments and exams in a big spreadsheet with all the due dates, so I know exactly what work I have to do each week and what weeks are going to need a little extra focus. This way, I don’t suddenly realize I have a ton of work to do the same week I have an exam, so I’m able to instead plan ahead and get assignments done ahead of when they’re due.

    Plan Out Breaks

    When you’re studying, it can be really easy to either forget to take breaks and get burnt out or take too many breaks, leading to unproductivity. By planning out specific times you’re going to take breaks and sticking to them, you’re able to get work done while still managing your time and stress to maximize productivity and minimize burnout. Additionally, when you schedule breaks, make sure you stick to the amount of time you allotted for yourself, as it’s all too easy to get sucked into the black hole of social media and suddenly realize your 15-minute break turned into an hour!

    Make Time for Friends and Family

    Even though your mind might be wholly focused on schoolwork, it’s important to maintain interpersonal connections even when you’re stressed. Friends and family can be a great shoulder to lean on when you need help or someone to talk to, so keep in contact with them regularly even when you’re overwhelmed with studying or assignments. This not only assures them that you’re doing ok during a stressful time, but also allows you to recognize that school isn’t everything, and that people will still love you regardless of your performance in a class.

    Physical Activity

    Exercise is proven to release endorphins, which are often referred to as “feel-good chemicals”. Endorphins are also proven to reduce stress, so getting active during midterms and finals season can be a great way to get outside and have fun while also improving your mood and stress levels. Something as simple as going for a walk with friends, or a hike, can have incredible effects on your mood and productivity, and also allows you to physically get away from your work for a little while.

    Following these steps should aid you during those stressful seasons in the semester. You can succeed and you do have tools to help you. Though everyone manages stress differently, I have found that across the board these tips help the majority of people, myself including, during stressful times.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started!