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  • An open planner on a desk with the words ‘Interview with dream job @ 4 pm!’ written in red ink on one of the days.

    Interview Tips to Help You Land That Dream Job or Internship

    Faith Van Wyk

    Congratulations, you got an interview!

    Now what?

    For many, interviews are the most nerve-wracking part of the internship or job search. There are steps you can take to prepare for an interview that will help you make a great impression on your interviewer and may ultimately help you land the position!

    Before The Interview:

    1. Research the company. You’ll want to find information like the company’s mission statement, any big projects that the company recently completed and made public, and any recent mentions of the company in the news or in relevant journals. If you go into an interview with this knowledge, you will show your interviewer that you have a genuine interest in working for their company and that you have a high level of professionalism compared to other applicants.
    2. Be ready to dress for the job you want. If you can, try to find out how current employees in the role you are interviewing for dress. You should try to emulate this look during the interview. If this isn’t possible, use your best judgment when deciding between formal business attire and business casual. This can be dependent on the industry you’re looking to go into and the individual company culture. Another important thing is to be sure that you go into the interview well-groomed. In general, you should be clean and free of offensive odors.
    3. Research commonly asked interview questions. There are lots of resources out there with questions that are often asked during interviews. Certain websites may even provide you with example answers. The important thing is to familiarize yourself with the questions that may be asked during your interview and to prepare your own answers. You want to show your interviewer that you would be an asset to the company, so you should take every question that is asked of you as an opportunity to share your relevant skills and experience.

    Tips To Remember:

    • Be conversational! One of the things interviewers will look for is your ability to hold a conversation because they are trying to gauge how well you will be able to communicate with clients, coworkers, and higher-ups.
    • Remember that your interviewer once sat in the same seat you’re in now. Be personable, pleasant, and don’t be afraid to use humor if appropriate!
    • Your body language says just as much about you as your words (if not more!) Make sure you make an appropriate level of eye contact, nod or show other signs of acknowledgment when you are being spoken to and make yourself appear as calm and collected as possible.
    • Bring copies of your resume for yourself and your interviewer! This practice has become somewhat obsolete with advancements in technology, but it’s still a good idea to bring your resume to reference during the interview.

    Finally, don’t be afraid to ask questions! Interviews are meant to help you just as much as they’re meant to help your interviewer decide if you would be a good fit for a certain role. Make sure you ask questions about factors that are important to you, like work-life balance, parental leave, PTO, company culture, etc. If you are looking for a company that values employees having a work-life balance and your interviewer tells you that this is not something the company is concerned about or flat-out refuses to answer, the company may not be a good fit for you.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • From passion to profession: How anatomy and physiology set the foundation for my nursing journey

    Arianna Olivier

    I wish I could say I have an extraordinary story to tell about why I wanted to be a nurse. Where I saved someone’s life on a random day, or I was impacted a certain way when at the hospital. Truthfully speaking, the reason why I concluded to become a nurse was because of anatomy and physiology. When I was in high school taking anatomy and physiology for the first time, I was captivated by the beauty of the human body, specifically the heart. I was entranced by the simultaneous complexity and simplicity of the structure of the heart. From here, I entered an endless cycle of wanting to learn more.

    I knew I had many exams ahead of me before I could finish my nursing journey. However, the first step was to prepare for was the TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) exam. The TEAS is a standardized entrance exam used at my nursing program to judge how competent you are to enter the nursing program. It covers areas such as reading, math, science, anatomy and physiology, and English. Considering that my strongest suits had been reading and math, I primarily focused on studying for the science portion of the exam. This accounted for my many trips to the school library alongside my anatomy and physiology textbook. Each day I would set aside 3-4 hours of studying where I really focused on the foundation of the various systems in the body. Practice questions were my lifeline. As humbled as I would be when I got an answer wrong, it made me realize that I needed to look over the material and figure out what I was not understanding. With the assistance of the Mastering A&P questions, I was able to have a trusted guide to develop my weaker areas.

    Soon enough I received my score from the TEAS and got into the nursing program. Now came the hard part: passing nursing school. I cannot describe in words the culture shock I had when entering my human assessment and fundamentals class. It required a different level of understanding and analyzing practice questions, since the course transitioned from straight forward questions to critical thinking analysis. From the whirlwind of late-night study sessions, clinical rotations, and the weekly exams, nursing school has been nothing but a rollercoaster ride. However, I believe the reason I am able to comprehend and pass every exam is my solid foundation of anatomy and physiology. Once you understand how an organ is supposed to function, you can understand where it is going wrong. For example, veins take blood to the heart while arteries take blood away from the heart. Now, a patient comes in with pain in their legs that worsens with exercise, pain eases with rest and reports numbness and paresthesia. As a nurse assessing this patient, I can suspect maybe there is a problem of circulation either between the veins or arteries and can expect a certain level of care for this patient. Nonetheless, I would not be able to come to this conclusion if I did not know the way our bodies receive circulation.

    On top of having a good foundation of anatomy and physiology, I have found it critical to pair that with practicing NCLEX-style questions to prepare for the NCLEX-RN (National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses) exam. The NCLEX-RN is a computer adaptive exam that has to be passed in order to establish licensing for an individual to work as a Registered Nurse. This dynamic combination is a powerful tool for not only passing the NCLEX exam but becoming a competent nurse. As I am passing the last hurdle of the program, I focus my energy on completing and revising practice questions. Nursing students at Miami-Dade have to take an exit exam that calculates our probability of actually passing the NCLEX. This exam covers all the principles that we have been learning from the beginning. Having questions that mimic real world scenarios requires us not only to recall information but also apply it. It is the bridge that connects our theoretical knowledge of anatomy and physiology with the practical nursing interventions required to be competent. To give an example, prioritization questions help us understand which patient should we designate care to first in critical settings. As you may know, nurses will have multiple patients at a time, but it is up to the nurse's critical judgment to decide which patient takes priority over the others. A patient going into cardiac arrest will take priority over a patient who is vomiting blood. With the recurrent practice of this style of questions I will be able to go into the real world and identify which one of my patients has the higher risk of getting hurt and who I have to assess first.

    To sum everything up, nursing school is not about just passing a test. It is the foundation of our nursing care and having reassurance in knowing that we are well prepared to provide safe care to our future patients. Combining a strong foundation in anatomy and physiology with consistent practice of NCLEX-style questions will provide the smoothest pathway to succeed in the nursing field. I know that the first few years of being a nurse will be the most difficult transition in the beginning. Learning the hospital's policies and the way to ease communications with different patients and hospital personnel will be something I learn on the job. However, I can sleep comfortably knowing that I have the knowledge to provide safe and competent care to any patient that comes into my hands.

  • A collage of 3 photos: upper left is a group of 7 women – 6 are wearing sailor hats; lower left is the blog author with a football bowl trophy, and on the right is the University of South Alabama football stadium.

    Career Connections: Sports Management

    Amiaya Ross

    While growing up, I was always involved in sports in various aspects. Whether I was playing on the field, supporting my siblings, or watching games on television, sports was a part of nearly everything I did. This happened quickly from a young age. At the time it didn’t occur to me that sports could be an area where I’d find my future career.

    First There Was Football

    My favorite sport to watch has always been football. Football has always been a big thing in my family, from Friday night lights to NFL Sundays. I have always enjoyed the lively and social atmosphere on game days. This led me to wanting to pursue a football game day staff position at my local university during my senior year of high school. I enjoyed every minute of my experience there.

    Campus Job

    As soon as I started college, I reached out to acquire a similar position and was hired by my university’s athletic department as an Event Services and Facilities Operations Student Assistant. In my role, I get to work and connect with so many staff members across the various different athletic departments, as well as external visitors who use our facilities on campus.

    Taking It to the Next Level

    This past semester, I recently started a position as a football equipment manager. This has been one of my favorite positions, since in this role I get to be more involved with what happens on the field and not just the stadium. Although both of my roles include many long and busy days and nights, I believe that getting involved in the sports industry has been one of the best experiences so far.

    Over the last three years, I have gained and developed numerous skills, such as communication and time management, that have been beneficial outside of work. I have had the best experience working in the sports industry so far, which is why I have decided to pursue a career within the industry after graduation. My goal is to someday work in event operations at a professional sports stadium or arena.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 

  • A spiral notebook open to a page featuring a written outline planning a resume. The word Success written in larger letters at the bottom and circled.

    Writing a Winning Resume

    Faith Van Wyk

    Applying for a summer job? Maybe it’s your first time, or maybe you’ve got lots of work experience to include on your resume. Either way, it can be intimidating trying to decide what to write. After all, your resume is part of your first impression when you apply for a position. Let’s break down the process of crafting a resume into a few steps:

    1. Compare Your Qualities to the Job Listing

    It’s always a good idea to go back and look at the desired skills for a candidate included on the original job listing. For example, if one of the skills on the listing is “good time management skills” and you know that you always adhere to a schedule and always get your work done on time, go ahead and add it to your resume. Make sure that any skills you take from the listing are skills you actually have – don't say you’re proficient in Microsoft Word when you’ve only ever used Google Docs.

    2. Decide What Prior Experience to Include

    This next step can be tricky if you’ve never had a “professional” job before - but don’t worry! You may still have things you can include in this section: babysitting, mowing lawns, being part of a club or organization, volunteer work, and even being part of a sports team can count as experience. As long as you show that you have dedication and you’re reliable, you’re good to go. You can list accomplishments like “babysat for x number of families” or “utilized teamwork and communication to win games” to show that you’ve gained desirable skills from your past experiences.

    If you have had a few jobs before, you don’t need to include all of them on your resume. Only include positions that are relevant to the one you are applying for. Also try not to have repetitive experience on your resume. For example, if you have had 6 retail positions, you don’t need to list all 6 – just pick a few and highlight a different set of skills and accomplishments from each.

    You can (and should!) mention your education on your resume. You can list skills and accomplishments there as well. For example, you may want to mention it on your resume if you had a good GPA or won any awards.

    3. Create Your First Draft

    After you have decided what to include on your resume, you’re ready to start writing! Include a strong introduction or summary statement that tells the reader who you are and what your mission is before they even begin reading about your skills and experience.

    General tips and guidelines for resume writing:

    1. Keep your resume under one page in length.
    2. If you are in college or have graduated from college, you don’t need to include your high school diploma on your resume.
    3. Try to avoid using bold colors unless you are applying for a more creative position. In general, stick to neutral colors.
    4. Make sure that your font is readable. Don’t make your font too big or too small, and don’t use more than two or three different font styles. For most jobs, you’ll also want to make sure that your font style is in print and does not include wacky designs.
    5. When writing about past experiences, write in past-tense. If you are including a job you still have, write about it in the present tense.
    6. Be honest. It’s never a good idea to lie about your skills and experience, especially when they are necessary for the job.

    These tips should help you create a fantastic resume that will increase your chances of landing that job or getting that internship. Having a quality resume is an important document that you will constantly be revising for the rest of your life as you move through your career. Writing an excellent first draft is putting your best foot forward. Happy writing!

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 

  • A group of college students sitting in a circle outside on their campus.

    Seize Your Summer!

    Ashish Bijumon

    We all want a stress-free summer after a long and difficult semester. It is a time to unwind and relax. However, students often waste valuable time on apps such as Instagram and TikTok. It’s so easy to fall into the habit of scrolling through social media for hours watching the latest Kardashian news or the new trendy dance. My own mistake was following sports news religiously. I wasted so much time until I realized I could use my time to learn a new skill, apply for jobs/internships, or participate in community events to network with others. The summer is a time for fun, but we must take control of the day and use it to our benefit. Here are a few tips I used to seize my summer and take control of my career.

    Rise and Shine

    During the summer I would stay up late until around 2-3 AM and wake up at noon. This was due to me playing video games late at night with my friends. However, when you wake up late, HALF of the day is already gone/wasted. I would be angry at myself for waking up so late because now the day felt shorter, and tasks felt like they could not be finished. This was very unmotivating and I found myself just pushing the tasks to the next day, except then I would repeat my same mistakes. I recommend setting multiple alarms so you can get up in the morning and get more stuff done, such as getting a workout going in the gym or heading to the library to pick up a book.

    Learn Something New

    During my first two years of college, I worked at a Dunkin Donuts. It was a fine job, but I felt that I was not setting myself up for a successful future. I wanted to learn skills in the computer field such as database management and coding; how could I do that being a barista? It took me a while to leave the job, but when I left, I went to the local library and picked up a “Coding 101” guidebook. This book would define my summer of 2021. I was taking a programming course the coming semester and knew that I needed to be familiar with the concepts. With more time on my hands, I used it on enhancing my technical skills. I read and practiced the different programming languages such as Python and JavaScript and became comfortable with them. I was a beginner in programming with no experience, but with dedication and structure I became confident in my skills and felt that I used my time to help my future career.

    Surround Yourself with Positive Influences

    I was lucky to be around career driven individuals. We all shared the same goal: to better ourselves. My friends and I would meet every evening to play basketball and stay active. We reserved the morning and afternoon hours to better our skills and network. Having people who share the same ideals and have the same mindset as you is a crucial part in taking control of your summer and career. They won’t be obtrusive, but rather they will support you and have your back. Surround yourself with positivity.

    Summer shouldn’t just be about focusing on your career, but you can use some of that time to make productive strides towards your career goals. Have fun, but don’t loaf around. Time is crucial, seize the day and reap the benefits.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 

  • Large blue letters extended from a convention center ceiling that read: IAAPA expo. There is a large off-white column to either side of the letters.

    Dear Younger Me: My Childhood Dreams are Becoming Reality

    Arya Kirpekar

    What is your earliest memory of going to a theme park? Why was that experience memorable to you? I frequented theme parks as a kid and by the time I was old enough to understand the career choices that were in front of me, I wanted to be a “roller coaster engineer”. During my first week of college, I found out about my school’s Theme Park Engineering and Design Club and I knew I had to join. At the first meeting, we talked about our favorite theme park rides, how we would change certain ones, and even some we dreamed of creating and I felt at home right away. I had found a community of people who shared my dream. Through actively participating in this club, I learned that I could alter my previous dream into a real career in theme park design.

    Making the Dream into a Reality

    In November of 2022, I was presented with an opportunity to travel with the club to Orlando for the IAAPA (International Association for Amusement Parks and Attractions) expo. The first time I saw the show floor will forever be a core memory for me. Everywhere the eye could see contained booths, rides, arcade games, food stands, and more. There are no words to do it justice, so I’ll simply describe it as the most overwhelming yet invigorating room I’d ever stepped foot in. Every conversation I had and every company I met reinforced my dream of working in the themed entertainment industry. When I think about everything I learned, it all boils down to the idea that this industry is real and not just something I dreamt of as a kid. Suffice it to say, it was one of the most eye-opening experiences of my life.

    My Biggest Takeaways

    I will forever be grateful for my experience at IAAPA, and I hope to return many more times in my life. For my first real-life introduction to the industry, I felt like I gained a much better understanding of the themed entertainment and attraction industry. Here are my biggest takeaways from the experience:

    1. Classrooms are not equal to real-life experience. I had spent two full semesters hearing about the industry and participating in small-scale activities, but, until I attended the IAAPA expo, my knowledge of the industry barely scraped the surface.
    2. Networking takes time and practice. I thought that networking would come easily to me, but I was sorely mistaken. It took me an entire day to even work up the confidence to initiate a conversation. I’m still working on finding the best ways to introduce myself, but luckily, I have plenty of time to get better at it.
    3. Let passion drive your future endeavors. This was the biggest thing I learned from the experience. Nearly every person I met was excited to talk about their position, projects, and experiences. It was evident that these people had an honest love for their work. Their openness and honesty regarding their passions was incredibly inspiring. They taught me that if I let passion drive my career, I would get much further and be happier than if I follow superficial things.

    If I could relay one piece of advice that I learned from this experience, it’s that there is truth to Walt Disney’s saying, “if you dream it, you can do it.” If you have a passion for something, life is too short to give up on it without even trying. Follow your dreams and they may lead you somewhere beyond what you could have ever imagined.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 

  • A computer laptop screen displaying the 2022-2023 Academic Catalog of the University of Alabama.

    Things to Consider Before Changing your Major

    Rachel Calcote

    College can be way different than we ever imagined. You come in with a plan thinking you know what you want to do, then halfway through the semester you start second guessing yourself. Is it just nerves, hard classes, or do you really want to change your major? Have you found your passion? Even if all you know is that you hate your current major, here are a few tips for helping you find a new major, figure out if you actually want to change your major, or just want to explore different classes at your university.

    Do Some Research

    Check out the university catalog and see what other majors your school has to offer. Maybe there’s a program that sounds interesting that you want to try. Talk to some of your peers and faculty that are part of that program. If it’s not too late, maybe sign up for one class to try out the program before you switch degrees. Taking one class before changing your major can save you a lot of hassle if you decide you don’t enjoy that program. It could also help you realize that your current program is the right program for you. Or maybe your current school doesn’t have the program that you think is right for you. Are you willing to transfer schools?

    Take A Career Quiz

    It might sound cliché but taking a skills test can help point you in a new direction when considering careers. Additionally, look at jobs you might want in the future. Your major should help you gain knowledge in experience in whatever field you want to be in. Sometimes it’s easier to start by identifying the job you want and then working backwards to achieve it. Talk to people that currently have that job. Connect with recruiters. Ask people what qualities they look for when hiring and what majors they look for. Depending on the job, your major may matter less than the skills you acquire.

    Take A Look at Your Finances

    Can you afford to take the extra time it may take to graduate? If not, explore some additional scholarships or financial aid packages or consider finishing your current degree and coming back to school later when you’re financially able to. Some companies pay their employees to obtain certain degrees, so maybe that’s an option for you. Consider multiple paths to achieving your goals. Who knows, you may not even need to go back to school. You may need to learn a few skills on your own and then market yourself appropriately. Everyone’s path looks different, so consider what you want yours to look like.

    Meet With Your Advisor

    Talk to your current advisor and your potential advisor. Ask questions about program length, classes, grade requirements, scholarships, job opportunities, and anything else before making the switch. Advisors are incredibly knowledgeable and are there to help. They can also help you decide if changing your major is right for you. It’s a hard choice and can be intimidating, but there’s no need to be afraid to make that change.

    Whether or not you decide to change majors, make a point to meet with your campus career center. They will help guide you towards jobs that fit your goals. They are there to help you market yourself so that you can land your dream job. At the end of the day, it never hurts to diversify your learning and have fun while doing so.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 

  • A screenshot of blog author Hiren’s LinkedIn profile page.

    LinkedIn: Creating your account, building your profile, and everything in between

    Hiren Gugnani

    If you haven’t created your LinkedIn account, it certainly is not too late to do so! Not many realize that LinkedIn is purely beneficial to your career, and online persona; it’s a great resource to contact recruiters, alumni, and countless other people you’ve come across professionally. Whether you’re creating your LinkedIn for the first time or updating your profile, here are a few tips to best utilize this platform to your advantage!

    First Impressions

    First and foremost, make a few simple updates your profile by adding a profile picture, headline, and bio. Although a professional headshot is ideal, any professional-looking photo or even a picture taken of you against a neutral background taken with your cell phone camera should suffice. If you have an iPhone, simply place the camera app in “Portrait Mode” to achieve a clear and focused DIY headshot! Add a headline with your current job/degree prowess, and there’s a solid start right there!

    Next, add a bio in the ‘About’ section on your profile. This does not need to be any longer than 100-200 words, but it is nice to provide an introduction into yourself. Think about it as a condensed cover letter. Make sure there is a space for additional contact as well, such as your email address. You want your profile to look good and to make the lasting impression that is easily transferable to a contact at any point in the future.

    Experiences & Activity

    All jobs, internships, and volunteer activities can be listed here on your profile! While it is beneficial when you list associations and institutions with their own respective LinkedIn pages, any experiences that have made an impact on you that can be spoken about has its place on your page. An easy way to update this section is to copy and paste bullets from your resume or supporting documents into the description text box. It is also possible to rephrase a summary of the experience in paragraph format. If choosing the second option, make sure to keep it brief!

    Education is also important to list in your profile. Any degrees or programs completed or in progress should be listed here. Your alumni network is vast, and this shows potential connections that you both have the institution in common, which helps to instill talking points.

    Make Connections!

    When meeting someone in class, a networking event, a coffee chat, or any other occasion involving a potential life connection, you may as well add them as a connection on LinkedIn! There is an option to leave a note when connecting if you would like to say thank you for their time, or simply remind them when/where you interacted. For any number of connections up to 499, the exact number is publicly listed on your profile. Once the threshold of 500 connections is made, then it is shown as “500+”. For that reason, it is not necessary to spend time connecting with numerous individuals. Once you get connected with your high school or college class, there will be hundreds already established within your network. Once connected, one’s profile is a “1st” connection when you are signed in.

    It is also doable to reach out to secondary connections! When someone is one degree of separation from your profile on LinkedIn, they show up for you (and vice versa) as “2nd”, and any more degrees of separation away is “3+”. In this case, a 2nd connection can be made into a 1st connection when your mutual puts you two together, or by personally reaching out to the 2nd connection due to a dedicated interest.

    Is LinkedIn Premium Worth the Cost?

    Premium has a heavy cost to it, and thankfully this can be accessed via a free trial for each account. There are a few bonuses that come with this subscription, and from personal experience utilizing the free trial, I find it can be quite helpful when actively searching for a job or internship, but not necessarily year-round.

    There is a yellow badge that appears next to your name on your profile to notify others of your premium access. Those with Premium can see who specifically is viewing their profile and receive metrics based on viewers. Up to five “InMail” credits are given, which allow for direct messaging to recruiters! This can be especially helpful when applying for sought after roles to place yourself above the standard application process.

    All in all, I would say it is definitely worth taking advantage of the free trial when it will be useful for you to do so. From there, it is up to you to figure out when to continue having LinkedIn premium. Just make sure to turn off auto-renewal when you begin your trial!

    LinkedIn is the top networking and job searching site. It’s free set up make it easy to make connections and get noticed by potential future employers. Try these tips and you’ll get your LinkedIn profile in top shape in no time!

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 

  • A screengrab of blog author Sophie Harrison’s LinkedIn profile featuring her profile picture, background photo of mountains, and her school details.

    LinkedIn Tips for College Students

    Sophie Harrison

    LinkedIn is a powerful tool that allows students and professionals to connect at the click of a button. Due to this, it has become a handy platform that allows its users to utilize networking, career building, and job hunting. Here are some ways to promote your LinkedIn to create an effective page.

    Professional Profile Picture

    For starters, the importance of a strong profile picture and background is something you need to prioritize. A common issue is that you may not have a professional headshot. I have good news: two options can help you outside of scouting through old pictures of yourself. For instance, most colleges offer free headshots in their university career center or have specific days during a career fair or welcome week. However, if this is not available at your college or you are currently not in school, you can take a fantastic headshot at home. All you need is good lighting, a solid background, a professional shirt, and either a self-timer or someone to take the picture for you. In addition, choose a neutral background image that supports what you are interested in, such as an art piece. The profile picture and background you choose reflect your brand.

    Simple Introduction

    Next, the introduction should be clean, simple, and straight to the point. The headline is where you can put current info that stands out. For instance, you can put what you currently do: Pearson Campus Ambassador, Student at this University. Underneath that, you can re-enter your current position, education, location, and industry. Think of this as another opportunity to show off more about you.

    Write in Your Job and Educational Background

    List your work experience in chronological order in the Experience section underneath your headline. Show how long you were at a position, the location, job type, company, and add details about the position. The description section allows you to highlight the noteworthy details of your role in a brief informative paragraph. Since the section is short, highlight your achievements and the overview of what you did. The specific details are for your resume. Add anything relevant to your goals and career path. Include jobs that showcase your knowledge and experience of the industry.

    LinkedIn Extras

    The next sections cover education, organizations, licenses, and certifications where you can highlight what you studied. Specifically, you can list out major, minor, concentration within the field of the study section and then list out your activities and societies while there. Show off your well-rounded side and let employers or colleges see your interests. Keep this section brief and more of an ordered form. In the Organizations section, you can list the specifics, the purpose, and position. This is a great way for you to highlight your involvement. Similarly, the Honors and Awards section is where you can list out things you’ve won and where they occurred. Furthermore, if you’ve taken a separate class where you’ve gotten a certification such as being CPR trained or having a license in Excel you can place that here.

    The Courses section is useful to utilize, as well. It allows employers to see if you’ve taken relevant coursework and how far you are in your degree program. Additionally, I recommend filling out the Skills section and taking the skills tests if you can. It allows you to show off your skills and what you are talented in.

    I hope that this gives you an idea of how to develop your LinkedIn further to benefit you so that you can highlight yourself more proficiently and build your network.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started!