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  • A college student’s laptop open to a calendar screen for January 2024.

    Bouncing Back After a Rough Semester

    Kayleigh Parish

    As you make your way through your college career, you are bound to run into some rough times. Whether it’s due to extenuating circumstances outside of the classroom or difficult course content, you might find yourself in a situation where the semester didn’t quite turn out like you originally planned. So, what do you do if this does happen? Here are four tips to help you through this stressful time to help get you back on track to do well in the semester ahead.

    1. Take a deep breath.

    It’s going to be all right. The courses you are taking are designed to be challenging. It’s okay if you struggled this past semester. This is the time to assess the situation you’re in and make any necessary changes. Double-check on important matters, like financial aid, and make a game plan to ensure that you’re not too affected. Look at next semester's course schedule and adjust your classes accordingly. Breathe. You’re going to make it through this.

    2. Keep your notes and course work.

    While they might not be the most helpful to you now, if you end up re-taking the course, they can be a great roadmap to build off of the second time around. Look at your notes and see where they can be improved. Keep any practice problems and work on them in between now and when you take the course again. This can help you build a solid foundation for your next attempt. Use what work you did put into the course to your advantage.

    3. Do some research.

    Look around your campus and see what resources they provide to their students. Find the tutoring services and utilize them throughout your courses. See if your university has any grade forgiveness programs in place and learn how to apply for them once you retake the class successfully.

    4. Use the resources you have.

    Ask classmates to join your study group. Utilize TA and professor office hours. Look at your own study patterns and adapt them as is necessary for your own success. Find clarifying videos online and use any course materials provided to practice before your future exams. Build healthy habits that can make your semester run smoother. Get organized and make sure you’re ready to take the semester head on!

    Using these tips can help to prepare you for the current semester and the semesters ahead. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Everyone has rough semesters. If you take the steps to bounce back strong you can help set yourself up for success! Good luck!

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • Two pairs of hands working on a set of landscape architecture drawings.

    Life as a Project-Based Student

    Chloe Campbell

    Life as a project-based student has its highs and lows. Typically, college students can be found studying in coffee shops, working in the library with friends, or even curling up on the couch working on homework. But for a project-based student, that might not be an option. As a landscape architecture student, most of my time is spent in the studio working on computer/hand graphic projects. This looks like spending upwards of 20 hours a week in the same classroom, with the same people, with the same professors, working on design projects.

    Strong Community

    This might sound like a hefty experience, but there are many pros that come along with working mainly on projects: I don't have tests often, I get to know the people in my classes, and I get to delegate my time how I want to. One project could last months, but in that time frame I get to become close with my classmates and professors, and we get to bond over working on the same project for long periods of time. Most other majors don't have the opportunity to fully get to know your classmates, but the community work environment of a design major makes it vital to succeeding in class.

    Marathon Studio Time

    The average work week for me looks like having studio time on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1:30 to 5:20. On top of that I might need to be spending some of my time in the studio getting ahead or catching up. Having that amount of class time might seem wild but having that separated class time just to work is vital and has taught me a lot about how to manage my time well. During a busy project, I might be spending 30-plus hours a week in the same room with the same people.

    Real-World Career Preparation

    There are some downsides to spending so much time in the studio. The timeline of projects can be daunting, spending time with the same people for large amounts of time can be hard, and getting along with professors can become challenging. But all these things allow for benefits in the work environment. Down the line whenever we get a real job, there are going to be tough work relations and tough deadlines. The landscape architecture program truly prepares you for what life could be like outside of school.

    Most majors have it differently with their exams, but I enjoy creating these projects. I’ve enjoyed the relationships I’ve been able to build with peers and professors since we have to work on the same projects over a long time. This will transfer over into the real world of architecture, which I will hopefully be in soon enough!

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • A set of nursing flashcards displayed by a stethoscope and alcohol wipe packets.

    Top 3 Tips for Taking the Next Generation NCLEX

    Arianna Olivier

    Back in 2017, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) conducted a study called the Nursing Knowledge survey. The results of this survey gave valuable insights with the evolving changes happening in nursing education and practice, and ensured that the nurses on the floors are well-prepared to provide safe and effective care. The NCSBN developed an upgraded version of the National Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX) now called the Next Generation NCLEX (NGN), which went into effect in April 2023. Here are the 3 top things to keep in mind when taking the NGN.

    1. Protect Your Patients' Lives!

    The NCLEX is an exam used to analyze one main thing at its core: how safe of a nurse are you? Patient safety is a priority in nursing practice, and the NGN underscores this by presenting scenarios that focus on safe and effective care. Test-takers will need to demonstrate that they can use the knowledge learned from nursing school, convert it into critical thinking and apply that to the answer. The exam aims to ensure that new nurses are well-prepared to provide care that minimizes risks and maximizes positive outcomes.

    2. You Need to Use Your Critical Thinking.

    This is not the same as high school exams. The NGN places a significant emphasis on clinical judgment, going beyond the traditional knowledge-based questions. When analyzing the clinical judgment is the ability to make informed decisions based on critical thinking and real-world scenarios. This means that test-takers will encounter questions that present complex patient situations, requiring them to analyze data, prioritize interventions, and make sound clinical decisions. This shift reflects the need for nurses to be competent and confident decision-makers in dynamic healthcare environments.

    3. Reflecting Real-World Scenarios:

    The NGN draws from real-world nursing scenarios to create questions that mirror the challenges nurses face daily. This means that candidates won't just be tested on theoretical knowledge; they will need to apply their critical thinking into practical situations. The goal is to prepare nurses who can seamlessly transition from the classroom to the clinical setting, ready to address the complexities of modern healthcare. They will be implementing this on the new exam with a new question type called a Case Scenario. They will present to you a single case that can have 2-8 questions based on the case scenario.

    If you are a nursing student or a future nursing student, do not freak out. Becoming more aware of what will be on the Next Generation NCLEX will ease your anxiety and give you an understanding of what is to be expected for this exam. By understanding these 3 key aspects of the Next Generation exam, you can prepare yourself to be a nurse that can safely execute tasks and assignments. However, you will truly know how to be a good nurse once you are working on the floor.

    Keep studying!

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • Two images of the blog author with one of her professors and with a class group photo in front of a white board.

    How to Develop a Relationship with Your Professors

    Katie Priest

    Professors can often seem unapproachable. Oftentimes they are experts in their field, usually with a doctorate. So, as a college student, it seems that you have nothing to talk about, but you want to learn everything you possibly can from them. Also, if they’re teaching in your major, you want to learn more about what they have to say, and possibly develop a relationship with them post-grad to help you in your professional life.

    As someone who has developed several positive relationships with professors, here are some of the best tips I have on how to develop and keep a collegial relationship with your professors.

    1. Be a Good Student

    This might seem like a given, but it’s my number one tip. It’s really hard to get a professor to take you seriously if you’re not taking their class seriously. Most professors are teaching 2 to 3 classes so there are a lot of students for them to meet and get to know over the course of a semester. Also, class participation is a great way to start off a conversation with a professor. Asking questions about course material or connecting something you saw outside of class with course material is a really great way to start having regular conversations with your professor. Students need to consistently show up, engage, and stand out instead of being those who miss class, sit in the back, or don’t participate.

    2. Do Your Research

    Your professor has to do research in their field in order to get a doctorate degree. You can look up your professor's name and find out what they did in their research. This might help you either figure out if this is a professor you want to pursue a relationship with or give you a jumping-off point to start a conversation. This is also a great way to show a professor that you’re invested in getting to know them because you took the time out of your personal life to do some research about who they are as a person. Additionally, people pick their research topics based on something they’re interested in, so this is going to be something they’re already going to want to talk to you about.

    3. Professors are People, Too

    Now that you started developing this relationship with your professor by talking about things related to academia, you can also start talking about things that aren’t necessarily related to academia. Talk about their weekend plans, their break plans, and ask them about their family if that’s something they share in class. Most of the time professors share pieces of their personal life in class and those are usually things they’re comfortable with sharing so you can bring it up in conversation if it’s something you want to know more about. For example, I have a professor who is from a country outside of the US, so we talked a lot about her time there. When she travels, it's something we can connect with outside of our academic connection.

    4. Be Respectful

    When you’re scheduling time with your professor, respect that time. They have multiple classes and have lives outside of being a professor. If they’re making time for you, you must respect that. Show up on time and make the most of that time that you have together outside of the classroom.

    5. Stay in Touch

    You know once you’ve developed a relationship with your professor whether or not they’re going to continue it with you outside of your university post-grad. A lot of times they’ll give you their personal email or phone number and it can seem really daunting about how to approach those conversations outside of your university. The best approach is to keep in touch every 3 to 6 months with a little update about what you’re doing related to whatever field that professor is in. Also check on who they are as a person and see what they’re up to.

    All in all, developing a relationship with your professor is exactly the same as developing a relationship with any person; it takes time, care, and respect. But remember, it’s never impossible.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • Three students sit at a table in a college common room. They are gathered around a laptop computer and are looking at the screen with interest.

    5 Study Tips from Science Majors

    Melanie Perez, Ariana Santiago, Grace Oh, Maggie Parker, Taylor Perline

    We’ve asked science majors from universities all over the country to share their no-fail tips for studying success. From the first day to finals, use these tips to help you study smarter.

    1) Calendarize the syllabus

    The first thing one should do after registering for their class is look at the syllabus. I like using a spreadsheet like Google sheets or Excel to list out all the assignments and quizzes/exams. This lets me know far in advance the average number of assignments I have a week. Plus, I can put the exams in a calendar and track the amount of studying I have to do. - Melanie Perez, Florida International University

    Learn more about how to increase productivity and organization when you’re in college.

    2) Practice active recall

    On some random Tuesday during my first semester, I decided I wanted to use one of the whiteboards in the library to study. I’ve never looked back.

    Active recall on a whiteboard is my secret weapon when it comes to studying. Active recall is a study method in which you write as much as you can remember about a topic, then go back through your notes to fill in the gaps.

    Back when I used to study with my notes online, I would trick myself into thinking I knew the material just because I read it over multiple times. With the whiteboard, there’s no pretending I know the material. I write down everything I can remember, and then I go back to my notes to fill in what I can’t remember.

    After that first round of writing, I erase everything.

    I make sure to close my lecture notes and erase every single speck of writing on my whiteboard and write it all over again, trying to include what I forgot the first time. Since it’s not my computer or a notebook, I can’t scroll or turn back to my notes and cheat; either I remember it, or I don’t.

    I find that making mind maps with arrows and hand drawn pictures or diagrams is extremely helpful for putting concepts together, especially for biology. The space and flexibility (you can easily erase and move things around) a whiteboard provides is perfect for that.

    With this method, I can easily pinpoint my areas of weakness and cut down on study time since it only takes me around three rounds of active recall to remember and connect everything. Also, it’s way more eco-friendly than doing it on sheets of paper! - Ariana Santiago, Temple University

    Discover how to find your perfect study space on campus.

    3) Stay motivated

    The material in most science based classes is extremely dense and can be difficult to take in in one sitting. Something that helps me stay motivated is to take breaks.

    Studies have shown our brains can function and focus most efficiently for roughly 30 minutes to two hours. Therefore, in order to keep studying without draining my brain too much, I will study or work on an assignment for 45 minutes then take a five- to ten-minute break.

    My favorite thing to do is get outside for some fresh air and even take a quick walk to reset my focus before getting back to work. This helps me stay motivated and avoid passive learning. - Grace Oh, University of Oregon

    4) Do practice problems. Don’t memorize.

    Memorization doesn’t allow for a deep understanding of a topic, which is crucial in biology due to its complexity.

    Rather than just using flash cards to try and understand processes, which are often too intricate to easily summarize, you should try working through examples and practice problems.

    This type of studying will give you real experience with applying equations and concepts. It will also make you more confident going into an exam because you’ve gone beyond just memorizing facts. - Maggie Parker, Syracuse University

    5) Take care of yourself

    The most important thing to do is to take care of yourself.

    Studying all day long with no fun in between can lead to burnout. It can take a physical and mental toll on you.

    Your college years are an amazing time when you’re young and able to have fun. Go to the sports games, spend time at the gym, join a club, and hang out with your friends! I also love to reward myself with a sweet treat after exams. You are working hard! - Taylor Perline, Ohio State University

    For more study tips and tricks, check out the Insider Tips video located within the Freeman Biological Science 7e Mastering Biology course. View an example here.

  • Three young college women smiling for a selfie.

    Preparing For Junior Year

    Emilie Conners

    Junior year of college can feel heavy at times, whether you’ve been anxious about it beginning or you’re halfway through and realizing it was more than you bargained for. Some of your friends may be interviewing for summer internships in a big city somewhere far away, while others still have no clue what they want to do after graduation. When getting ready to take on the journey that is junior year, try to do these few things to keep the stress away and stay above water when things start to feel crazy.


    Take networking opportunities seriously! The more you network at the beginning of the year and meet more professionals in your career field, the easier it is to find an internship for the summer. Trust me, you’ll be so glad that you put some of the extra time in throughout the semester to make those connections so that you aren’t scrambling and stressing to find an opportunity in April or May. Most colleges have networking events that go on each semester that are specific to your major. If you’re having trouble finding opportunities, reach out to your professors and see if they can put you in touch with people in your field of interest.


    Make connections with people on campus! Don’t be afraid to talk to people in your classes and form new friendships. This goes along with what I was saying about networking but in a less professional way. Some of the friends you make in college can be some of your best career connections even if they’re not professionals in the field you’re pursuing. One day you may look back and wish you had put yourself out there more – you have nothing to lose! Along with this, don’t be afraid to join clubs or organizations on your campus. It’s never too late to do this and it can be super helpful in getting you connected on campus and meeting more people who share similar interests and career goals as you.

    Take Time for Yourself

    While there is a lot going on this year, make sure to also take time for yourself! Burn out is a very real thing and is something that is particularly easy to catch during junior year. Enjoy being a college student and try to remember you’ll never be in this season of your life again, so while it can be a lot of work, don’t forget that it’s also a special time. Look out for your friends and know that you’re not going on this journey alone.

    Everyone on your campus is there for you so take advantage of that! Set up an appointment with your academic advisor to talk about post-graduation jobs if you’re feeling nervous or unsure about what you want to do. Know that people are there for you and that you have the resources you need to succeed!

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • A group of eight nursing students standing in 2 rows. They are all wearing blue scrubs.

    Five Things to Know About Nursing School

    Arianna Olivier

    I am a nursing student at Miami Dade College. After completing my Associate’s degree in nursing, I am on track to earn my Bachelor of Science degree next year. Here are 5 things I wish I’d known before starting nursing school. I hope these will help future nursing students begin this journey with realistic expectations.

    Nursing school is not THAT hard.

    Nursing school is whatever you make it to be. If you occupy every hour of your day, and do not take time to recover and rest yourself, you will feel that school is hard and that you have no life. If you take the time out of your schedule to do something that you enjoy, whether it’s reading a book, watching one episode of your current show, or going to the gym, you will feel so much better and have the mindset to focus on your academics. Learn from now on to take the time to prioritize some personal time out of your day, whether its 1 hour a day to read or 2 hours a day to be at the gym, so that you do not solely live, breathe, and sleep nursing school.

    This is a marathon, not a race.

    You will notice very quickly that some classmates are going to have a competitive mindset. For some reason (that is unknown to me), you are going to see students comparing grades and study methods with a passive aggressive mechanism in their tone. You may even be one of these students, with an urge to prove that you are smart enough to be in the program. The reality is you are ALL meant to be in the program. You are ALL smart enough. Nursing school is not a race, and it shouldn’t be treated as one.

    Find a group of friends and never let them go.

    On my first day of orientation, we were told by the speaker that “you do not get through nursing school alone.” I can testify that this is true. Nursing school is an immense adjustment to your academic and social life. It can become overwhelming to figure out your method of studying, balancing out your assignments and tests with the realities that come with being a human being. Contrary to what was in statement #2, you may feel sometimes that you are not smart enough. You will contemplate on leaving the program, or quitting your job and then wondering how you will be able to pay for your classes. Nursing school is a rollercoaster of emotions. Having a study group or a simple group of friends is going to be the anchor between you and nursing school. Find yourself a group of genuine people, with your same goals, and never let them go.

    Your life does not have to stop because you are a nursing student.

    This goes hand and hand with statement #1, but it is more about the mindset that you carry while you are in school. Your life should not stop because you are a nursing student. During orientation, they may jokingly say things like “say goodbye to your friends and families” or “you are ours for the next 2 or 4 years.” That is not true. Carrying on this type of mindset is going to be detrimental to your mental health. You HAVE to dedicate parts of your days, a whole day or even a weekend to recover so that you can be successful in nursing school. Doing this even gives you something to look forward to so that during the week you can tell yourself to push harder because you will have this one day to do what you want to do.

    Of course, it is important for you to spend lots of hours studying and focusing on your classes and preparing for upcoming exams. Nevertheless, it will never hurt for you to spend some time to spend a weekend in Disney, enjoy Thanksgiving dinner, or go ice skating with your friends (even if it means taking your flashcards with you). These moments are essential to reducing the risk of burnout and keeping your battery high for those extra-long study sessions.

    Memorization will only go so far.

  • A laptop computer displaying the landing page for Pearson+.

    Why I Love Pearson+

    Emilie Conners

    When thinking of college, a lot of great things come to mind: growth, new experiences, lots of fun… and money. The cost of attending college continues to rise making it increasingly challenging for students to attend without feeling financially burdened. With this being said, it is vital that the materials and other resources that students need access to stay at an affordable cost.

    One resource that I love is Pearson+, a digital platform that encompasses eTextbooks and study tools to help you learn, while allowing you the freedom to actually afford your materials, rather than spending ALL of your money on them. There’s nothing worse than that one day during the first week of the semester when you and your roommates go to the bookstore to purchase your textbooks and leave with a MUCH heavier backpack and a MUCH lighter wallet. Pearson+ is entirely digital and with the app it goes where you go.

    Lower Cost

    Pearson+ is super cost effective because it is only $10.99 per month to access an eTextbook. This means over the course of one semester that is typically around 4 months long, you’re only paying just over $40 for your whole text PLUS all of the other features that I’ll get into later on. I typically spend around $70 on a textbook for my courses so this Pearson+ price is incredible. I also love that you can pay monthly or upfront at the beginning of the semester. I’ve yet to find another textbook that beats this price..


    One of my favorite aspects of Pearson+ is how personalized it is to you. Each student has a different learning style and sometimes multiple, which is why it is so critical that the tools we use to learn are able to accommodate all of these different styles. One of my favorite features on the platform is the flashcards. You can create flashcards while reading the text as well as highlight different parts of the reading. This is so useful for someone like me who loves to be able to write on and highlight text while I’m reading but doesn’t want to purchase the physical text to do this or go through stacks of flashcards.


    There is also an audiobook feature which allows you to listen to your textbook! This is super useful because I don’t have as much time to read as I’d like and so I can listen to my textbook when I’m walking on campus. This feature is especially nice for students who have a longer commute and can listen while on their drive to campus! The speed is also adjustable, and the voices can be changed as well.

    I’ve noticed myself and many of my friends and peers becoming more and more busy throughout college. Studying during your break at work, while working out, or grocery shopping is becoming increasingly common – therefore having the resources to be able to do so effectively is vital. Pearson+ adjusts to the lifestyles of students – it ultimately goes where you go, while saving you money at the same time.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 

  • Body Unboxed podcast illustration of person running.

    Podcasts: Study Smarter, Not Harder!

    Mikayla Wallace

    Podcasts have become a valuable tool in higher education, offering numerous benefits to students and educators. For students, podcasts offer a more conversational and engaging approach to learning. They can be accessed anytime and anywhere, allowing students to engage with educational content at their own pace. A study conducted by researchers at Kent State University found that students felt weekly podcast summaries enhanced their comprehension and helped with test preparation, resulting in higher mean test scores (Francom et al., 2011). For educators, podcasts offer a medium to extend their reach and share their expertise with a wider audience. Podcasts can also supplement in-person lectures by providing additional explanations, examples, and real-world applications. 

    In my experience, having access to a podcast that was hosted by one of my professors, who also wrote the textbook for the course, provided a credible resource that enhanced my knowledge of the subject. What made it particularly valuable was that all the information was seamlessly synced across various learning platforms, including online lectures, podcast episodes, and eText. As a student who appreciates multitasking, I found the availability of a podcast format to be a game-changer. It allowed me to engage with the course material without being glued to my screen or textbook. I could listen to the podcast while going for a walk, cooking, or commuting, which helped me make the most of my time. Moreover, one of the standout benefits of podcasts is the conversational tone they provide compared to traditional in-person lectures. The podcast format made learning feel more interactive and engaging, as if I were conversing with the professor. Additionally, I had the flexibility to pause, rewind, and replay sections, which allowed me to reinforce key concepts at my own pace and ensure a solid understanding. Overall, the availability and convenience of the podcast format, along with its conversational nature and self-paced learning opportunities, enriched my education.

    I am a fan of the Pearson Body Unboxed podcast episodes because they provide an opportunity to delve deeper into the concepts discussed in the textbooks, all while maintaining relevance and covering trending topics. What I truly appreciate about the episodes co-hosted by Dr. Joan Salge Blake is that every episode features real-world issues from some of the top nutrition scientists, writers, and researchers. This is especially important to me because I want to know that the information that I am listening to is current and accurate. Moreover, the podcasts have the perfect duration. As a student, I often struggle with extended periods of listening to a single person discussing a topic. Thankfully, the podcast episodes are around 30 minutes in length, allowing them to cover the key concepts effectively. This concise format also proves beneficial when it comes to note-taking for studying purposes. The Pearson Body Unboxed podcast episodes are invaluable resources that encourage students to focus on the essential concepts and provide a refreshing break from in-person lectures and textbook reading.

    Podcasts have revolutionized higher education by offering a wide range of benefits for both students and educators. The availability of podcasts from reputable sources provides students with additional resources and insights to enhance their understanding of course materials. Incorporating podcasts into higher education can enrich the learning experience and support student's academic success.


    Francom, J., Ryan, T., & Kariuki, M. (2011). The Effects of Podcasting on College Student Achievement and Attitude. Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology, 7(1). Retrieved July 12, 2023, from