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  • A graphic with a yellow moon and stars, a sleepmask, and the letters Zzzzzz.

    Sleepmask Down – Grades Up! How to Manage Sleep in College

    Taylor Perline

    We’ve all been there. It’s been a long day. You’re tired from long classes, after school activities, or even a night out with friends. All you want is to curl up in bed and get some much-needed sleep. You try to relax in bed and slip into a sweet dream... but you can’t. At 12AM, you’re tossing and turning. At 1AM, you're staring at a wall. Before you know it, it’s early morning and you wake up feeling even more sluggish than before you went to bed.

    Managing sleep health isn’t easy. As a diagnosed insomniac, I know that more than anyone. However, I also know that there are plenty of tips that can help us students finally get some shuteye!

    Try Out Some Sleep-Aiding Tools

    New and improved sleep focused technology is constantly being created. A staple for many sleep-deprived students is the usage of a weighted blanket or a weighted stuffed animal. Studies have shown that having a weighted object on your body can have a calming effect which can then help you feel relaxed enough to catch some “Z” s! There are also products that are infused with lavender, which is a scent that has a natural relaxing effect on the body. Trying out a lavender scented lotion or pillow spray can quickly lull you into sleep!

    Relax With Some Warm Lighting

    A soft warm and yellowish glow may sometimes help you fall asleep better than complete darkness! If your room doesn’t have warm lighting already, installing some “fairy lights” with a warm glow is an option.

    Change Your Phone Settings!

    The phrase, “Well, maybe you’d sleep better if you got off your phone!” has been overused by parents, teachers, and others for the longest time. While it is important to not be attached to your phone all night, there are settings within your phone that can help your sleep health! You can silence your notifications and most phones have sleep or night related settings. These settings can be applied so that during certain hours of the night, your phone’s display will increase its color warmness so that it’s easier on your eyes. I recommend giving this a shot!

    Take Time to Unwind Nightly

    There are so many ways to relax before going to sleep, and a set routine can remind your body that it is time to close your eyes and count some sheep. Something as simple as brushing your teeth and washing your face before bed can be beneficial. A deep breathing or beginner yoga routine can also relax your mind as well as your body!

    Sleep health isn't something to take lightly. Healthy sleep patterns can play a huge effect on your mood as well as your academic performance. Try out a few tips and see if they help you get a good night’s rest!

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 

  • A screenshot of the three snacks described in the blog: Garlic Shrimp Chips, Pocky Sticks, and Hello Panda snacks.

    Wacky Asian Snackies!

    Kylan Cheung

    When you think of essential items for students to bring to college, what do you think of? Most of the time, items like beds, notebooks, laptops, and water bottles come to mind. But one overlooked necessity for everyone are snacks. See, snacks are amazing because they not only taste great, are inexpensive, and can be the occasional meal substitute (don't quote me!), but they're also shareable with friends! Yet, I was pretty surprised when the snacks I brought from home – the same ones I loved growing up – were unfamiliar to my friends. They were seen as strange and exotic, and my friends were hesitant to give them a try.

    Here are three of my favorite snacks. Hopefully after reading this, you will be encouraged to try them out and make these Asian staples a staple on your desk!

    Hello Panda

    The first snack, “Hello Panda”, is one introduced to many kids! This tasty, bite-sized snack comes in multiple flavors: strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, and caramel. As you open the small-sized package, you’ll see that each cracker has one of the 32 sport Panda Prints – making it the perfect snack to pack in the lunchbox or have as a late-night snack!


    The second, “Pocky”, is an interesting snack to say the least. Though they do have classic flavors, such as chocolate, strawberry, hazelnut (my favorite!), they also experiment with other unconventional flavors, such as fish roe, picnic, and others. Perhaps the most compelling reason why you should try Pocky – aside from how tasty it is – is the slogan: “Pocky; Share Happiness!”

    Garlic Shrimp Chips

    But if you had to only try one snack, Calbee’s “Garlic Shrimp Chips” is the one. Though the sound of “shrimp chips” may put off some individuals, the strong flavor of garlic enhances the addictiveness of these chips. Believe me when I tell you – once you open this bag and eat one, you’ll never be able to put it down!

    These snacks are special to my childhood and let me bring a little bit of ‘home’ with me at school. I am glad I can share them with my friends, even though they may make faces at first and hesitate to try them. Once they do – we can enjoy them together!

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 

  • The college student author’s desk with a laptop showing MyDietAnalysis on screen

    Unwrapping the college diet: Recognizing students’ common nutritional deficiencies

    Rachel Stennett

    Starting college is exciting -- and frightening. Between planning my move to school, worrying if I’ll become friends with my roommates, and researching what classes I should take, I never considered what my daily, mundane life as a college student might look like. Once I settled in and all the excitement and nervousness died down, a new feeling quickly replaced them- hunger. I suddenly realized I was truly on my own for everything now, including meals.

    As a dietetics student, I felt like I had an advantage. I knew I needed to eat fruits and vegetables often, fiber and protein would help keep me full for long periods of time, and I should limit fast food. But when classes picked up steam and new responsibilities piled up, these sensible doctrines were replaced by: what foods will take the quickest route from the plate to my stomach for the cheapest amount?

    Last fall was the first time I realized that my diet may not be ideal for my health. My human nutrition professor assigned a diet and nutrition analysis. Using a nutrition tracker, we were expected to analyze our diet for one day and describe any nutritional deficiencies we had. After completing this assignment, I realized my daily diet had deficiencies in B12, Zinc, Vitamin D, and Calcium.

    It turns out that many college-aged students are also deficient in these micronutrients without realizing it. We tend to focus on macronutrients - carbohydrates, proteins, and fats - along with calories, sugar, and salt intake. So it’s easy to overlook micronutrient deficiencies. However, continuing imbalances in micronutrients can also adversely affect your health.

    Vitamin B12

    Vitamin B12 binds naturally to animal proteins. Some foods, such as plant milks and cereals, can also be artificially fortified to include B12. Through the digestive process, B12 is released from the food’s proteins and repackaged to be absorbed by the small intestine. Once absorbed, B12 is used by the body to help form red blood cells, DNA, brain cells, and nerve cells. It is recommended that college-aged adults consume at least 2.4 micrograms of Vitamin B12 daily. This is equivalent to a small portion of salmon or two cups of yogurt.

    People with a B12 deficiency often show signs of fatigue, weakness, or confusion. Deficiencies are most common for people who avoid animal products, such as vegetarians and vegans, and for those who eat a limited diet – but fortification can help prevent them.


    Another micronutrient commonly found in meat, fish, and poultry is zinc. It can also be obtained from non-animal sources, such as beans, nuts, and whole grains. However, zinc from these sources is not as easily absorbed by the body. Nutrition professionals say these sources have a lower bioavailability of zinc.

    Once absorbed, zinc is used to help create DNA, new cells, build proteins, heal wounds, and support immunity as well as many other bodily processes. The recommended daily intake for college-aged adults is between 8 – 11 milligrams. (This is equivalent to four servings of breakfast cereal.)

    People with a zinc deficiency often show signs of decreased sense of taste or smell, loss of appetite, lowered immunity, and slower wound healing. Vegetarians, vegans, and alcoholics are most at risk for zinc deficiencies.

    Vitamin D and Calcium

    Vitamin D and calcium work together to promote bone and tooth health. People with vitamin D and calcium deficiencies are likely to experience bone weakening, muscle cramps, and poor appetite, among other challenges. In addition to assisting with the absorption of calcium, vitamin D also helps immune responses. Calcium also assists in bodily processes such as blood clotting, muscle contracts, heart rate regulation, and nerve functions.

    The sun is the most abundant source of vitamin D. However, for students who live in a less sunny state, or spend their days locked away in a campus library, vitamin D can also be derived from fatty fish, fortified orange juice, mushrooms, and egg yolks. People with darker skin tones are also susceptible to vitamin D deficiencies. Higher concentrations of melanin, the substance that promotes skin pigmentation, absorbs some solar UV radiation that would otherwise be used to produce vitamin D. The recommended daily intake for college-aged adults is 15 micrograms per day. This is equivalent to 1 cup of white mushrooms.

    Calcium can be found in a variety of sources such as dairy products (and many of their vegan alternatives), leafy greens, beans, and nuts. It is recommended that college-aged adults consume 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day. This is equivalent to 4 cups of fortified soy milk.

    Explore more deeply

    Not every college-aged student is deficient in these nutrients. Some may have different deficiencies, while others may have none. Only a doctor or certified medical professional can reliably diagnosis a nutritional deficiency. Nonetheless, hopefully this list will give you a better understanding of nutrients that might be missing from your diet, and how diet tracking can help make these discoveries.

    Want to learn more about diet tracking? Check out MyDietAnalysis, a powerful tool that helps students log their diet and activity choices and provides detailed nutrition and activity reports to help you practice nutrition analysis.  

  • A dish of the prepared pasta recipe featured in this blog alongside a side dish of vegetables and bread.

    Pasta in a Pinch

    Alivia Clay

    Cooking in college presents a variety of challenges. Personally, I struggle the most with finding meals that are cost-effective, fresh, and easy to prepare. Another issue that I have identified with many recipes is that they will call for a super-specific ingredient and then only use a small portion, causing the remainder to sit in the fridge forgotten. Gigi Hadid’s Spicy Vodka Pasta recipe has been my go-to meal in college and has allowed me to solve many of these issues while providing a delicious meal that reminds me of home.

    Super Simple Recipe

    The recipe only requires 10 ingredients, many of which I find myself already having on hand: olive oil, yellow onion, garlic cloves, tomato paste, heavy cream, vodka, red pepper flakes, salt & pepper, pasta noodles, and parmesan cheese.

    You begin by combining ¼ cup olive oil, half of a diced yellow onion, and 2 garlic cloves in a large saucepan. Once the onions are soft add in ¼ cup tomato paste until it appears darker in color. Then add ½ a cup of heavy cream and 1 tablespoon of vodka allowing it to simmer until evaporated. Add in as much or as little red pepper flakes as you desire as well as salt and pepper.

    Cook the pasta separately. I prefer rigatoni but trying out a new shell is always a fun way to mix it up! When the pasta is done save ¼ cup of pasta water before draining and add it to the saucepan. Add the pasta into the sauce and stir in 1/4 cup of parmesan cheese. It’s that easy!

    Pricing And Meal Planning Tips

    All ten of the ingredients total $13.50 or at least that’s what it cost me the last time I made the meal. I am generally able to make one batch of this recipe last me 5 whole meals, equaling $2.70 per meal. This surely isn’t the most nutritious meal but it's fresh and reminds me of the food my mom once cooked for me.

    It is easy to prepare only requiring a saucepan, cutting board, knife, strainer, pot, and perhaps some containers for leftovers. While it’s certainly not required, I generally pair the pasta with a form of protein and a vegetable to further balance the meal. Both chicken and Italian sausage are a great addition. To add some greens to the dish I generally prepare either broccoli or brussels sprouts which I season with the same ingredients required for the pasta recipe, including a splash of olive oil, parmesan, and garlic. On occasion, I also add spinach to the sauce which provides a great source of nutrients while not taking away from the decadent sauce.

    However, perhaps my favorite part of this meal is its ability to bring people together. Not only has this become a staple in my college home but in my friends’ kitchens as well. After trying my pasta my friends made numerous requests for the recipe so they could prepare it themselves. This perhaps is the best compliment when cooking a meal. In a sea of instant mac n’ cheese and ramen, being able to show my friends how to cook food that reminds us all of home has been the biggest pleasure of all.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 

  • A landscape photo of a college campus in silhouette in front of a sunset sky with white clouds.

    An Out-of-State Student’s Guide to Handling Homesickness

    Casey Murphy

    When I was in high school, I had a romanticized vision of moving away from home for college. New scenery, new friends, finally escaping my hometown. When I found the University of Vermont, it was a match made in heaven. I fell in love with the campus, the mountains, and counted down the days until move-in day. The reality did not hit me until my parents drove away from my freshman dorm, leaving me 6 hours away from home. It all came crashing in on me. I was alone.

    I tried to suppress my homesickness by keeping busy and pushing the thoughts of home away for many weeks. Yet, that made those emotions hit harder when they bubbled to the surface. The newest chapter of my life was starting, and while I was excited, I had to navigate those emotions and fears that came from moving away for the first time.

    A lot of responsibility and expectations fall on your shoulders in college. It can be hard to keep a handle on the emotions that come with moving far away. Here’s some advice that I wish I had known earlier that helped me deal with my homesickness!

    Don’t compare your difficulties

    While it is hard, try not to compare your college transition to others. Your emotions are valid and unique to you. Some people have no problem adjusting, but that does not mean you cannot struggle a little! Most college kids are 17 or 18 when they move out. We are still kids, even though we often have adult responsibilities. It’s natural to be nervous, but you are as capable as the next person to have a successful college career.

    Identify your fears

    Take a moment and identify the cause of your emotions. What am I scared of? What do I specifically miss? Who do I miss? All these questions are essential to organizing your thoughts and making a plan to work through them. Once you identify the root of your emotions, things become a lot clearer, and a solution seems more doable.

    Make new connections

    Try and get yourself out there! Many colleges offer lots of activities the first week on campus, so get involved! Talk to other people, explore club fairs, take in the school spirit. Get out of the dorms and make some acquaintances! With each week that goes by, set small goals to introduce yourself to neighbors in your building, talk to someone in line at the dining hall, or strike up a conversation with older students. These connections are vital in establishing a new friend group and family away from home.

    Bring a little bit of home along

    Make your room a safe and comfortable environment. Dorm rooms seem plain and boring when you first arrive, but this gives you a unique opportunity to put your personal touch on a blank canvas. Put up pictures, trinkets, or other things you brought from home. This can bring a sense of comfort after a long day. Bring a little of home to your new college home!

    There are so many changes that happen when you go away to college. Sometimes they hit you immediately, sometimes they hit you later. Your expectations can affect how you perceive this difficult transition that looks different for everyone. Though it is hard, hopefully these four tips can help you get through this homesickness.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 

  • Blog author Sarah P is standing outside and holding a sign that reads, ‘Repro Rights are Human Rights’.

    What Advocacy Can Look Like in College

    Sarah Peters

    As young people in college who are studying and preparing to become the next generation of active members of society, advocacy is one of the most important skills that you can learn and apply to your education and campus involvement. Some people experience disadvantages, lack equal opportunity, and face discrimination based on their socio-economic status, race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation.

    If you are a college student and looking for ways to make a change, here are some ways that you can get involved on your college campus to advocate for equity and instigate progress within your community to ensure that all individuals are guaranteed the opportunity for success and a healthy social, academic, and workplace environment while embracing their identities and the diversity that they bring to the community.

    Get Involved with Student Government

    The first activity that I enrolled in when I arrived at college was the undergraduate student government. After going through an interview and application process, I had the honor of being selected as a member of the University of Missouri’s First Year Council. Not only did I make friends and feel closer to my community, but I was able to build my leadership skills, get further involved in student government, develop professional connections that led to internships and part-time positions, and advocate for the students to create a better college experience for everyone on campus.

    Through my student government, I had the honor of meeting with various members of my university’s administration to discuss ways to benefit the student wellbeing on campus. I felt that I could amplify the voices of students on campus by voting on legislation and policies that the students create.

    Oftentimes, student government can be overlooked by many students. If you’re interested in the legislative lens of advocacy through policymaking as a student, I encourage you to reach out to a member of your undergraduate student government! I guarantee that your student government would love to have you get involved.

    Listen, Learn, and Educate

    One of the easiest ways for injustice to occur is when people refuse to listen or believe people courageously speaking about their experiences. Some people may feel uncomfortable by talking about social justice issues, which can lead to shutting down, reacting inappropriately, or refusing to believe the person speaking. Not only are these harmful ways to deal with serious topics, but it can worsen the issue and deeply hurt the people that are advocating for better treatment.

    It’s important to recognize that remaining ignorant to contemporary issues is not going to create any progress or help anyone, and the wellbeing and prosperity of others is the most important thing when it comes to maintaining or developing a healthy community. It serves as a benefit to everyone when you listen to others when they’re speaking about their experiences, learn from what others have to say, and educate yourself on important topics that need advocacy. Another way that you can advocate through educating is by correcting peers, family, and friends if you're hearing hurtful or unjust language being used.

    Attend a Rally or Protest

    Some outlets that you can use to stay updated with upcoming rallies, protests, or gatherings are social media, student media, local newspapers, and flyers posted around campus. If you notice an issue on your campus, don’t be afraid to be a leader and organize your own rally or protest! On-campus clubs and organizations often are involved with rallies and protests, so you can always communicate with an on-campus organization to help arrange one. This is a great way to raise awareness by getting your peers actively involved in solving problems that are negatively impacting your community.

    If you find yourself in a situation where you’re unfamiliar or unsure of how to respond or help someone, you can never go wrong with responding with empathy and humanity. Advocacy is one of the best ways to give back to your community. Living in this world is a group effort, and advocacy is the price that you must pay to be a part of the team.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 

  • Four bowls of chocolate-covered pretzels decorated in orange, brown, and white colors.

    National Dessert Day: Easy to Make Sweet Treats for College Students

    Taylor Perline

    Spooky season is just around the corner, and October 14th is National Dessert Day! This means that stores everywhere are stocking up on candy to celebrate this sweet holiday. While fun sized candy is easy to grab, it can be harder to find those classic and fun desserts that filled many of our childhoods. Luckily, there are plenty of dessert recipes that are accessible to college students!

    Mug Cakes!

    Mug cakes are so easy and fun to make! They can easily be purchased at a local grocery store and often don’t require more than a mug, microwave, water, and the pre-mixed mug cake powder. With easy-to-follow instructions, a simple mug cake is a late-night MUST. Feel free to add some fun to your cake as well. Whipped cream, icing, or some sprinkles can spice up any cake.


    Another simple and easy microwave recipe is an old fireside classic: s’mores! Everyone knows the recipe. Gooey marshmallows roasted over a fire, paired with chocolate, and sandwiched between two sweet gram cracker pieces. What everyone may not know is that these can easily be replicated within a microwave – no campfire needed! Just 20-25 seconds later and you’ve got a treat that’ll remind you of those fun summer campfires under the stars. A disclaimer, however, those that love burnt or crispy marshmallows on their s’mores should wait until they’re outside with a real fire. Unless, that is, they want to set off their dorm or house’s fire alarm.

    Chocolate Covered... Anything!

    Pretzels, marshmallows, crispy rice treats, strawberries, etc.! The possibilities are endless when you’ve got a bowl of melted chocolate. You can melt down your favorite brand or pick out a bag of “melting chocolates” at a local shop. Typically, chocolate should be melted for 30 second intervals and stirred between these intervals. If you’d like to try making something spooky for the holidays, try adding some orange and black sprinkles, purple and green icing, or even some spooky eyes for the occasion!

    Single Serve Cookies!

    A personal favorite of mine, single serve cookies probably require the most ingredients out of any of these desserts. The payoff is so worth the extra effort, however. While there are plenty of recipes, a favorite of mine is a mug cookie recipe! It requires 2 tbsp unsalted butter, 1 tbsp granulated white sugar, 1 tbsp brown sugar, 1/8 tsp vanilla extract, 5 tbsp all-purpose flour, ¼ tsp baking powder, a pinch of salt, and 2 tbsp of chocolate chips. Butter is melted, ingredients are mixed within the mug and cooked in the microwave for 1 minute. The full recipe can be found here.

    Ice Cream Night!

    An amazing way to get together with friends, an ice cream night doesn’t even require the usage of a microwave! The sky’s the limit of what you can do. Everyone can bring a small pint and some toppings to create a Frankenstein's monster of ice cream or have some fun making ice cream cookie sandwiches and rolling them in some cookie crumbs or fun sprinkles.

    College, Halloween, and life in general can be scary. Luckily, making fun sweet treats doesn’t have to be!

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 

  • A group of male and female college students sitting in a circle and talking on a campus lawn. Their backpacks are scattered on the grass beside each student.

    Isn’t College Supposed to be Fun? 3 Great Ways to Manage Academics and Do What Makes You Happy

    Libby Davis

    When I got to college, I remembered the countless times I heard an older adult or other family member say to me “college was the most fun time in my life, I would go back if I could”. I decided to take it as motivation to have the best college experience possible. I came up with three ingredients to make my college experience sweet; prioritizing what is important, managing my time, and getting involved in order to new people. These simple rules are something that college students hear all the time but why are they so important for us to actually follow?

    Prioritize Your Work First

    The biggest reason we all go to college is to pursue an education and eventually earn a degree that will hopefully lead to a job. But simply attending classes won’t lead to doing well and achieving a good GPA. Poor grades lead to negative feelings and stress; no one has fun failing. This is where prioritizing your work can help. Make sure you are on top of your schoolwork before participating in any other plans such as hanging with friends or going to sporting events.

    My own example of this occurred last semester when I really wanted to join some friends on a trip to California to watch my university play in the NCAA basketball tournament. The day we were to leave, I had two exams I needed to take. I prioritized preparing for and taking those exams over anything else – even packing. Everything ended up a success with two great grades on the exams and I made it on time to my flight later that day. Knowing I prioritized my tests and scored well on them made my time in California so much more fun because I knew I had been successful.

    Plan for Work and Play

    Learning how to manage your time on a day-to-day basis while in college is important. I manage my time by having a calendar with dates for not only all my schoolwork but also my personal commitments, like setting aside time to make meals, extra studying besides just homework, and time for personal hobbies. Having this organization has aided me in being a successful student while also building in time for fun activities, like hanging out with friends, spending time with my family, playing golf, and babysitting. These outside activities are what makes college fun for me and makes me happiest.

    It’s Who You Know, Not What You Know

    Besides just being on campus and in the classroom, it is very important to get out of your comfort zone and meet new people. Campus involvement plays a huge role in making your college experience the best because you get to meet so many new people who could be an ally for you in the future. A close family member has always said to me, “it’s who you know, not what you know”, and those words have proved to be true. Building emotional intelligence and social skills can make you so much more of a successful person no matter how smart you are in the classroom. People need people and we rely on each other so much. Getting involved within your college or university will just make your experience even more sweet.

    All in all, I know I have made my college experience worth way more than I ever thought I could, and I think everyone else should be able to as well by following my three ingredients to become a successful and happy student.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 

  • A closed student laptop with a student planner stacked on top and a pen on the desk by the laptop.

    How to Balance Your 3 S’s: School, Sleep, and Social Life

    Ambyr Dack

    When I came to college, I was told there are three S’s: school, sleep, and social life… but the catch is you can only have two. While there are times that certainly feel like the case, creating good organization and time management skills can help you maximize your college experience. What I have found to be most helpful throughout college is creating a calendar system that works for me, scheduling times to do certain projects that are during my peak hours of performance, and realizing the importance of intentional rest even in the midst of crazy schedules. 

    Find The Best Calendar for You

    How many times have you gotten a physical calendar and after one month you stop writing in it? We have all been there. Finding the right kind of calendar for you is key to keeping on track. If you know you are prone to stop using a physical calendar, try a digital one like Google Calendar or Outlook. At the beginning of the semester type in all of your deadlines for assignments along with known events like club meetings, classes, concerts, or trips. Set alerts that will automatically pop up on your home screen to ensure that you actually have to take a look at your calendar. What I have found to be most helpful is at the beginning of every month briefly reviewing my calendar for that month to make sure I'm aware of all upcoming dates and plan accordingly.

    Personally, I like to use two calendars. One is a monthly calendar on my desk that I use to add all of my assignment deadlines as well as any holidays or upcoming events. The other is a small physical calendar that has a weekly view that allows me to plan out what I will do on each day. 

    Strategize Your Studying

    Scheduling times to do certain projects that are during your peak hours of performance will help you with mental fatigue. For example, if you have a textbook chapter you have to read, a discussion post, and a quantitative assignment to do, be strategic on planning when to do these assignments. It takes a lot more focus to read a textbook chapter or to do a quantitative assignment than to write a discussion post. If you find you are able to focus the most in the morning, try knocking out the textbook chapter or quantitative assignment first, take a break, and save the discussion post for a time in the day you aren't as alert.

    Additionally, I know I get overwhelmed by the number of tasks that are on my to-do list, which easily leads to procrastination. Try setting an alarm on your phone for a short period of time like 30 minutes and just start a task. It will make it seem smaller and easier to start when you know you only are going to work on it for a brief amount of time. Moreover, this can also help when you have other tasks like cleaning your room or folding laundry. By setting a 5–10-minute timer you know that you are dedicating that specific time to it, which gives you more incentive to complete it within that time.

    Rest Is Productive

    Lastly, rest! Unfortunately, burnout is very common among college students, especially towards the end of the semester. The best way to avoid burnout is by taking time to intentionally rest throughout your week. This means finding ways to recharge, which looks different for everyone! Some examples might be to read a book, go on a walk, work out, listen to music, hang out with friends, journal, or cook. Finding times in your schedule to incorporate breaks like this is essential. It might seem like there is no time for this, but by adding rest into your schedule you will be more productive and have more energy throughout your week. Maybe you have an hour chunk during the week or split up that hour throughout your week. Find what works for you and make sure you prioritize it!

    Start early in the semester to establish effective time management balanced with plenty of rest. This will lay the foundation to productive habits that will help you maintain student success throughout the school year!

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started!