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  • A group of sorority women from Chi Omega.

    Say ‘Yes’ to an Enriched College Experience

    Maggie Schoof

    Coming to college is a fresh start. It’s an opportunity to pursue your passions and explore your interests. You get to be the person you want to be and get away from all the things about hometown life that were holding you back. When I came to college, I adopted a mentality that has led me to make new friends, have exciting experiences, and encounter huge growth opportunities…all I did was say “yes”. I said “yes” when I was scared, I said “yes” when I didn't have a friend to go with, I said “yes” when I had no prior experience. Not everything I said “yes” to turned out wonderfully, but I had enough amazing “yes” moments that the other ones didn't matter.

    One big “yes” that has changed my college experience was deciding to go through sorority recruitment. This decision came with so many fears, especially the fear that I didn't have enough connections. No one in Tennessee knew who I was so the conversations I had during recruitment would be the sole factor for a sorority to decide if they liked me or not. There was also the fear of rejection. I knew that there was a good chance that I would really like a house and they could drop me, and in all honesty that happened, a couple times even, but where I ended up in the end made it all worth it.