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  • A blue suit jacket and slacks on a hanger. There is a gold fraternity pin on the left lapel.

    How to Prepare for Public Speaking…the Right Way!

    Likhit Kodela

    During your time in college, you’ll be faced with times where you must give a speech or presentation. Whether it be for an organization that you are in, a class project, or even a school event, if you’re anything like me, public speaking is a scary thing. It may make you apprehensive, but here are things that you can do to make it a little easier!

    1. Figure out your purpose.

    What is your purpose for this opportunity? Who is your audience? It can be a position for an organization that you are in, or it can be a presentation for a class project that you have been working on. Are you trying to persuade them, inform them, or entertain? Figuring out your purpose can help you easily tailor what you say to the people you stand in front of!

    2. How do you write your speech?

    First impressions are very important in most settings. The same goes for a speech. Your opening must be strong to set yourself up for the rest of the speech, otherwise people will lose interest before you’ve started. Make sure you have a powerful opening and closing. Structure the content in between to define the message you are trying to get across clearly. As always, have a friend or two proofread for grammar and flow.

    3. Practice makes perfect.

    Unless you naturally have amazing public speaking skills, chances are your nerves are going to get you during your speech. Make sure to spend some time practicing a run through of what you are going to say. Minimize the use of notecards by practicing in front of a mirror and maintaining eye contact with yourself. Make sure you dress up in what you are going to wear so you feel comfortable in it.

    4. Dress for the occasion.

    Having the right attire on shows your audience that you are prepared. If it is a professional speech make sure you are in full business attire. If it is semi-casual, then business-casual is needed. I personally would not wear anything less, but if you’ll be speaking in front of family and friends for a more casual occasion, then casual attire is totally fine! No matter the occasion, your appearance plays a huge role in getting your point across.

    5. Prepare the day of the speech.

    By now you should have been practicing your speech for a couple days. On the day of the speech, make sure not to stress yourself out. Have a moderate breakfast, practice a couple times through, and do something relaxing prior to the speech such as some calming music. Go into the speech confident and with your head high and give it your best! Confidence is key!

    Lastly, once you have given your speech, reward yourself. All the practice and preparation deserve a reward! These steps will ensure that you are setup for success for the big speech you were stressing about. Do your best, and good luck!

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