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    Develop Your Professional Skills: Tips From a Peer Career Coach

    Jessica Steiner

    As a business major, there is the constant pressure to develop professional skills.  Whether it be an interview, networking fair, or internship, there is always something looming over your head to prepare for.  

    This past semester, I was fortunate to become a peer career coach for Ohio State’s Office of Career Management.  This role gives me the responsibility to stay up-to-date with professional nuances and provide recommendations to fellow undergraduate students to make their resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles stronger!  I will share my top three tips that I have learned on the job:

    1-Make your LinkedIn profile an effective tool!

    Make sure you have a great LinkedIn profile photo. Your profile is actually 7 times more likely to be viewed if you have a picture (crazy, right?!). And don’t think you have to buy a photo session with an official photographer. There is no shame in putting on a professional looking shirt and making your roommate take a picture of you against a white wall to get that headshot.  

    2-Have the job description in front of you when writing cover letters and fine-tuning resumes.

    Just as no job is the same, none of your cover letters and resumes should be either!  Filter each cover letter to connect your experiences with the skills that are required for the job.  Also, make a master resume that compiles all of your professional and leadership experiences into one comprehensive file.  This will make it easy to pick and choose those involvements that fit each job description!

    3-Quantifying information ensures a stand-out resume.

    Recruiters spend an average of 5 seconds on each applicant’s resume.  To ensure they pull valuable information from yours, use an assortment of numbers and quantifiable information.  For example: instead of listing “produced budgeting plan”, it would be more beneficial to say, “produced 3-year budgeting plan that saved company $300,000”.

    Keeping these tips in your back pocket will help you connect better with recruiters and make you stand out to get that dream job or internship!


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    Get a Handle on Stress By Putting Yourself First

    Jessica Steiner

    When you first hear the phrase, “you need to put yourself first,” you might have a voice in your head telling you that this is a selfish thought.  Throughout your day, your friends, co-workers, and family rely on you for help and support.  You are pulled in hundreds of different directions which often forces you to put your own priorities and goals on the back burner. While it is extremely important to be there for others, your level of stress can elevate if you are not there for yourself!  Here are a few benefits that will come from allowing yourself to value YOU!

    Your health depends on it.

    Reflect on a time when you had a busy week filled with meetings, tests, long hours of studying or work.  Now, remember the way your body felt after that week.  Most likely, the feeling you remember is depletion and exhaustion.  Avoid reaching this point by making sure you allow yourself to relax and take breaks when needed.  Your immune system and general health will thank you, trust me!

    Happiness will come from it.

    There is nothing wrong with prioritizing your happiness. Taking time in your week to read your favorite book, go to a workout class you enjoy, or watch your favorite show will ultimately help your overall energy levels.  Everyone needs a break, so do not feel guilty about saying ‘no’ to a few events throughout the week if your body is telling you to lay low for a bit!

    Your friends, family, and coworkers will benefit.

    It’s simple.  If you give to yourself, then you will in turn have more to give others.  Recharging your mind and body will give you more energy for the responsibilities that you are accountable for!  This is a key to success in your school work, relationships, and occupation.

    Balance is everything, and becoming more self-aware in your daily tasks will help you lower stress and put yourself, your happiness, and your health first.  So next time your body is telling you to step back and take a break, please listen!