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    Preparing for your college graduation

    Danielle Foster

    Wow, time flies, doesn’t it? It seems like yesterday we were on our campus tours, buying spirit wear and eagerly looking forward to our college careers. The time has finally come; after sleepless nights, hours of studying, lots of coffee, and some unforgettable memories, we are graduating. Spring semester goes by fast and is jam packed with classes and to do lists. So to be prepared, I created this guide on how to keep everything organized for graduation for all the seniors out there!

    Clean up your resume

    Classes are coming to an end and job applications are being filled out, so it is time to spice up that old resume with a new look and updated information. This is the most important time to have your resume looking pressed and polished. Personally, I added some professional color, created a logo with my initials, and some trendy fonts. It is all about catching the eye but you want to keep the content relevant and informative. This is your opportunity to squeeze in organizations or items you forgot to add over the four years such as honor societies, awards, and certifications.

    Check on your graduation status

    There is no better relief than having official documentation showing that you are actually on track for graduating. This is the time to stop by your advisor or dean’s office to make sure you have done everything. See that every class requirement for that major, minor, or emphasis is checked, so you can sort things out if needed. Some schools even have you apply for graduation, so making sure you meet all the requirements and tricky deadlines is beyond important.

    Plan celebrations

    Graduation revolves around family, reflection, and celebration. Make sure to plan ahead of time for graduation pictures on campus in a cap and gown, professional outfit, and cozy shirt with your school’s logo on it. This is the time where you capture those photos you will cherish forever. The next step is planning the day of graduation with your family. This could include scheduling a dinner reservation or touring your college town one last time with the ones you love. Finally, the graduation celebration everyone is waiting for is the graduation party. Whether you are planning it in your college town or back home, start the planning early. Do a little throughout the semester to avoid last minute stress.

    Pack up

    If you’ll be moving right around graduation, there are some steps you can take to make your final days easy. If you can, frequently take home items you are no longer using. This will make the actual move easier and less stressful. Another idea is to clean out your items before packing, so that you can box up only what you actually care about. You can donate your excess stuff or create a money-making opportunity by selling clothes, books, and furniture on local sale pages or consignment stores.

    Say your goodbyes & soak it all in

    This is a special time at a place that has become home over the past four years. Visit the places that made the hard times easier and thank the people who celebrated your victories with you. Write thank you letters to special professors, bosses, advisors, or coworkers who impacted your time in this place. You won’t regret it.

    Graduation is a time of tears and celebration, but also relief and reflection. There is nothing like getting that degree and accomplishing that four-year goal, so go out there and make it the best last semester you possibly can! Congrats, you did it!

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    Wake Up on the Right Side of the Bed: The Importance of Mornings

    Danielle Foster

    Mornings. A majority of people deem this as their least favorite part of the day. I was one of those people, until I decided to try out this thing called “productive mornings”. It wasn’t easy at first but now mornings have become a part of the day that I look forward to, and I hope they become that for you as well.

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    A Bucket List for Summer Fun

    Danielle Foster

    Summer. A time to relax, unwind, and enjoy what the sunny season brings. From movies and concerts to picnics and hikes, summer has loads of activities to offer. Although after a few weeks most teens and young adults run out of things to do and end up with the “I am bored on the couch watching TV” type of summer.

    Luckily, I am here to put an end to that mindset and jump start your summer with 41 bucket list ideas that apply to any city!

    1. Go to a drive through wildlife safari or the zoo
    2. Visit your local Farmer’s Market
    3. Volunteer at a Humane Society
    4. Float in nearby river
    5. Go tour your state’s capitol
    6. Try kayaking
    7. Find a recipe and make it
    8. Have a bonfire
    9. Attend a live concert
    10. Meet someone new
    11. Visit a friend in another city or state
    12. Read a book
    13. Go thrift shopping
    14. Watch the sun rise
    15. Go to an art gallery
    16. Participate in karaoke night
    17. Take a pottery class
    18. Go on a hike or walk a trail
    19. Celebrate your half birthday
    20. Go to an amusement park
    21. Watch a movie at a drive-in
    22. Attend your state fair
    23. Make your own popsicles
    24. Go to a baseball game
    25. Relax by the pool
    26. Wakeboard or water ski at the lake
    27. Visit a local coffee shop
    28. Go fishing
    29. Plant a flower or a tree
    30. Participate in a running or walking 5K
    31. Rent or use a bike and ride around your city
    32. Attend the premier of a movie
    33. Go to the beach
    34. Clean out your closet and make some summer money
    35. Go rollerblading or indoor ice skating
    36. Fly a kite
    37. Stargaze
    38. Attend a yoga class
    39. Have a favorite movie marathon (Disney, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings)
    40. Go camping
    41. Document it all

    Inspired by this list are some common themes. For example, enjoy the outdoors. Stargazing and flying kites might remind you of your youth, but the carefree days outdoors don’t have to be over. Grab a friend and hit the park, you will not be disappointed by the adventure it brings.

    I strongly encourage you to use this as a muse for your own bucket list. Enjoy this summer, mark things off the list, take pictures to remember each activity by, and make a bucket list collage when you finish!

    Pearson Students – which of these ideas do you see yourself trying this summer? Share by commenting below!

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    Learn to Relax: Important Tips for College Success

    Danielle Foster

    Relaxing is an underrated and important aspect for a healthy life. The daily functions of a college student requires high energy exertion which, as we all know, becomes draining after some time. Without taking the time to unwind and ease the mind that is racing two-hundred miles per hour, that drained energy never gets a chance to recharge and can result in stress-related issues. That is why I am here to remind you of simple things you can do daily to relax the mind and body. I promise once you start prioritizing relaxation, things will start to fall into place.

    Never underestimate the power of a bath. All you need is warm running water and some peace and quiet. Warm baths are proven to release tension in tight muscles and put the brain into relaxation mode, like a mini vacay for the mind. You can even add aromatherapy bath salts and baking soda to the bath to pull out toxins and add a more calming effect.

    Aromatherapy is natural, simple, and probably the greatest concept ever invented, in my opinion!  Essential oils are all you need. For relaxation I recommend lavender. You can put these oils on the skin, wrist, temples, back of neck, or you can put them in an essential oil diffuser. Inexpensive and a great investment, diffusers allow the air to be filled with the essential oil smell.

    Just as a warm bath can release muscle tension, heat wraps can do wonders for the body. A heat wrap just needs to be warmed in the microwave between two to four minutes and then placed on the body in areas that are tense, sore, or in pain.

    “A good book a day and the relaxation stays,” is a motto I live by! Reading allows the mind to drift off into the story and away from the everyday to do list, worries, or questions that are bouncing around in an individual’s head, keeping a cluttered mind. Reading lets the mind wander into the literature, relieving real-world pressure for a moment.

    Write things out in a journal! It’s a great way to release emotions, thoughts, frustrations, and tension. Writing things down creates an open space for relaxation through expression. Try it – I promise you will not regret it.

    A good night’s sleep means the world to your mind and body. It gives you time to relax your muscles, breathe deeply, and recharge. If you are not getting at least eight hours of sleep per day then you are depriving your body of one of its main functions. Sleep as much as your body needs to feel ready to go the next morning.

    The next time you feel like the world is weighing you down too much, take a moment for yourself and relax. Listen to your mind and body, it will tell you when the actions above need to take place. Relaxation is an easy task to accomplish, and you will enjoy doing so. As a student, it’s inevitable to get stressed at times, which makes it more important to spare a few moments in your day to relax!

    What is your favorite method to relax? Retweet my blog and share your relaxation tips with the Pearson Students community!