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    A College Guide to Midterms Week

    Cara Murdock

    Have you ever felt like you were drowning during midterms week because all your classes have an exam or a paper on the same day? Unfortunately, this seems to be a universal college experience, so let's tackle it together. In this hyper stressful week, there are a few essential things to keep in mind: focus, fuel, and sleep. Without these three things, tireless hours spent in the library won't get you very far. So, let's dive into the best way to approach this brutal week.

    The first step is to sharpen your focus. This begins with making a plan for your week. Write out what all your assignments are and when they are due. This will allow you to show up to your study sessions prepared! The next crucial step is finding a place where you feel comfortable studying. This may be the library, a common lounge, a lecture hall, a study room, etc. For some people, a concentrated study spot is a quiet part of the library and for others it may be in a louder place with background noise. The key is to be comfortable enough to focus and not get distracted. For me, this involves powering off my phone completely and putting it away in my backpack. After about 45 minutes, I allow myself to take a break, check my phone, and reset before returning to my studies.

    The next vital step in killing your midterms is to be properly fueled. I normally bring a snack with me when I go to study because when I get hungry, I get distracted. Though food is an important type of fuel, there are other important types of fuel such as exercise. I feel most prepared to study and concentrate on work after going for a run, a walk, or to the gym. Any type of exercise helps me clear my mind which is important for successful studying.

    Finally, a productive day of studying doesn’t go far without sleep to allow the information to process in your brain. A proper amount of sleep will help you more than one more hour of studying. Getting a full night’s rest before an exam is often the key difference between an aced exam and silly mistakes made. In taking this approach, you’ll be sure to ace your midterms this year!

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