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    MyLab Accounting: My survival tool for managerial accounting

    Avni Bali

    As a Supply Chain and Finance double major, I never liked taking classes that were not of my interest. At Rutgers Business School, however, all students are required to take two accounting classes, one being managerial accounting. This class is noted as one of the hardest classes and every student always hears, “protect your GPA, don’t take this class until you have to!”

    My Lifesaver

    With a strong fear that this class would probably ruin my semester, I was nervous. However, once the class started up I was introduced to Pearson’s MyLab Accounting. MyLab became my lifesaver and helped me push through the tough material.The ability of having access to the e-text allowed me to study anywhere and anytime. The text correlated to the homework, so when tackling those problems I was able to read through the material to understand it better.

    Breaking It All Down

    MyLab also breaks down each question into multiple steps, showing how the numbers build up. We were given in-class problems to attempt and I was able to solve them because the broken down problems in MyLab helped me understand the concepts.This was a source of confidence for me as I took the course. Accounting is not a topic that interests me highly, but working through MyLab made it easier for me to push through.

    I highly recommend students using their MyLab to its fullest potential. There are so many features in there that will help you succeed and strengthen your skills. It is a tool that really helps give students assistance on topics that could be hard. The breakdown of problems, simulations, and e-text resources are the features that made my accounting experience worthwhile. For a class that was required and is one of the hardest at Rutgers, I was proud that I not only survived but did well. MyLab helped me succeed.


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    Note Taking Tips to Help You Beat Procrastination

    Avni Bali

    As midterms approach, reality hits. As college students, we try to stay on top of things but it seems like we always end up procrastinating a little, or maybe a lot… Over the years as a college student I have learned how to beat the stress of midterms by improving my note taking skills. Here are 4 tips that work for me!


    They are the best friend you can make. I always start making cheat sheets a week before my midterm or final. The cheat sheets are simplified notes of what I am reading and learning. I write them in my own words and in a way that best works with me. Taking the important things out of lessons and breaking them down through a cheat sheet helps as a reference guide once I go back to study. It helps me guide my brain through all the information again in a simpler manner!


    Make your notes colorful! Use highlighters or different inked pens. Monochromatic does look nice but it tends to blend into one big blurb, making it hard to recognize what is is important or not. With the idea of being colorful, you need to make rules regarding the colors. The key is to have a system. You could use a different color for each chapter.  You could designate one color just for vocabulary. Find a system that works for you.


    If cheat sheets don’t work with you, consider outlines. Outlines, handwritten or typed, are literal life savers. It helps compile all the important notes into one and gives you the ability to understand the information in a logical and more organized manner. As you write or type an outline, you end up retaining the information, too! So when you go back to study the outline, your brain has been exposed to the content, making it less stressful to cram.


    You don’t need to buy index cards for this. Just take scrap paper and turn that into your flashcards! This technique really comes in handy when the material you’re studying is heavy on definitions and concepts. And, like making outlines, when you make the flashcards you are learning the material. When you start reviewing, you’ll notice increased retention of the definition or concept because you have already read it before. Flashcards are a strong studying tool because they allow you to quiz yourself and they force your brain to remember the answers to each word/question or concept.

    All these note taking tips have helped me beat procrastination tendencies and the stress of exams. When you spend time adding color to your notes or creating cheat sheets, outlines and flashcards, you are already studying the content.  Once you begin to prepare for the exam your brain is already familiar with the material. Your study sessions will be more about mastering the content instead of learning it for the first time. There are so many ways out there on how to improve notes; hopefully this can help you on your next exam.


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    Interview Tips: It's All About Your Mindset

    Avni Bali

    As a junior in college, all I can say is that interviews never really get easy; but your ability to make it through one does. Every interview will make you feel nervous and stressed. You will feel as if this is the only moment that will determine your success or failure. I have learned that interviews are not the end and you can actually learn something from each one. The secret to interview success is all about preparing and gaining confidence in yourself.

    Boost self confidence

    A weak mindset allows negative thoughts in. So it is essential to value your own talents before even thinking about what others think about you. Your confidence is the backbone to your interview. No question or answer will be wrong because you believe in what you are saying.


    One important thing I have learned from my interview experiences is that knowing the job and company is helpful. It just may be a first round interview, but knowing the depths of a company will not only give you confidence to talk about the position but also allow you to ask stronger questions. It will also show the recruiter that you know what you’re saying and that you did your homework.

    Remember – it’s a conversation

    Every recruiter will be different. Some might not show any enthusiasm and some may be very interactive. Maintain the conversation environment. Do not be scared to be light-hearted occasionally or to throw in a personal yet professional comment about something other than the job. Walking into the room is not just about the company evaluating you, but also about you evaluating the company.

    Finish strong

    In the end, interviews can be hard and each one will be so different than the other. It is all about remaining strong and confident about your skills and experience while believing that you are a strong candidate. Aim to show your skill, personality and talent in the room. It is easier said than done but it’s just the initial push to forget the nerves and be present in the moment. The recruiter has something to lose, not you. If they do not connect with you, then they lost a great opportunity on working with an amazing candidate. However, for you there are so many options still open.

    My interview experiences have taught me a lot and have helped me improve as a person. I have learned how to be quick on my feet, build answers on the spot, and how to connect my advance research to talking points during the interview. I could never say I “regret” an interview because, from my worst to my best experiences, I have learned something from each one – things that no one or no opportunity could take away from me.


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    Prioritize Yourself

    Avni Bali

    College has taught me a lot – even outside the classroom. I am not only tested on scantrons – but also my social skills, professional skills, and time management.  Each semester in college has taught me something new about myself. The most important lesson learned is to always put yourself first.

    Social freedom

    Friends are our support system. They are our second family and the people we share our ups and downs with. When you come to college, this sense of social freedom takes over. With no parents to answer to, we get consumed with the fun of being “free”. Sometimes that freedom can become a problem in one’s college journey.

    Losing track of my own needs

    It’s hard not to get wrapped up in the social aspect of college. I occasionally get so involved in my friendships that I forget that my feelings and state of mind matter – or more importantly – that other aspects of college matter. I would put their needs before mine because I wanted to be social and the  “go-to girl” who was down to have fun and do things all the time.

    This approach wasn’t bad at the time. I made many memories that I will cherish and remember. Those friends are still my closest friends. However, I forgot about myself and my own journey. I made socializing my priority and my academics took a hit.

    I am important

    By refocusing on my values and morals, I realized that I am important. My feelings and mindset matter. I can’t expect to prioritize fun and still be able to achieve my academic goals. I need to prioritize myself before others. That realization changed the course of my college experience. I no longer felt the “need” to be “social” because I had a better perspective.

    Bouncing back

    The openness I felt and the new sense of freedom of being on top of my schoolwork and professional life made it easier for me to be social. I thought less and lived more.

    It is not wrong to be social; it’s about prioritization. My college journey has taught me that one can bounce back from anything, but it is about realizing your mistake before it’s too late. My mistake was lack of prioritization and value for myself. Every person handles life differently. Due to my caring personality, being too social became my weakness. I want to say to others, “don’t make the same mistake as me”. Talk to yourself and try to find your weakness. If you make a mistake, then learn from it. Life will always keep coming with new circumstances.

    Pearson Students: How do you prioritize? What changes would you make to your challenges in your college career? Share with the student community by commenting below!

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    Becoming a Strong Woman in the Job Market: A Student's Review of "Lean In"

    Avni Bali

    Down time is the best time to learn. So this past summer I took the opportunity to use my down time to read the book Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg who is currently Chief Operation Officer at Facebook and a former Google executive. From her eBook, I learned a lot on how to become a better person and a strong woman as I enter the job market. This book review provides some takeaways from her book.

    Don’t hesitate to take risks

    Sandberg highlights how women have the tendency to hesitate when taking on new challenges because we tend to worry if we have the skills to do the new challenge or even if we are good enough to be a part of the new challenge. She stresses to be bold and to go for it. Confidence is key. So a strong woman needs to believe in herself, take on new challenges, and learn she goes.

    Think beyond the ladder

    Sandberg stresses in her book that women should not work to just go up the ladder but rather to spread our wings and try everything. Do things you want to and take on challenges that you see are interesting and beneficial. Explore! Don’t stop because you think you reached the top. Opportunities are endless!

    Share the work

    Balancing career and family is something every woman faces. Sandberg argues that the conversation needs to change and women need to ask their partners to step up. Have the conversation. Don’t let this debate hold you back, rather make it your strength and set expectations. Women tend to not drive their careers because of personal commitments. Sandberg highlights that both can happen – a strong woman will find the balance and have that conversation.

    Sandberg’s book highlighted many obstacles women face in the workforce. Using her own experience, she shows how you can rise above it all , become a strong woman, and make an impact with your career. You can become the next Sheryl Sandberg and all you have to do is Lean In. Women help women and the conversation will change. It’s all about confidence and belief.