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  • A nighttime photo of a campus building with tall pillars and holiday decorations.

    Study Spot Review

    Alivia Clay

    As college students, we know the struggle of finding the perfect study environment. The place where we can dive into textbooks, lecture notes, and research papers without any distractions. Our study environment plays a crucial role in our productivity and focus, shaping our overall learning experience. So, let's dive in and explore three popular study destinations: the library, the coffee shop, and the comfort of home. Join me as we uncover how these environments impact our studying and find the spot that suits us best.

    The Library

    With its peaceful atmosphere and rows of books, the library offers a scholarly ambiance that's hard to beat. The library provides an ideal setting for concentration, where silence is key, and distractions are minimized. Surrounded by fellow students, the shared commitment to learning can be inspiring. However, for some, the silence and formal atmosphere may feel isolating or even dull. While the library is often a go-to destination for serious studying, it may not be the perfect fit for everyone.

    The Coffee Shop

    The aroma of freshly brewed coffee, the gentle hum of conversations, and the cozy atmosphere—coffee shop has become a popular study spot for many college students. These vibrant spaces offer a unique blend of ambient noise and a relaxed environment that can stimulate creativity and productivity. The background activity can provide a sense of companionship, making studying feel less lonely. This concept is called body doubling. However, for those easily distracted, the noise and social opportunities in a coffee shop might hinder focus. It's a delicate balance between finding inspiration and managing distractions.


    Our cozy haven, familiar and comforting, is our home. Studying in the comfortable corners of our personal space can provide a sense of security and convenience. No commute, no time restrictions, and the freedom to create our own study environment. Whether it's a peaceful room or a bustling household, home caters to individual preferences. However, the challenge lies in maintaining discipline and staying focused amidst the comforts of home. The allure of naps, binge-watching favorite shows, or succumbing to endless procrastination can easily derail productivity.

    Each study environment offers its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The library provides a dedicated space for uninterrupted focus, the coffee shop ignites creativity and energy, and home offers comfort and flexibility. The ideal study spot varies for each person, depending on their learning style and preferences. So, fellow college students, let's embark on the quest to find our perfect study environment—one that enhances productivity, sparks inspiration, and propels us towards academic success.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • The ingredients listed for the recipe included in the blog, including frozen fried rice, frozen broccoli, soy sauce, and vegetables.

    College Meal Hack: Korean Beef on a Budget

    Alivia Clay

    As a college student, it's important to find meals that are both affordable and delicious. That's why Korean Beef is one of my go-to meals. This dish is not only easy to make but also highly customizable to suit any taste preferences. Plus, it can be cooked in just one pan, making it perfect for students who have limited kitchen space, like me and my roommates.

    To make this dish, you will need the following ingredients:

    • 1 pound of ground beef
    • 1/2 cup soy sauce
    • 1/4 cup packed dark brown sugar
    • 1/2 yellow onion, diced
    • 1/2 teaspoon minced ginger
    • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
    • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
    • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
    • 1 bag of frozen vegetable fried rice


    1. In a small bowl, mix together the soy sauce, brown sugar, onion, ginger, garlic, and red pepper flakes.
    2. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat and cook the ground beef with the sesame oil until it's well done.
    3. Pour the soy sauce mixture over the meat and combine it well. Let it simmer for a few minutes.
    4. Add the vegetable fried rice (I like Trader Joe’s brand) to the skillet and let it simmer until the soy sauce mixture is fully absorbed.

    The best part about this recipe is that you can customize it to your liking. For instance, if you’re not a fan of ginger, you can simply leave it out. Or if you love spice, like me, you can add more than the recommended amount of crushed red pepper flakes. You can also incorporate frozen broccoli to add some extra veggies to the dish. Frozen broccoli is a great option since it doesn't go bad quickly and steams well with the rest of the meal absorbing the sauce’s flavor. If you’re interested in boosting the dish’s protein content, you can scramble an egg into it or top it with a fried egg. This will not only add extra protein but also a delicious flavor.

    This meal requires only a few ingredients but is incredibly delicious. It balances sweet and salty flavors perfectly, creating a dish that's almost addicting. Even when I'm no longer a college student, I can see myself making this dish as a quick and affordable option that tastes restaurant-quality. Enjoy!

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 

  • A screenshot of the ChatGPT screen in which the blog author supplied the prompt for this blog.

    ChatGPT’s Impact on College Learning

    Alivia Clay

    ChatGPT is a revolutionary language model developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like text. This model has the capability to complete a given prompt by providing a coherent and fluent response. The model has been trained on a massive amount of text data, making it capable of understanding and responding to a wide range of topics and questions. One of the most significant impacts of ChatGPT is on the field of education, particularly in the realm of college-level learning. With the increasing use of technology in education, ChatGPT can be used as a powerful tool to enhance the learning experience of students.

    Study Assistance

    One way that ChatGPT can be used in college is as an educational assistant. The model can be used to generate answers to students' questions, providing them with quick and accurate information. This can be especially useful for students who are struggling to understand a particular concept or topic.

    Writing Assistance

    Another way that ChatGPT can be used in college is as a writing assistant. The model can be used to generate high-quality written content, such as essays or research papers. This can be especially helpful for students who are struggling with writing or for those who need to produce a large amount of written work in a short amount of time.

    Productivity Assistance

    The application of ChatGPT isn't only limited to education; ChatGPT can also be used in various industries such as journalism, customer service and more. The model can be used to generate news articles, customer service scripts, and even software code. This can significantly increase productivity and speed up the process of completing tasks, making it a valuable tool for businesses.

    In conclusion, ChatGPT is a powerful language model that has the potential to revolutionize the way we learn and work. Its ability to generate human-like text makes it an invaluable tool for students, educators, and professionals alike. And the exciting part of this blog is, it was written by ChatGPT. This showcases the capabilities of the model and its potential to be used in various fields. With the continued development and advancements in natural language processing, the possibilities of ChatGPT are endless.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 

  • A dish of the prepared pasta recipe featured in this blog alongside a side dish of vegetables and bread.

    Pasta in a Pinch

    Alivia Clay

    Cooking in college presents a variety of challenges. Personally, I struggle the most with finding meals that are cost-effective, fresh, and easy to prepare. Another issue that I have identified with many recipes is that they will call for a super-specific ingredient and then only use a small portion, causing the remainder to sit in the fridge forgotten. Gigi Hadid’s Spicy Vodka Pasta recipe has been my go-to meal in college and has allowed me to solve many of these issues while providing a delicious meal that reminds me of home.

    Super Simple Recipe

    The recipe only requires 10 ingredients, many of which I find myself already having on hand: olive oil, yellow onion, garlic cloves, tomato paste, heavy cream, vodka, red pepper flakes, salt & pepper, pasta noodles, and parmesan cheese.

    You begin by combining ¼ cup olive oil, half of a diced yellow onion, and 2 garlic cloves in a large saucepan. Once the onions are soft add in ¼ cup tomato paste until it appears darker in color. Then add ½ a cup of heavy cream and 1 tablespoon of vodka allowing it to simmer until evaporated. Add in as much or as little red pepper flakes as you desire as well as salt and pepper.

    Cook the pasta separately. I prefer rigatoni but trying out a new shell is always a fun way to mix it up! When the pasta is done save ¼ cup of pasta water before draining and add it to the saucepan. Add the pasta into the sauce and stir in 1/4 cup of parmesan cheese. It’s that easy!

    Pricing And Meal Planning Tips

    All ten of the ingredients total $13.50 or at least that’s what it cost me the last time I made the meal. I am generally able to make one batch of this recipe last me 5 whole meals, equaling $2.70 per meal. This surely isn’t the most nutritious meal but it's fresh and reminds me of the food my mom once cooked for me.

    It is easy to prepare only requiring a saucepan, cutting board, knife, strainer, pot, and perhaps some containers for leftovers. While it’s certainly not required, I generally pair the pasta with a form of protein and a vegetable to further balance the meal. Both chicken and Italian sausage are a great addition. To add some greens to the dish I generally prepare either broccoli or brussels sprouts which I season with the same ingredients required for the pasta recipe, including a splash of olive oil, parmesan, and garlic. On occasion, I also add spinach to the sauce which provides a great source of nutrients while not taking away from the decadent sauce.

    However, perhaps my favorite part of this meal is its ability to bring people together. Not only has this become a staple in my college home but in my friends’ kitchens as well. After trying my pasta my friends made numerous requests for the recipe so they could prepare it themselves. This perhaps is the best compliment when cooking a meal. In a sea of instant mac n’ cheese and ramen, being able to show my friends how to cook food that reminds us all of home has been the biggest pleasure of all.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started!