Take a tour

Explore features and functionality of Interactive Statistics with a tour of the course, led by co-author Michael Sullivan.

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“I would not be able to deliver effective online courses without it. I find it particularly useful with (face-to-face) classes when a student is absent or struggling; there are so many resources I can point them to.”

—Two-Year Community College Instructor

“I do believe it has increased student conceptual knowledge. The students who are very interested in specific topics can use the resources (Like applets) to look more into the topic. The examples and explanations are relative to their lives.”  

—Four-Year University Instructor

“Yes, outcomes have improved. Students seem to grasp and retain the detailed content provided in the interactive assignments. This is a much more lively and effective way of providing content, as opposed to old-fashioned textbook reading assignments.” 

—Darren Wick, Ashland University