Business Law: A Storytelling Approach, 1st Edition
Michael Fricke, University of Arizona
Understand how the law impacts businesses through storytelling
Business Law: A Storytelling Approach takes students through the story of a fictional business that encounters legal issues throughout its lifecycle. Each step along the way, students will examine the legal issues that the company faces and how it can navigate them to mitigate risk and position itself for success.
This title is powered by Revel®, a robust interactive digital platform that creates an engaging experience using videos, interactive exercises, and step-by-step case analyses.
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Revel: Learn without limits

In today’s digital world, students expect an engaging, interactive learning experience. Throughout each chapter, assessment questions, interactive exercises and activities, and compelling videos help students connect business law concepts to real-world applications. Learn more about Revel.

Video cases

Critical Thinking Activities

Michael Fricke, JD, MBA
Michael Fricke teaches law and ethics at the University of Arizona Eller College of Management. Prior to joining the Eller faculty, he taught at the University of Illinois Gies College of Business and was an attorney in private practice. He loves alliteration, has won numerous teaching awards, and his students generally think he’s a pretty good person. Michael lives with his wife and three daughters in Tucson, Arizona, where the sun shines every day and every form of plant or animal wants to kill you.

Unit 1: Birth of a Business
1. Sources of Laws
2. The Constitution and Governmental Powers
3. Sole Proprietorships and Partnerships
4. Corporations: Their Characteristics, Formation, and Shareholders’ Roles
5. Corporations: Directors and Officers
6. Limited Liability Companies and Franchises
7. Intellectual Property Protection
8. Financing a New Business
Unit 2: The Growing Company I: Managing Customers and Suppliers
9. Contracts: Agreement and Assent
10. Contracts: Consideration and Statute of Frauds
11. Contracts: Capacity and Legality
12. Contracts: Third-party Rights
13. Contracts: Discharge
14. Contracts for the Sale of Goods, Part I
15. Contracts for the Sale of Goods, Part II
Unit 3: The Growing Company II: Managing Financial Matters
16. Advanced Debtor-Creditor Relations
17. Negotiable Instruments
18. Checks and Banking Regulations
19. Insurance
Unit 4: The Growing Company III: Managing Employees
20. Agency
21. Employment Law and Employee Rights
22. Labor Relations
23. Discrimination and Diversity
Unit 5: Danger! Navigating Business Pitfalls
24. Litigation
25. Civil Liability
26. Criminal Liability
27. Contracts: Performance, Breach, and Remedies
28. Alternative Dispute Resolution
Unit 6: Uncle Sam or Big Brother? The Government’s Role in a Business’s Life
29. Administrative Law
30. Antitrust Regulation
31. Consumer Protection
32. Environmental Protection
Unit 7: Life as a Large, Publicly Traded Company
33. Securities
34. Mergers and Acquisitions
35. Real Property Ownership and Transfer
36. Landlord-Tenant Relations and Governmental Regulation of Land
37. Personal Property
38. International Law & Multinational Companies
39. Bankruptcy