Calculus And Its Applications, Global Edition, 11th edition
Published by Pearson (July 22, 2015) © 2015
- Marvin L. Bittinger Indiana University Indianapolis
- David J. Ellenbogen Community College of Vermont
- Scott J. Surgent Arizona State University
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For one-semester courses in applied calculus.
Calculus and Its Applications, 11th Edition, remains a best-selling text because of its accessible presentation that anticipates student needs. The writing style is ideal for today’s students, providing intuitive explanations that work with the carefully crafted artwork to help them visualise new calculus concepts. Additionally, the text’s numerous and up-to-date applications from business, economics, life sciences, and social sciences help motivate students. Algebra diagnostic and review material is available for those who need to strengthen basic skills. Every aspect of this revision is designed to motivate and help students to more readily understand and apply the mathematics.
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