Insight blog

  • 5 Reasons to love the new apprenticeships

    With only weeks to go before the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy, the condensed timeframe for what are extremely complex and consequential changes to the further education system has left many feeling nervous. Nevertheless, these changes (the introduction of the levy itself, the change from frameworks to standards and the new funding methodology) are exciting and potentially revolutionary – so as it’s Valentine’s Day, we’d like to take a look at some of the reasons we LOVE the new apprenticeships.

  • Hello 2017

    Somewhat perversely, modern humans have traditionally adopted January as the month for new resolutions. Looking forward, not backwards, and planning for the year ahead (hopefully with renewed optimism) gets us through our post-holiday torpor.

  • Thinking Big in 2017

    As we blink dimly at our laptops and look forward to the holidays, the annus horribilis that was 2016 (at least if you are a fan of great music and classic British comedy) slips away.

  • Announcements on Apprenticeship funding and priorities for providers

    On 25th October, the Department for Education (DfE) and the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) published The final information and guidance on funding, the levy, detailed funding rules, and the register of training apprenticeship providers (RoATP). Here at Pearson we have been busy digesting this latest information and are currently working on a number of summaries of the contents of the announcements. We will be placing this on our Funding Hub, and also updating our Handy Guide to Apprenticeship Reform shortly.