Considering Heart Hands Head model in curriculum design

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The Head Heart Hands theory is an important framework to consider when designing a curriculum model. It recognizes the holistic nature of learning and the need for a balanced approach that addresses not only cognitive but also affective and psychomotor aspects of learning.

Pearson qualifications such as BTEC Workskills and Personal Growth and Wellbeing benefit from containing inclusive units that can allow curriculums to be designed to consider the Head Hearts Hands movement, leading to better outcomes for all learners but especially those where a Head Hearts Hands approach would be beneficial such as those learners with SEMH needs.

The theory suggests that effective learning should engage all three domains: Head (cognitive), Heart (affective), and Hands (psychomotor).

There are many reasons why the Head Heart Hands theory can be considered as important when designing a curriculum model:

1. Firstly, it addresses the whole learner: The Head Heart Hands theory recognizes that learners are not just cognitive beings but also have emotional and physical dimensions. A curriculum model that takes this theory into account can help to ensure that learners' needs are being met holistically and that they are engaged and motivated to learn. Our Personal Growth and Wellbeing and Workskills qualifications are designed with these purposes in mind.

2. Secondly, it promotes deeper learning and understanding: Engaging learners in all three domains promotes rich learning. When learners are actively engaged in the learning process and can relate what they are learning to their own experiences and emotions, they are more likely to retain the information and be able to apply it in real-world contexts. Pearson Workskills and Personal Growth and Wellbeing specifications are designed in a way to make this as easy as possible when considering a curriculum design.

3. Thirdly, the theory supports the development of learner’s soft skills: The Head Heart Hands theory emphasizes the importance of affective and psychomotor domains in learning, which can help to develop soft skills such as communication, collaboration, and problem-solving. These skills are highly valued by employers and are essential for success in the workplace. Both Workskills and Personal Growth and Wellbeing qualifications offer many opportunities for students to collaborate with each other or solve problems to build up these necessary life skills to ensure success in work and life.

4. Fourthly, the Heart Hands and Head theory helps to cater for different learning styles: Learners have different learning styles and preferences, and the Head Heart Hands theory recognizes this diversity. By designing a curriculum model that engages all three domains using our Pearson qualifications and selecting relevant units to support learner need, centres can accommodate different learning styles and provide opportunities for learners to engage in the way that suits them best.

5. Finally, the model encourages creativity and innovation: By engaging learners in all three domains, the Head Heart Hands theory encourages creativity and innovation. Learners are encouraged to think outside the box through our Pearson mandatory and optional unit choices, to explore their emotions and experiences, and to engage in hands-on activities that promote problem-solving and innovation.

In summary, the Head Heart Hands theory is important to consider as a centre when designing a curriculum model because it recognizes the whole learner, promotes deeper learning, supports the development of soft skills, addresses different learning styles, and encourages creativity and innovation. This therefore creates a more inclusive and accessible environment for all learners.

A curriculum model that takes this theory into account can help to ensure that all learners are engaged, motivated, and well-prepared for success in the real world and make great strides in learning towards their end goals no matter their level of ability.

If you are interested to learn how using Pearson Workskills and Personal Growth and Wellbeing qualifications can help your centre bring the Head Heart and Hands approach to your classrooms please contact us using this web form:

Kelly Adams - Product manager Level 1, Entry Level, Personal Growth and Wellbeing and Workskills