5 tips to make a powerful pitch
Written by Graham Shaw
Written by Graham Shaw
Co-Author with Megan Reitz of ‘Speak Up! Say what needs to be said and hear what needs to be heard’
I’m a longstanding researcher into the use and abuse of power in the workplace. In parallel I work as a coach at all levels of organisations and across many sectors and geographies. My intention when working with individuals and groups is to help people find their voice and help those around them find their voice as well. This work is underpinned by a long running association with the Ashridge Doctorate and Masters in Organisational Change –that has seen me write with both faculty and students to unpick the taken-for-granted assumptions that lock them into acting in a particular way.
Written by John Higgins
Most people pay too much attention to themselves and others as standalone individuals when trying to understand why some things get talked about and heard, while others don’t. To understand how truth does and doesn’t get spoken to power you have to pay attention to the relationship that exists between the more and less powerful – and wishful thinking that disappears differences in power is a sure-fire way to ensure truth doesn’t get spoken or heard.
Written by Hedda Bird, author of The Performance Management Playbook
New Year – a time for new start, new commitments, new goals!
Sadly most of us know that lots of great promises to ourselves and others on January 1st are falling away before the end of the month. What can you do to make it different this year? As far as your goals at work, the answer is to think differently about what you are setting out to do. Setting dull goals that don’t inspire you - or are simply the annual project plan re-written as goals - isn’t going to do much for your motivation or engagement. Try these tips below to give yourself a new year boost
Be ambitious, coach ambition
Ask yourself, what could be achieved in your area? What would make a significant difference? What’s the most ambitious idea you can come up with? Take that idea, and develop it into some specific steps to get you started. Even if the first step is ‘explore the idea with others’, that’s a motivating activity for you to kick the year off with.
Build a picture of excellence
For many people, the future is about applying skills and strengths to whatever your organisation needs. Think about your skills, how could they create most value in your role? Are you playing to your strengths, or taking on a lot of work that isn’t a great fit for you? Talk to your manager about refocusing your work around your strengths, or even ask your manager for their perspective on your strengths. Between you, explore what ‘excellence’ could look like in your role, not just delivering the numbers, but all the many ways you can create value for customers, colleagues, and the organisation. Write your full picture of excellence down, and keep referring to it through the year, it will help you stay motivated.
Set up to succeed
Whether you are setting expectations for yourself or your team, set everyone up to succeed. Capture ambition, and reward those who aim high even if they may not achieve every aspect of their vision. Use pictures of excellence to focus on the successful stuff. If you are setting your own goals, give yourself a ‘baseline’ you know you can deliver, then push for all you can achieve. Doing great work is one of the main ways we stay motivated.
Develop multiple sources of feedback
It’s hard to keep on top of your performance if your only source of reference is your manager. Make sure you know what a great job looks like from your perspective, and discuss with your manager what other sources of feedback would be useful. Maybe there is some relevant statistical data that will indicate progress, or perhaps there are other stakeholders who can give you personal feedback? What would you need to know to be confident you are doing a good job? What would your team need to know?
Failure is simply learning on the way to success
And if you don’t get everything right first time, use the experience to learn from. What went well, how could you have avoided the problems? Is there a different way to get the results you wanted?
Try these 5 tips as an alternative to writing a handful of dull goals that you won’t look at again until the end of the year. I promise you, you’ll have a more inspiring start to your year, and so will your colleagues.
This content has been created by authors in their personal capacity. Any views, thoughts and opinions expressed belong solely to the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Pearson.
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