Text, Cases and Materials on Criminal Law, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (April 28, 2018) © 2018

  • Stuart Macdonald Swansea University



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Text, Cases and Materials on Criminal Law offers a thought-provoking, engaging and comprehensive account of the criminal law and its underpinning principles and policies. It contains a wealth of carefully selected extracts from source materials, such as court judgments, academic articles and Government and Law Commission reports, supported by dedicated questions to encourage you to read widely around the subject and to help you to develop your critical thinking skills. The inclusion of scenario-based problems throughout will also help you to develop your ability to apply the law to problem questions in exams.
  • An engaging writing style, which is designed to communicate the material in a clear and comprehensible manner
  • Carefully selected extracts from a range of sources including court judgments, legislation, Government and Law Commission reports and academic articles, to help you get used to reading such materials, accompanied by facilitator questions, to help you identify key points and make your reading proactive
  • Chapter objectives at the start of each chapter, and checklists at the end, so that you know exactly what you need to achieve and are able to assess your progress
  • A variety of diagrams and illustrations, to provide an aid to understanding and help you learn how to structure exam answers
  • Self-test questions, which consolidate your understanding by providing an opportunity to apply the material you have studied
  • Further reading lists, to enable you to explore key issues in greater depth.

This new edition has been fully updated to include all major developments in this area, including:

·    R v Jogee [2016] UKSC 8 and R v Johnson [2016] EWCA Crim 1613 on joint enterprise

·    R v Golds [2016] UKSC 61, R v Conroy [2017] EWCA Crim 81, R v Blackman [2017] EWCA Crim 190 and R v Joyce; R v Kay [2017] EWCA Crim 647 on diminished responsibility

·    R v Tarasov [2016] EWCA Crim 2278 on causation

·    R v Gurpinar [2015] EWCA Crim 178 on loss of control

·    R v Bowler [2015] EWCA Crim 849 and R v Rudling [2016] EWCA Crim 741 on gross negligence manslaughter

·    R v Ali (Yasir Ifran) [2015] EWCA Crim 1279 on rape

·    R v Hoxhalli [2016] EWCA Crim 724 on fraud

The new edition also includes a detailed examination of the Law Commission’s scoping report on non-fatal offences against the person.


1. Your criminal law toolkit

2. The anatomy of a crime

3. Key actus reus concepts

4. Key mens rea concepts

5. Homicide

6. Non-fatal offences against the person

7. Sexual offences

8. Property offences

9. Intoxication

10. Mental condition defences

11. Substantive defences

12. Inchoate offences

13. Accessories


Stuart Macdonald is Professor of Law at Swansea University. He has taught criminal law for over 15 years and has published widely on criminal justice issues, particularly the regulation of anti-social behaviour and counterterrorism legislation and policy.

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