Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach, Global Edition, 11th edition

Published by Pearson (October 30, 2024) © 2024

  • Joseph J. Martocchio University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



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For strategic compensation courses.

Connecting art and science in compensation practices

Strategic Compensation demonstrates the art and science of compensation practice and its role in a company's competitive advantage. It focuses on compensation context, criteria, design and challenges along with employee benefits at home and around the world. Through targeted activities and supporting course material, students build a solid foundation in the subject.

The 11th Edition features evolving compensation practices, statistics and business professionals' perspectives. Students gain the knowledge and skills needed to become successful compensation professionals in the field.

Hallmark features of this title

  • Company examples from AT&T, Amazon and Cedars Sinai illustrate leading-edge approaches to managing compensation challenges.
  • FYI boxes provide tidbits of info from survey research and extensive databases that illuminate trends, opinions and uses of compensation practices.
  • Crunch the Numbers exercises have students analyze data about compensation issues, bringing to light key skills they'll need in the field.
  • Ethics Dilemmas sections focus on individual decision making and behavior as well as the impact of ethical choices on employee welfare.
  • Compensation in Action boxes illustrate how line and staff managers put concepts into practice.
  • Working Together boxes let students collaborate through sharing ideas and coming up with a cohesive team response to the assignment.

New and updated features of this title

  • NEW: The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on remote work arrangements and pay rate determination is discussed.
  • NEW: A full discussion of pay transparency laws, which increasingly require companies to reveal important information such as pay ranges to job candidates and current employees, has been incorporated.
  • UPDATED: All statistics have been updated, and new trends and legal matters introduced and discussed.
  • NEW: Company examples illustrate leading edge practices and innovative approaches to managing compensation challenges.
  • NEW: A thorough presentation of pay equity facts, and challenges facing companies to ensure pay equity, is included.
  • UPDATED: An enhanced discussion of employee benefits communication and open enrolment has been added.
  • 3 NEW: Cases present pressing challenges to compensation and HR professions.


  1. Strategic Compensation: A Component of Human Resource Systems
  2. Contextual Influences on Compensation Practice


  1. Traditional Bases for Pay: Seniority and Merit
  2. Incentive Pay
  3. Person-Focused Pay


  1. Building Internally Consistent Compensation Systems
  2. Building Market-Competitive Compensation Systems
  3. Building Pay Structures that Recognize Employee Contributions


  1. Discretionary Benefits
  2. Legally Required Benefits


  1. Compensating Executives
  2. Contingent Workers, Remote Work and Flexible Work Schedule Arrangements


  1. Compensating Expatriates
  2. Pay and Benefits outside the United States

About our author

Joseph J. Martocchio's interest in the HR management field began while he was a junior at Babson College and in compensation, particularly, while he was a first-year graduate student at Michigan State University. He found himself wanting to practice in the field as well as to become a university professor and researcher. He pursued both professional desires starting with employment at Cameron and Colby (a reinsurance company) in Boston and General Electric's Aerospace business group in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.

Martocchio advanced his education in the human resource management (HRM) field by earning a master's degree and PhD degree at Michigan State University. His master's degree enabled him to build an even stronger foundation in practice, and his doctoral degree provided him with the skills to conduct scholarly research and teach college-level courses. Since earning his graduate degrees, he has been a professor in the School of Labor and Employment Relations at the University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign, and assumed administrative roles as a Provost Fellow, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, and Interim Dean. All the while, he has taught a variety of courses in the HRM field. These include compensation systems, employee benefits, employment systems (HRM and labor relations), HR planning and staffing, and statistics. He also teaches the compensation and statistics courses online. For many years, he served as the faculty advisor to the student chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management at the University of Illinois during which time students earned Merit Awards and Superior Merit awards on multiple occasions.

As a researcher, Martocchio has studied a variety of topics that include employee absenteeism, employee training and development, compensation systems, employee benefits, and generational diversity. His work appears in leading scholarly journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, and Personnel Psychology. Martocchio received the Ernest J. McCormick Award for Distinguished Early Career Contributions from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), and he was subsequently elected as a Fellow in both the American Psychological Association and SIOP. Following the attainment of this recognition, he served as the Chair of the HR Division of the Academy of Management as well as in various other leadership roles within that organization.

In 2018, a study in the Academy of Management Learning and Education revealed that Martocchio is in the top 1% of the most influential HRM authors out of a total of 9,744. Besides writing scholarly articles and Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach, he has 2 additional sole-authored textbooks: Human Resource Management (Pearson Higher Education), 15th edition, and Employee Benefits: A Primer for Human Resource Professionals (McGraw-Hill), 7th edition.

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