Principles of Marketing, 8th edition

Published by Pearson Higher Education (November 27, 2019) © 2020

  • Philip Kotler Northwestern University
  • Gary Armstrong University of North Carolina
  • Lloyd C. Harris University of Birmingham
  • Hongwei He University of Manchester
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One of the leading texts in marketing, now in a practical, digital eBook format

Principles of Marketing, 8th European Edition is ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate marketing programmes, blending the traditional aspects of marketing with contemporary concepts.

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About the authors


Part 1: Defining Marketing and the Marketing Process

  1. Marketing: creating customer value and engagement
  2. Company and marketing strategy: partnering to build customer engagement, value and relationships

Part 2: Understanding the marketplace and consumers

  1. Analysing the marketing environment
  2. Managing marketing information to gain customer insights
  3. Consumer markets and buyer behaviour
  4. Business markets and business buyer behaviour

Part 3: Designing a customer value-driven strategy and mix

  1. Customer-driven marketing strategy: creating value for target customers
  2. Products, services and brands: building customer value
  3. Developing new products and managing the product life cycle
  4. Pricing: understanding and capturing customer value
  5. Pricing strategies: additional considerations
  6. Marketing channels: delivering customer value
  7. Retailing and wholesaling
  8. Engaging consumers and communicating customer value: integrated marketing communications strategy
  9. Advertising and public relations
  10. Personal selling and sales promotion
  11. Direct, online, social media and mobile marketing

Part 4: Extending Marketing

  1. Creating competitive advantage
  2. The global marketplace
  3. Social responsibility and ethics

Appendix 1: Marketing plan

Appendix 2: Marketing by numbers



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