Principles of Electric Circuits: Conventional Current, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (June 15, 2021) © 2021

  • Thomas L. Floyd
  • David M. Buchla



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This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearsonhas worked closely with educators around the world to include content which isespecially relevant to students outside the United States.

For courses in DC/AC circuits: conventional flow.

Complete, accessible introductionto DC/AC circuits
Principles of Electric Circuits: Conventional Current Version
provides a uniquely clear introduction tofundamental circuit laws and components, using math only when needed forunderstanding. Floyd’s acclaimed coverage of troubleshooting — combined with exercises,examples, and illustrations — gives students the problem-solving experience they need to step outsidethe classroom and into a job. The 10th edition has beenheavily modified to improve readability and clarity and to update the text toreflect developments in technology since the last edition. This edition alsoadds new step-by-step procedures for solving problems with the TI-84 Plus CEgraphing calculator.

Basicsof electrical components and circuits

· Troubleshootingsections in many chapters relate to the topicscovered in the chapter and emphasize logical thinking and, where applicable, astructured approach called APM (analysis, planning, and measurement).Particular troubleshooting methods, such as half-splitting, are applied whenappropriate.

· Expanded - Newinstruments are described, and the textbuilds on discussions of arbitrary function generators (AGGs), arbitrarywaveform generators (AWGs), oscilloscopes and probes, gaussmeters, LCR meters,thermal imaging devices, and current pulser and tracers.

· Expanded - Newdevices and applications inthis edition include magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM),magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) generators, and wave traps in power line carriercommunication (PLCC). This edition also includes new or enhanced discussion ofSMD resistors, resistor power ratings, batteries, thermal imaging, ferrites andferrite beads, contactors, and motor starters.

· New - Discussionof dimensional analysis withexamples appears in the new edition to introduce students to a usefulproblem-solving method.

Realexamples and useful resources

· Expanded - Workedexamples and related problems throughouteach chapter illustrate basic concepts or specific procedures. Many exampleshave a Multisim® circuit exercise and most now also have anLTSpice circuit exercise.

· New - New to this edition are step-by-step procedures forsolving problems with the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator, includinggraphing examples, matrix algebra, and phasors.

· Student onlineresources include Digital Resources suchas problems and practice tests, and Circuit Simulations inMultisim 14 and LTSpice IV for selected examples, troubleshooting sections, andselected problems in the text.


· A Section Checkup atthe end of each section of a chapter poses questions or exercises emphasizingmain concepts in the section so students can check their comprehension as theygo.

· An Application Activity inmost chapters challenges students to apply chapter concepts in a practicalproblem. Many of the activities involve comparing circuit board layouts withschematics, analyzing circuits, using measurements to determine circuitoperation, and in some cases, developing simple test procedures.

· Updated - A sectionalized problem set appears at theend of each chapter; some problems in this edition are new or revised. Moredifficult problems are indicated with an asterisk.

· True/False Quiz,multiple-choice Self-Test, and Circuit Dynamics Quiz at the end of each chapter help students gauge theirunderstanding of chapter material.

Basicsof electrical components and circuits

· New instruments are described, and the text builds on discussions ofarbitrary function generators (AGGs), arbitrary waveform generators (AWGs),oscilloscopes and probes, gaussmeters, LCR meters, thermal imaging devices, andcurrent pulser and tracers.

· New devices andapplications in this edition includemagnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM), magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)generators, and wave traps in power line carrier communication (PLCC). This editionalso includes new or enhanced discussion of SMD resistors, resistor powerratings, batteries, thermal imaging, ferrites and ferrite beads, contactors,and motor starters.

· Discussion ofdimensional analysis with examples appears in the newedition to introduce students to a useful problem-solving method.

Realexamples and useful resources

· Worked examplesand related problems throughout eachchapter illustrate basic concepts or specific procedures. Many examples have aMultisim® circuit exercise and most now also have an LTSpicecircuit exercise.

· New to this edition are step-by-stepprocedures for solving problems with the TI-84 Plus CE graphingcalculator, including graphing examples, matrix algebra, and phasors.


· A sectionalized problem set appearsat the end of each chapter; some problems in this edition are new or revised.More difficult problems are indicated with an asterisk.

1. Quantities and Units
2. Voltage, Current, and Resistance
3. Ohm's Law
4. Energy and Power
5. Series Circuits
6. Parallel Circuits
7. Series-Parallel Circuits
8. Circuit Theorems and Conversions
9. Branch, Loop, and Node Analyses
10. Magnetism and Electromagnetism
11. Introduction to Alternating Current andVoltage
12. Capacitors
13. RC Circuits
14. Inductors
15. RL Circuits
16. Transformers
17. RLC Circuits and Resonance
18. Passive Filters
19. Circuit Theorems in AC Analysis
20. Time Response of Reactive Circuits
21. Three-Phase Systems in Power Applications

A. Table of Standard Resistor Values
B. Derivations
C. Capacitor Label Coding
D. NI Multisim for Circuit Simulation

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