Personality, Individual Differences and Intelligence, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (March 8, 2022) © 2022

  • John Maltby University of Leicester
  • Liz Day Sheffield Hallam University
  • Ann Macaskill Sheffield Hallam University



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Introduce your students to the fundamental issues surrounding personality, individual differences, and intelligence with this market-leading revised edition.

Personality, Individual Differences and Intelligence 5th edition discusses the above issues following a pedagogical approach accessible to students and explores how their integration applies to the United Kingdom and European curriculum. It also presents new sections such as the 'Dark Triad of Personality' and Trait Emotional Intelligence.

Presenting 150 new studies across the text and exploring current everyday themes like internet dating and social media use, this is a must-have updated edition that will keep your students engaged!

This edition includes a Companion Website with essay questions and resources for additional learning support to your students.

Hallmark Features in This Edition

  • The 'Stop and Think' series prompts your students to consolidate their understanding regarding the topics studied and reflect upon key issues, helping them develop their critical thinking skills.
  • Sections like the 'Critical Thinking' section follow a student-focused pedagogical approach to help your students build cognitive development skills.
  • The 'Career Focus' sections offer an insight into relevant professional avenues.
  • The 'Going Further' section encourages your students to take an independent study approach, contributing to their in-depth learning of the topics presented in the book.

New and updated features of this title

  • Over 150 new studies have been added across the book, presenting up-to-date data that will help your students connect current information with their knowledge and understanding of the topics introduced.
  • Upgraded and expanded content is now available for students to explore, on topics such as optimism and irrational beliefs, as part of the 'Applications in Individual Differences' section.
  • The new section, 'Dark Triad of Personality', will help students discuss the darker traits of human personality and how its qualities affect human attitude and relationships.
  • New theories such as the entity and incremental theories of intelligence are covered.
  • The book highlights work on trait emotional intelligence, approaching the subject from a pedagogical and critical point of view.
  • The content reviews new topics surrounding human intelligence and personality, using current everyday themes that are approachable to students, such as internet dating and personality, and social media use.

Features of Enhanced eTextbook for the 5th edition

Introducing the Pearson Enhanced eBook

From fully online delivery to blended learning, this is a digital textbook with integrated resources designed to keep your students engaged and support their learning.

Improve your students' learning experience.

  • Trusted textbook content. World-class textbook content from leading authors brought to life in eBook form.
  • Page Fidelity. Reflowable text brings an improved reading experience, with the page numbers of your eBook matching the printed text, making it easier to assign reading in course handouts.

Support your students' understanding with a range of interactive tools.

  • Self-assessment questions. Each enhanced eBook contains over 200 multiple choice questions with dedicated feedback.
  • End of chapter quizzes. Selected titles give students the opportunity to test their understanding of topics.

Find out more about Pearson eBooks.

PART 1 Personality and Individual Differences

  1. Personality Theory in Context
  2. The Basis of the Psychoanalytic Approach to Personality
  3. Developments of Freudian Theorising
  4. Learning Theory Perspectives on Personality
  5. Cognitive Personality Theories
  6. Humanistic Personality Theories
  7. The Trait Approach to Personality
  8. Biological Basis of Personality I: Genetic Heritability of Personality and Biological and Physiological Models of Personality
  9. Biological Basis of Personality II: Evolutionary Psychology and Animal Studies of Personality

PART 2 Intelligence

  1. An Introduction to Intelligence
  2. Theories and Measurement of Intelligence
  3. How Intelligence Tests are Used: What Questions Emerge from the Measurement of Intelligence?
  4. Heritability and Socially Defined Group Differences in Intelligence
  5. Intelligence and the Self: Emotional Intelligence, Creativity, and Sex Differences in Intelligence
  6. Personality and Intelligence in Education and Work

PART 3 Applications in Individual Differences

  1. Optimism
  2. Irrational Beliefs
  3. Social Anxiety, Shyness, and Embarrassment
  4. Interpersonal Relationships
  5. Social Attitudes and Culture
  6. Well-being and Personality Disorders
  7. Individual Differences in Health and Illness
  8. An Introduction to Psychometric Testing


References and further reading


Publisher's Acknowledgement

The following online chapters can be found on the website:

  1. Academic Argument and Thinking
  2. Statistical Terms
  3. Research Ethic

Professor John Maltby is a Professor of Differential Psychology at the University of Leicester.

Dr. Liz Day is a Senior Lecturer of Psychology at Sheffield Hallam University.

Professor Ann Macaskill is an Emeritus Professor at Sheffield Hallam University. She is a Health Psychologist and trained in cognitive behavioural therapy.

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