Java Software Solutions, Global Edition, 9th edition

Published by Pearson (June 21, 2018) © 2018

  • John Lewis Villanova University , Virginia Tech
  • William Loftus
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For courses in Java programming

Java Software Solutionsestablishes a strong foundation of programming techniques to foster well-designed object-oriented software. Heralded for its integration of small and large real-world examples, the worldwide best-selling text emphasises problem-solving and design skills and introduces students to the process of constructing high-quality software systems. The 9th Edition features a sweeping overhaul of Graphics Track coverage, to fully embrace the JavaFX API. This fresh approach enriches programmers’ understandings of core object-oriented principles. The text uses a natural progression of concepts, focusing on the use of objects before teaching how to write them—equipping students with the knowledge and skill they need to design true object-oriented solutions.

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1. Introduction

1.1 Computer Processing

1.2 Hardware Components

1.3 Networks

1.4 The Java Programming Language

1.5 Programming Development

1.6 Object-Oriented Programming


2. Data and Expressions

2.1 Character Strings

2.2 Variables and Assignment

2.3 Primitive Data Types

2.4 Expressions

2.5 Data Conversion

Software Failure: NASA Mars Climate Orbiter and Polar Lander


3. Using Classes and Objects

3.1 Creating Objects

3.2 The String Class

3.3 Packages

3.4 The Random Class

3.5 The Math Class

3.6 Formatting Output

3.7 Enumerated Types

3.8 Wrapper Classes

3.9 Introduction to JavaFX

3.10 Basic Shapes

3.11 Representing Colors


4. Writing Classes

4.1 Classes and Objects Revisited

4.2 Anatomy of a Class

4.3 Encapsulation

4.4 Anatomy of a Method

4.5 Constructors Revisited

4.6 Arcs

4.7 Images

4.8 Graphical User Interfaces

4.9 Text Fields

Software Failure: Denver Airport Baggage Handling System


5. Conditionals and Loops

5.1 Boolean Expressions

5.2 The If Statement

5.3 Comparing Data

5.4 The While Statement

5.5 Iterators

5.6 The ArrayList Class

5.7 Determining Event Sources

5.8 Managing Fonts

5.9 Checkboxes

5.10 Radio Buttons

Software Failure: Therac-25


6. More Conditionals and Loops

6.1 The Switch Statement

6.2 The Conditional Operator

6.3 The Do Statement

6.4 The For Statement

6.5 Using Loops and Conditionals with Graphics

6.6 Graphic Transformations


7. Object-Oriented Design

7.1 Software Development Activities

7.2 Identifying Classes and Objects

7.3. Static Class Members

7.4 Class Relationships

7.5 Interfaces

7.6 Enumerated Types Revisited

7.7 Method Design

7.8 Method Overloading

7.9 Testing

7.10 GUI Design

7.11 Key Events

Software Failure: 2003 Northeast Blackout


8. Arrays

8.1 Array Elements

8.2 Declaring and Using Arrays

8.3 Arrays of Objects

8.4 Command-Line Arguments

8.5 Variable Length Parameter Lists

8.6 Two-Dimensional Arrays

8.7 Polygons and Polylines

8.8 An Array of Color Objects

8.9 Choice Boxes

Software Failure: LA Air Traffic Control


9. Inheritance

9.1 Creating Subclasses

9.2 Overriding Methods

9.3 Class Hierarchies

9.4 Visibility

9.5 Designing for Inheritance

9.6 Inheritance in JavaFX

9.7 Color and Date Pickers

9.8 Dialog Boxes

Software Failure: Ariane 5 Flight 501


10. Polymorphism

10.1 Late Binding

10.2 Polymorphism via Inheritance

10.3 Polymorphism vis Interfaces

10.4 Sorting

10.5 Searching

10.6 Designing for Polymorphism

10.7 Properties

10.8 Sliders

10.9 Spinners


11. Exceptions

11.1 Exception Handling

11.2 Uncaught Exceptions

11.3 The Try-Catch Statement

11.4 Exception Propagation

11.5 The Exception Class Hierarchy

11.6 I/O Exceptions

11.7 Tool Tips and Disabling Controls

11.8 Scroll Panes

11.9 Split Panes and List Views


12. Recursion

12.1 Recursive Thinking

12.2 Recursive Programming

12.3 Using Recursion

12.4 Tiled Images

12.5 Fractals


13. Collections

13.1 Collections and Data Structures

13.2 Dynamic Representations

13.3 Linear Collections

13.4 Non-Linear Data Structures

13.5 The Java Collections API


Appendix A: Glossary

Appendix B: Number S

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