Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics, and the Life and Social Sciences, Global Edition, 14th edition

Published by Pearson (August 10, 2021) © 2022

  • Ernest F Haeussler Penn State University
  • Richard S. Paul Penn State University
  • Richard J. Wood Dalhousie University
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Thisbook is ideal for one- or two-semester or two- or three-quarter coursescovering topics in college algebra, finite mathematics, and calculus forstudents in business, economics, and the life and social sciences.
Introductory Mathematical Analysis forBusiness, Economics, and the Life and Social Sciences provides a mathematical foundation for students in avariety of fields and majors. The authors establish an emphasis on algebraiccalculations that sets this text apart from other introductory, appliedmathematics books. Because the process of calculating variables builds skillsin mathematical modeling, this emphasis paves the way for students to solvereal-world problems that use calculus.
The book's comprehensive structure—covering college algebra in Chapters0 through 4, finite mathematics in Chapters 5 through 9, and calculus inChapters 10 through 17—offers instructors flexibility in how they use thematerial based on the course they're teaching, the semester they're at, or whatthe students' background allows and their needs dictate. 

CHAPTER 0 Review of Algebra

0.1 Sets of Real Numbers

0.2 Some Properties of RealNumbers

0.3 Exponents and Radicals

0.4 Operations with AlgebraicExpressions

0.5 Factoring

0.6 Fractions

0.7 Equations, in ParticularLinear Equations

0.8 Quadratic Equations

Chapter 0 Review


CHAPTER 1 Applications and MoreAlgebra

1.1 Applications of Equations

1.2 Linear Inequalities

1.3 Applications of Inequalities

1.4 Absolute Value

1.5 Summation Notation

1.6 Sequences

Chapter 1 Review


CHAPTER 2 Functions and Graphs

2.1 Functions

2.2 Special Functions

2.3 Combinations of Functions

2.4 Inverse Functions

2.5 Graphs in RectangularCoordinates

2.6 Symmetry

2.7 Translations and Reflections

2.8 Functions of Several Variables

Chapter 2 Review


CHAPTER 3 Lines, Parabolas, andSystems

3.1 Lines

3.2 Applications and LinearFunctions

3.3 Quadratic Functions

3.4 Systems of Linear Equations

3.5 Nonlinear Systems

3.6 Applications of Systems ofEquations

Chapter 3 Review


CHAPTER 4 Exponential and LogarithmicFunctions

4.1 Exponential Functions

4.2 Logarithmic Functions

4.3 Properties of Logarithms

4.4 Logarithmic and ExponentialEquations

Chapter 4 Review




CHAPTER 5 Mathematics of Finance

5.1 Compound Interest

5.2 Present Value

5.3 Interest CompoundedContinuously

5.4 Annuities

5.5 Amortization of Loans

5.6 Perpetuities

Chapter 5 Review


CHAPTER 6 Matrix Algebra

6.1 Matrices

6.2 Matrix Addition and ScalarMultiplication

6.3 Matrix Multiplication

6.4 Solving Systems by ReducingMatrices

6.5 Solving Systems by ReducingMatrices (continued)

6.6 Inverses

6.7 Leontief's Input--OutputAnalysis

Chapter 6 Review


CHAPTER 7 Linear Programming

7.1 Linear Inequalities in TwoVariables

7.2 Linear Programming

7.3 The Simplex Method

7.4 Artificial Variables

7.5 Minimization

7.6 The Dual

Chapter 7 Review


CHAPTER 8 Introduction toProbability and Statistics

8.1 Basic Counting Principle andPermutations

8.2 Combinations and OtherCounting Principles

8.3 Sample Spaces and Events

8.4 Probability

8.5 Conditional Probability andStochastic Processes

8.6 Independent Events

8.7 Bayes' Formula

Chapter 8 Review


CHAPTER 9 Additional Topics inProbability

9.1 Discrete Random Variables andExpected Value

9.2 The Binomial Distribution

9.3 Markov Chains

Chapter 9 Review




CHAPTER 10 Limits and Continuity

10.1 Limits

10.2 Limits (Continued)

10.3 Continuity

10.4 Continuity Applied toInequalities

Chapter 10 Review


CHAPTER 11 Differentiation

11.1 The Derivative

11.2 Rules for Differentiation

11.3 The Derivative as a Rate ofChange

11.4 The Product Rule and theQuotient Rule

11.5 The Chain Rule

Chapter 11 Review


CHAPTER 12 AdditionalDifferentiation Topics

12.1 Derivatives of LogarithmicFunctions

12.2 Derivatives of ExponentialFunctions

12.3 Elasticity of Demand

12.4 Implicit Differentiation

12.5 Logarithmic Differentiation

12.6 Newton's Method

12.7 Higher-Order Derivatives

Chapter 12 Review


CHAPTER 13 Curve Sketching

13.1 Relative Extrema

13.2 Absolute Extrema on a ClosedInterval

13.3 Concavity

13.4 The Second-Derivative Test

13.5 Asymptotes

13.6 Applied Maxima and Minima

Chapter 13 Review


CHAPTER 14 Integration

14.1 Differentials

14.2 The Indefinite Integral

14.3 Integration with InitialConditions

14.4 More Integration Formulas

14.5 Techniques of Integration

14.6 The Definite Integral

14.7 The Fundamental Theorem ofCalculus

Chapter 14 Review


CHAPTER 15 Applications ofIntegration

15.1 Integration by Tables

15.2 Approximate Integration

15.3 Area Between Curves

15.4 Consumers' and Producers'Surplus

15.5 Average Value of a Function

15.6 Differential Equations

15.7 More Applications ofDifferential Equations

15.8 Improper Integrals

Chapter 15 Review


CHAPTER 16 Continuous RandomVariables

16.1 Continuous Random Variables

16.2 The Normal Distribution

16.3 The Normal Approximation tothe Binomial Distribution

Chapter 16 Review


CHAPTER 17 Multivariable Calculus

17.1 Partial Derivatives

17.2 Applications of PartialDerivatives

17.3 Higher-Order Partial Derivatives

17.4 Maxima and Minima forFunctions of Two Variables

17.5 Lagrange Multipliers

17.6 Multiple Integrals

Chapter 17 Review


APPENDIX A Compound InterestTables

APPENDIX B Table of SelectedIntegrals

APPENDIX C Areas Under theStandard Normal Curve

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