Introduction to Statistics and SPSS in Psychology, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (April 25, 2013) © 2013

  • Andrew Mayers Bournemouth University



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Introduction to Statistics and SPSS in Psychology guides the reader carefully and concisely up the statistics staircase to success. Each step is supported by helpful visuals as well as advice on how to overcome problems. Interactive, lively, but never patronising, this is the complete guide to statistics that will take readers through their degree course from beginning to end.

Take a step in the right direction and tackle statistics head on with this visual introduction.

This edition includes a Companion Website.

Statistics and SPSS are made clear through:

  • Full colour screenshots illustrating how to run a test in SPSS
  • Coverage of both ‘Repeated-measures MANOVA’ and ‘Multivariate ANCOVA’
  • Examples of tests already worked through demonstrating how they’ve been applied to actual psychological research
  • Nuts and bolts and Take a closer look boxes explaining statistical concepts in more detail
  • Explanations of how to calculate outcomes manually helping readers to understand the maths behind the tests

1. Introduction

2. SPSS: The Basics

3. Normal Distribution

4. Significance, effect size, and power

5. Experimental methods - how to choose the correct statistical test

6. Correlation

7. Independent t-test

8. Related t-test

9. Independent one-way ANOVA

10. Repeated-measures one-way ANOVA

11. Independent multi-factorial ANOVA

12. Repeated-measures multi-factorial ANOVA

13. Mixed multi-factorial ANOVA

14. Multivariate analyses

15. Analyses of covariance

16. Linear and multiple linear regression

17. Logistic regression

18. Non-parametric tests

19. Tests for categorical variables

20. Factor analysis

21. Reliability analysis





Dr Andrew Mayers is Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Bournemouth University

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