Financial Management for Decision Makers, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (November 13, 2024) © 2025

  • Peter Atrill University of Plymouth Business School
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The most up-to-date concepts in financial management, now in a practical, digital eTextbook format.

Financial Management for Decision Makers, 10th edition, offers the ideal introduction to the world of financial management and business decisions.

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  1. The world of financial management
  2. Financial planning
  3. Analysing and interpreting financial statements
  4. Making capital investment decisions
  5. Making capital investment decisions: further issues
  6. Financing a business 1: sources of finance
  7. Financing a business 2: raising long-term finance
  8. The cost of capital and the capital structure decision
  9. Making distributions to shareholders
  10. Managing working capital
  11. Measuring and managing for shareholder value
  12. Mergers and takeovers
  13. Valuing shares in a business

Appendix A Solutions to multiple choice questions

Appendix B Solutions to self-assessment questions

Appendix C Solutions to review questions

Appendix D Solutions to selected exercises

Appendix E Present value table

Appendix F Annual equivalent factor table



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