Field and Wave Electromagnetics, Pearson New International Edition, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (March 20, 2014) © 2014

  • David K. Cheng Syracuse University
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Respected for its accuracy, its smooth and logical flow of ideas, and its clear presentation, Field and Wave Electromagnetics has become an established textbook in the field of electromagnetics. This book builds the electromagnetic model using an axiomatic approach in steps: first for static electric fields, then for static magnetic fields, and finally for time-varying fields leading to Maxwell’s equations. This approach results in an organised and systematic development of the subject matter. Applications of derived relations to fundamental phenomena and electromagnetic technologies are explained.

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1. The Electromagnetic Model.


Introduction. The Electromagnetic Model. Si Units and Universal Constants. Review Questions.


2. Vector Analysis.


Introduction. Vector Addition and Subtraction. Products of Vectors. Orthogonal Coordinate Systems. Integrals Containing Vector Functions. Gradient of a Scalar Field. Divergence of a Vector Field. Divergence Theorem. Curl of a Vector Field. Stoke's Theorem. Two Null Identities. Helmholtz's Theorem. Review Questions. Problems.


3. Static Electric Fields.


Introduction. Fundamental Postulates of Electrostatics in Free Space. Coulomb's Law. Gauss's Law and Applications. Electric Potential. Conductors in Static Electric Field. Dielectrics in Static Electric Field. Electric Flux Density and Dielectric Constant. Boundary Conditions for Electrostatic Fields. Capacitances and Capacitors. Electrostatic Energy and Forces. Solution of Electrostatic Boundary-Value Problems. Review Questions. Problems.


4. Solution of Electrostatic Problems.


Introduction. Poisson's and Laplaces' Equations. Uniqueness of Electrostatic Functions. Method of Images. Boundary-Value Problems in Cartesian Coordinates. Boundary-Value Problems in Cylindrical Coordinates. Boundary-Value Problems in Spherical Coordinates. Review Questions. Problems.


5. Steady Electric Currents.


Introduction. Current Density and Ohm's Law. Electromotive Force and Kirchoff's Voltage Law. Equation of Continuity and Kirchoff's Current Law. Power Dissipation and Joule's Law. Boundary Conditions for Current Density. Resistance Calculations. Review Questions. Problems.


6. Static Magnetic Fields.


Introduction. Fundamental Postulates of Magnetostatics in Free Space. Vector Magnetic Potential. The Biot-Savart Law and Applications. The Magnetic Dipole. Magnetization and Equivalent Current Densities. Magnetic Field Intensity and Relative Permeability. Magnetic Circuits. Behavior of Magnetic Materials. Boundary Conditions for Magnetostatic Fields. Inductances and Inductors. Magnetic Energy. Magnetic Forces and Torques. Review Questions. Problems.


7. Time-Varying Fields and Maxwell's Equations.


Introduction. Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction. Maxwell's Equations. Potential Functions. Electromagnetic Boundary Conditions. Wave Equations and their Solutions. Time-Harmonic Fields. Review Questions. Problems.


8. Plane Electromagnetic Waves.


Introduction. Plane Waves in Lossless Media. Plane Waves in Lossy Media. Group Velocity. Flow of Electromagentic Power and the Poynting Vector. Normal Incidence of Plane Waves at a Plane Conducting Boundary. Oblique Incidence of Plane Waves at a Plane Conducting Boundary. Normal Incidence of Plane Waves at a Plane Dielectric Boundary. Normal Incidence of Plane Waves at Multiple Dielectric Interfaces. Oblique Incidence of Plane Waves at a Plane Dielectric Boundary. Review Questions. Problems.


9. Theory and Application of Transmission Lines


Introduction. Transverse Electromagnetic Wave Along a Parallel-Plate. Transmission Line General Transmission-Line Equations. Wave Characteristics on Finite Transmission Lines. Transients on Transmission Lines. The Smith Chart. Transmission-Line Impedance Matching. Review Questions. Problems.


10. Waveguides and Cavity Resonators.


Introduction. General Wave Behaviors Along Uniform Guiding Structures. Parallel-Plate Waveguide. Rectangular Waveguides. Circular Waveguides. Dielectric Waveguides. Cavity Resonators. Review Questions. Problems.


11. Antennas and Radiating Systems.


Introduction. Radia

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